spmenu-wiki/Cool spmenu tricks.md

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Cool spmenu tricks

This wiki article is intended to be a list of cool things you can do with spmenu that I find very useful, and have changed the way I use my computer.

  • clipmenu-spmenu

This is listed in User scripts too, but clipmenu is extremely useful. With clipmenu, everything in the clipboard is saved, and you can easily pull up a spmenu list of everything in your clipboard and then use it again.

If you're the kind of person that copies a lot of text all the time and then later wants to use that same text again, this script is extremely useful.

  • spmenu_run: Web searches

If you've read Functions in spmenu_run you're already aware that things like this can be done with ease, but here's another use of the run_post_func() function.

Open ~/.config/spmenu/run/config and add a function like this to the config:

run_post_func() {
    case "${1:0:1}" in # first char
        "s") query="$(printf "%s\n" "$1" | sed "s/s //; s/ /+/g")" && chromium

Note that you should replace http://localhost:8888 here with the search engine you use. Every search engine I've ever used uses this same format, though.

In this case statement, we're checking if the first character is s. If it is, we get everything except s from the input, and in the latter half of the sed we also replace all spaces with +, which search engines translate into a space.

You can easily add more search engines, too if you want.

run_post_func() {
    case "${1:0:1}" in # first char
        "s") query="$(printf "%s\n" "$1" | sed "s/s //; s/ /+/g")" && chromium
        "http://localhost:8888/search?q=$query" ;; "d") query="$(printf "%s\n"
        "$1" | sed "s/d //; s/ /+/g")" && chromium
        "https://duckduckgo.com/search?q=$query" ;; "r") query="$(printf "%s\n"
        "$1" | sed "s/r //; s/ /+/g")" && chromium

In this example, I've added duckduckgo searches using the d prefix and Reddit searches using the r prefix. Pretty cool.