Remove scripts, they're not necessary and haven't been used in a very

long time
This commit is contained in:
speedie 2023-07-02 04:08:29 +02:00
parent 649776d0d3
commit ab90b4df73
2 changed files with 0 additions and 100 deletions

View file

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
[ -z "$1" ] && printf "You must specify a markdown document to convert to HTML.\n"
pandoc -f markdown -t html5 -o "$1.html" "$1" && printf "Converted '%s' to HTML (see '')\n" "$1" $1" || exit 1
exit 0

View file

@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
# mkrsspost
# it just copies a html document to rss because im lazy as fuck
print() { printf "%s\n" "$*"; }
die() { clean; print "$*" >&2; exit 1; }
setvars() {
[ -z "$rssdir" ] && rssdir="../templates"
[ -z "$templatename" ] && templatename="mkrsspost_post.xml"
[ -z "$realrssdir" ] && realrssdir=".."
[ -z "$realrss" ] && realrss="rss.xml"
return 0
clean() {
rm -f /tmp/mkrsspost*
return 0
readname() {
printf "What's the name of the blog post? Example: 'My new blog post!'\n> "
read -r NAME
[ -z "$NAME" ] && printf "You must specify a name for the blog post.\n" && readname "$@" || return 0
readdate() {
printf "What's the date of the blog post? Example: 'Tue, 03 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000'. Enter 'now' to use the current date.\n> "
read -r DATE
[ -z "$DATE" ] && printf "You must specify a date for the blog post.\n" && readdate "$@"
[ "$DATE" = "now" ] && DATE="$(date "+%A, %d %b %Y %T %z")"
return 0
readlink() {
printf "What's the link to the blog post? This needs to be a path from the path to the RSS feed to the HTML post. Example: '/articles/my-post.php'.\n> "
read -r LINK
[ -z "$LINK" ] && printf "You must specify a link to the blog post.\n" && readlink "$@" || return 0
readguid() {
printf "What's the GUID (unique identifier) of the blog post? Example: '%s'. Enter 'link' to use '%s'.\n> " "$LINK" "$LINK"
read -r GUID
[ -z "$GUID" ] && printf "You must specify a GUID for the blog post.\n" && readguid "$@"
[ "$GUID" = "link" ] && GUID="$LINK"
return 0
readdesc() {
printf "What's the description (text) for the blog post?\n> "
read -r DESC
[ -z "$DESC" ] && printf "You must specify a description for the blog post.\n" && readdesc "$@"
[ -e "$DESC" ] && PT=false || PT=true
return 0
readq() {
[ -z "$NAME" ] && readname "$@"
[ -z "$DATE" ] && readdate "$@"
[ -z "$LINK" ] && readlink "$@"
[ -z "$GUID" ] && readguid "$@"
[ -z "$DESC" ] && readdesc "$@"
mk() {
[ "$PT" != "true" ] && DESC="$(cat "$DESC")"
sed "s|mkrsspost_title|$NAME|g; \
s|mkrsspost_link|$LINK|g; \
s|mkrsspost_guid|$GUID|g; \
s|mkrsspost_date|$DATE|g; \
s|mkrsspost_description|$DESC|g" \
/tmp/mkrsspost_template > $NAME-generated.rss.xml && print "Generated '$NAME-generated.rss.xml'." || die "Failed to generate item."
return 0
init() {
[ -e "$rssdir/$templatename" ] && cp "$rssdir/$templatename" "/tmp/mkrsspost_template" || die "Template doesn't exist. Edit the script to fix this or export \$rssdir, \$realrssdir, \$realrss, \$templatename."
readq "$@"
mk "$@"
# exiting
clean "$@"
return 0
init "$@" && exit 0 || exit 1