spmenu-wiki/articles/Contributing to the wiki.md
2023-07-03 17:43:51 +02:00

3.5 KiB

Contributing to the wiki

Anyone can contribute to this wiki. It's simple. The only requirement is basic Markdown and Git knowledge.

I accept contributions in the form of both new articles and edits to existing articles. In the past this wiki has editing enabled to the public, meaning anyone could edit any page or add new pages, but due to abuse that has since been disabled and removed.

Writing a good article

Pages/articles should be written in Markdown format, and should be located in the articles/ directory. They should all have the .md extension. The sidebar itself can be found there as well in the form of Sidebar.md. articles/Home.md is the article that is displayed on the index.

Before you submit your changes, you should test the wiki locally. You can get a copy of the wiki by cloning this Git repository. The copy you receive is identical to what is available to the public, and you can test the wiki using php. Install php from your distribution's package manager and run php -S localhost:<port>. The port here can be almost anything, but I go with 1337. Now you can go to http://localhost:<port> in your web browser and look at your article. If everything looks fine, you can continue.

When dealing with images, please put them in articles/images/. You can add an image using Markdown using ![Sample image](/articles/images/bliss.png) assuming the image is located in /articles/images/ and is named bliss.png. You can also link to images, but don't do this for original images.

To link to other pages, it is possible to do something like [Page](/articles/Home.md) but a better way is [[Home]]. Home is of course the title of the wiki article you're referencing.

NOTE: Please avoid using Setext header styles if possible. Please use atx styles instead. A Setext header might look like this:

Setext sucks

Setext sucks 2

To write this using atx header styles, do:

# atx rocks
## ats rocks 2

Creating a pull request

It is expected that you're familiar with Git, but regardless here are some basics. Create an account at my Gitea instance. If you don't trust me to keep your passwords safe (please don't), generate a password and use that when signing up. I would do this using pass generate git.speedie.site.

Now, go to the Git repository and fork the project using the 'Fork' button. You can now make your changes to the cloned copy of the wiki. If you've already made your changes elsewhere, change the remote using git remote remove origin and git remote add origin https://git.speedie.site/<your user>/spmenu-wiki. You can then commit, and push.

You can now go to your repository and create a pull request. I (or possibly maintainers) will review your changes and if it is good enough it will be merged. If it isn't good enough, maintainers may request some changes to be made before it can be merged. If it's really bad, it will be closed with no review labeled spam.


Please note that all documentation you submit is license under the CC-BY-SA 4.0. No dual licensing. The actual code (including all PHP) is licensed under the MIT license.


This is not the right place for social justice or other political issues. When submitting an issue or pull request, the quality of the issue or pull request is considered. Issues or pull requests regarding political issues will be closed.