/* * If you want keys other than the X11 function keys (0xFD00 - 0xFFFF) * to be mapped below, add them to this array. */ static KeySym mappedkeys[] = { XK_space, XK_m, XK_i, XK_A, XK_B, XK_C, XK_D, XK_E, XK_F, XK_G, XK_H, XK_I, XK_K, XK_J, XK_L, XK_M, XK_N, XK_O, XK_P, XK_Q, XK_R, XK_S, XK_T, XK_U, XK_V, XK_W, XK_X, XK_Y, XK_Z, XK_Z, XK_0, XK_1, XK_2, XK_3, XK_4, XK_5, XK_6, XK_7, XK_8, XK_9, XK_exclam, XK_quotedbl, XK_numbersign, XK_dollar, XK_percent, XK_ampersand, XK_apostrophe, XK_parenleft, XK_parenright, XK_asterisk, XK_plus, XK_comma, XK_minus, XK_period, XK_slash, XK_colon, XK_semicolon, XK_less, XK_equal, XK_greater, XK_question, XK_at, XK_bracketleft, XK_backslash, XK_bracketright, XK_asciicircum, XK_underscore, XK_grave, XK_braceleft, XK_bar, XK_braceright, XK_asciitilde, };