2023-06-19 23:56:29 +02:00

35 lines
1.4 KiB
Executable file

# Simple script for speedwm-swal which copies the current wallpaper to img/wallpaper and sets colors.
# Licensed under GNU GPLv3.
PREFIX="$HOME/.config" # Prefix
CWAL="$HOME/.config/wallpaper-spmenu/currentwallpaper" # Symlink to the current wallpaper
IPATH="$(readlink "$CWAL")" # Real path for current wallpaper, if CWAL is proper this doesn't need to be changed
# Copy current wallpaper to img/wallpaper
if [ -e "$IPATH" ]; then
/bin/cp "$IPATH" "$PREFIX/startpage/img/wallpaper"
printf "Wallpaper is not available, skipping.\n"
# Color for links
. "$PREFIX/startpage/colors"
# Set colors based on wal/colors
if [ -e "$HOME/.cache/wal/colors" ]; then
LINKCOLOR="$(sed -n 7,7p $HOME/.cache/wal/colors)"
PARACOLOR="$(sed -n 2,2p $HOME/.cache/wal/colors)"
HEADCOLOR="$(sed -n 4,4p $HOME/.cache/wal/colors)"
TXSXCOLOR="$(sed -n 8,8p $HOME/.cache/wal/colors)"
BGSXCOLOR="$(sed -n 13,13p $HOME/.cache/wal/colors)"
printf "a {\n color: ${LINKCOLOR};\n}\n" > "$PREFIX/startpage/fontcol.css"
printf "h1 {\n color: ${HEADCOLOR};\n}\n" >> "$PREFIX/startpage/fontcol.css"
printf "p {\n color: ${PARACOLOR};\n}\n" >> "$PREFIX/startpage/fontcol.css"
printf "input[type=search] {\n -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0px 1000px ${BGSXCOLOR} inset;\n -webkit-text-fill-color: ${TXSXCOLOR} !important;\n}\n" >> $PREFIX/startpage/fontcol.css
# update firefox colorscheme
command -v pywalfox > /dev/null && pywalfox update