spmenu-wiki/Using spmenu as a run launcher.md

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Using spmenu as a run launcher

spmenu provides an extensible Bash script called spmenu_run. This program handles listing of binaries in $PATH (all paths where binaries can be located), .desktop entries, file listing, and more. While it is just a Bash script, this is an advantage for those who like to extensively customize their run launcher. If you want to learn more about this, see Functions in spmenu_run.

When running it for the first time, you should get a helpful message telling you how it works, because chances are most spmenu users are using it for the run launcher component. After that, by default $PATH will be used. The default behaviour can be set in the configuration file, ~/.config/spmenu/run/config, which should be created when you run spmenu_run for the first time.

spmenu_run unlike dmenu_run does not pass arguments to the menu, because it uses arguments for itself. If you want to pass arguments to spmenu, you use the -a flag or --args. For example to set the prompt to Run:, you would do spmenu_run --args "--prompt Run:". spmenu_run accepts more arguments, and you can see all of them by running spmenu_run -h. Of course, you can see spmenu arguments by running spmenu -h.

General launcher

The normal, default run launcher mode lists out executables in $PATH. You can change the sorting of these items, as well as prevent duplicates. You can even choose to whitelist/blacklist certain entries in your config file.

As if this wasn't enough, if an awesome URL such as https://speedie.site is typed in, it will be opened in the user's default web browser. It should be noted that this also works with magnet links. You can also add your own. See Functions in spmenu_run for that.

If you prepend #, the selected item will be ran in the user's default terminal emulator instead of just a shell. For example, if you want to open vim you can just type in #vim. You can also prepend ?, which will open the man page for the selected item. For example ?spmenu will open the man page for spmenu. By default the man page will be displayed in spmenu, which is very useful. You can (of course) customize this. Typing in ? alone will display the help you saw the first time you used spmenu_run.

Desktop launcher

spmenu_run supports .desktop entries too. To use it, simply pass the -d argument to spmenu_run. By default it should take quite some time as it caches entries. To speed things up, arrays are used.

If IMAGE=true (default), images will also be parsed and displayed. You can set the directories spmenu will look for images in by overriding ICON_DIR in the config file. When an item is selected, the command will run as usual.

Note that when you want to display new entries, you need to refresh the cache.

File manager

spmenu_run provides a basic file manager. To use it, pass the -f argument to spmenu_run. If you wish, you can also specify a path after. It doesn't actually do anything except list out files and directories, change directories and open files. However its very useful in shell scripting. The entries are (by default) colorized, as the standard ls command supports this. You can pass extra arguments to ls by overriding LS_ARGS in your config.

If --stdout is passed, the last selected file is output to standard output. Otherwise the selected file will be opened in an appropriate program determined by the file extension.

Standard output

If you're going to be using spmenu_run to script, it may be useful to output the selected item to standard output rather than handling it directly. To enable this you can simply pass the -o flag or --stdout if you prefer. For example, to set a wallpaper you could do something like this:

spmenu_run -fm ~/Wallpapers --stdout | xargs xwallpaper --stretch

Binding keys

See your window manager/desktop environment configuration file/man page for more information.

More customization

For more advanced customization, you may want to consider using functions. It's not too difficult, especially if you're familiar with shell scripting. See Functions in spmenu_run for more information.