spmenu-wiki/pages/Centered status bar.md

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Centered status bar

Thanks to Configuring the bar and the es modules, we can position the status text in the center similar to the splitstatus patch.

To do this, start off by copying bar.h to bar.rl.h. This is optional, but I highly recommend it. Now, you'll want to add a module like this.

{ -1, 0, bar_align_center, width_status_es, draw_status_es, click_status_es, 0, "extra status" },

We're using bar_align_center because we want it in the center, that's the point here. We're using es modules because we want to have status text in both the center and the usual right. In the default configuration, you'll (probably) want to remove the title module, or move it to the other bar to get the aesthetic you want. Now that you have the modules configured, compile this using make clean install.

To use the es modules, you simply add ; somewhere in the status text. Any text after will be considered extrastatus text. For example speedwm -s "Hello;World" will draw Hello as regular status text and World as extra status text in the center of the bar.

Usage in the status bar

The above is all cool and all, but if we want to use it with the built in status bar, we need to integrate it into the modules. There are many different ways this could be done, but we're going to do it the easiest here. In this example, we're going to put the time in the center and the rest will be in the normal status bar.

Copy status.h to status.rl.h and vim status.rl.h. Now we can remove the module_time module, because a duplicate is unnecessary. Let's add a module to the array like this.

{ ";", "module_time --print", 1, 1 },

Of course, the ; here switches to the centered status. Now we can run make clean install and restart speedwm_status. You should see your expected changes and the time should be in the center now.