2023-06-25 22:15:20 +02:00

195 lines
7.8 KiB

/* speedie's build of's simple terminal (st).
* This is a fork of suckless's st, a minimal in design, just works terminal emulator that by default does nothing more.
* Note that this terminal has a list of fonts (See 'Font options') that must be changed before installing.
* Additionally, if you use OpenBSD or FreeBSD, you must edit ''.
* If you use GNU/Linux, you should be able to recompile st provided all dependencies are installed.
* Note: To find out what to enter in *font, run 'fc-list | grep <fontname>'.
* Font options
static char *font[] = {
"DejaVu Sans Mono:size=8:antialias=true:autohint=true",
"Fantasque Sans Mono:size=8:style=Bold:antialias=true:autohint=true",
"Noto Color Emoji:size=7:antialias=true:autohint=true",
/* Window options */
int borderpx = 0; /* Size of the border around the text (in pixels) */
int allowaltscreen = 1; /* Allow alt screen */
int allowwindowops = 1; /* Allow insecure operations such as setting the clipboard text */
int windowdecorations = 1; /* Display window decoration (0/1) */
/* Execution options */
static char *shell = "/bin/sh"; /* Shell to execute -e requests with. */
char *stty_args = "stty raw pass8 nl -echo -iexten -cstopb 38400";
/* Character bounding-box multipliers */
static float cwscale = 1.0;
static float chscale = 1.0;
/* Character rendering offsets in pixels */
static float cxoffset = 0;
static float cyoffset = 0;
/* Text drawing options */
static int badweight = 0; /* Enable badweight detection? This can break certain fonts which is why it's disabled by default. */
static int brightbold = 0; /* Should bright text also be bold? */
static unsigned int cols = 80; /* Number of columns */
static unsigned int rows = 24; /* Number of rows */
wchar_t *worddelimiters = L" ";
/* Mouse options */
static unsigned int doubleclicktimeout = 300;
static unsigned int tripleclicktimeout = 600;
/* Text latency options */
static uint synctimeout = 200; /* Time before refreshing in milliseconds */
static double minlatency = 8; /* Minimum latency */
static double maxlatency = 33; /* Maximum latency */
/* Cursor options */
static unsigned int blinktimeout = 800; /* Cursor blink timeout in milliseconds */
static unsigned int cursorthickness = 2; /* Cursor thickness in pixels */
/* Boxdraw options
* 1: Render most of the lines/blocks characters without using the font for
* perfect alignment between cells (U2500 - U259F except dashes/diagonals).
* Bold affects lines thickness if boxdraw_bold is not 0. Italic is ignored.
* 0: Disable boxdraw (render all U25XX glyphs normally from the font).
int boxdraw = 1; /* Enable boxdraw */
int boxdraw_bold = 1; /* Draw boxdraw bold */
int boxdraw_braille = 0; /* Render braille as adjecent pixels */
/* Undercurl options
* Undercurl allows your terminal to draw undercurl instead of an underline.
* This looks nice to a lot of people.
* Curly:
* _ _ _ _
* ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
* (_) (_) (_) (_)
* To use Curly:
* Set undercurl to 1
* Spiky:
* /\ /\ /\ /\
* \/ \/ \/
* To use Spiky:
* Set undercurl to 2
* Capped:
* _ _ _
* / \ / \ / \
* \_/ \_/
* To use Capped:
* Set undercurl to 3
* To use the default (underline), set undercurl to 0.
static int understyle = 1; /* Undercurl style to use */
/* Bell options */
static int bellvolume = 0; /* Bell volume value between -100 and 100. 0 will disable it! */
/* Misc terminal options */
char *termname = "st-256color"; /* TERM value, underline will break if it is not set to st-* */
unsigned int tabspaces = 4; /* Number of spaces per tab. 8 is common, I prefer 4. */
/* Alpha options */
float alpha = 0.9; /* Background alpha/opacity between 0 and 1. */
float gradalpha = 0.54; /* Background gradient alpha value that will be changed */
float statalpha = 0.46; /* Alpha that will be added to gradalpha */
/* Gradient options */
static int gradient = 0; /* Enable alpha gradient (0/1) */
static int graddirection = 0; /* Direction of the gradient (0: down, 1: up) */
/* Color options
* These should be in HTML color format.
* Most terminals will have 8 regular colors followed by 8 (usually) bright colors.
* Bright colors have the 'b' prefix and normal colors have the 'n' prefix.
* You can also set these through .Xresources.
* Normal colors */
static char ncolor1[] = "#000000"; /* Normal color 1 */
static char ncolor2[] = "#ff5555"; /* Normal color 2 */
static char ncolor3[] = "#50fa7b"; /* Normal color 3 */
static char ncolor4[] = "#f1fa8c"; /* Normal color 4 */
static char ncolor5[] = "#bd93f9"; /* Normal color 5 */
static char ncolor6[] = "#ff79c6"; /* Normal color 6 */
static char ncolor7[] = "#8be9fd"; /* Normal color 7 */
static char ncolor8[] = "#bbbbbb"; /* Normal color 8 */
/* Bright colors */
static char bcolor1[] = "#44475a"; /* Bright color 1 */
static char bcolor2[] = "#ff5555"; /* Bright color 2 */
static char bcolor3[] = "#50fa7b"; /* Bright color 3 */
static char bcolor4[] = "#f1fa8c"; /* Bright color 4 */
static char bcolor5[] = "#bd93f9"; /* Bright color 5 */
static char bcolor6[] = "#ff79c6"; /* Bright color 6 */
static char bcolor7[] = "#8be9fd"; /* Bright color 7 */
static char bcolor8[] = "#ffffff"; /* Bright color 8 */
/* Misc colors */
static char bgcolor[] = "#111111"; /* Background color */
static char fgcolor[] = "#f8f8f2"; /* Foreground (text) color */
static char cscolor[] = "#ffffff"; /* Cursor color */
static char rccolor[] = "#555555"; /* Reverse cursor color */
/* Color index */
unsigned int defaultfg = 257; /* Foreground color number */
unsigned int defaultbg = 256; /* Background color number */
unsigned int defaultcs = 258; /* Selection color number */
unsigned int defaultrc = 259; /* Reverse selection color number */
unsigned int defaultattr = 11; /* Color for invalid fonts */
unsigned int defaultitalic = 7; /* Italic color number */
unsigned int defaultunderline = 7; /* Underline color number */
unsigned int selectionbg = 257; /* Background selection color number */
unsigned int selectionfg = 1; /* Foreground selected color number */
unsigned int ignoreselfg = 1;
/* Cursor shape/style options
* 0: Blinking block
* 1: Blinking block (default)
* 2: Steady block ("█")
* 3: Blinking underline
* 4: Steady underline ("_")
* 5: Blinking bar
* 6: Steady bar ("|")
* 7: Blinking ccursor cursor
* 8: Steady ccursor cursor
static unsigned int cursorstyle = 1; /* Cursor style to use */
static Rune stcursor = 0x2603; /* snowman ("☃") */
static unsigned int mouseshape = XC_xterm; /* Mouse shape, default is xterm-like */
static unsigned int mousefg = 7; /* Foreground cursor color */
static unsigned int mousebg = 0; /* Background cursor color */
/* Externalpipe commands */
static char *listurl[] = { "/bin/sh", "-c", "st_urllist", NULL };
static char *copyout[] = { "/bin/sh", "-c", "st_copyout", NULL };
static char *emojicopy[] = { "/bin/sh", "-c", "st_emojicopy", NULL };
/* URL click command
* This command, followed by the URL will be run by the shell.
static int clickurl = 1; /* Allow clicking on URLs */
static char *urlcmd = "xdg-open";