
151 lines
4.5 KiB

/* spmenu dmenu theme
* This config should match vanilla dmenu as closely as possible. I am unable to tell the difference between the two. It should be noted though that SGR sequences are still displayed, so for this reason I've set them all to white.
* Also note that this config disables .Xresources, Pango and SGR sequence support, you can reenable it below if you want.
* For perfect dmenu compatibility, you may want to remap keybindings, making sure all of them work in "any mode".
spmenu = {
// General window options
window = ( { alpha = 0;
} );
// Text
text = ( { font = "monospace 10";
padding = 0;
leftarrow = "<";
rightarrow = ">";
password = "*";
prompt = "";
input = "";
} );
// Color
color = ( { itemnormfg = "#bbbbbb";
itemnormbg = "#222222";
itemselfg = "#eeeeee";
itemselbg = "#005577";
itemnormprifg = "#bbbbbb";
itemnormpribg = "#222222";
itemselprifg = "#eeeeee";
itemselpribg = "#005577";
inputfg = "#eeeeee";
inputbg = "#222222";
menu = "#222222";
promptfg = "#eeeeee";
promptbg = "#005577";
larrowfg = "#bbbbbb";
larrowbg = "#222222";
rarrowfg = "#bbbbbb";
rarrowbg = "#222222";
hlnormfg = "#ffffff";
hlnormbg = "#000000";
hlselfg = "#ffffff";
hlselbg = "#000000";
numfg = "#ffffff";
numbg = "#005577";
modefg = "#ffffff";
modebg = "#005577";
border = "#005577";
caretfg = "#ffffff";
caretbg = "#222222";
sgr0 = "#bbbbbb";
sgr1 = "#bbbbbb";
sgr2 = "#bbbbbb";
sgr3 = "#bbbbbb";
sgr4 = "#bbbbbb";
sgr5 = "#bbbbbb";
sgr6 = "#bbbbbb";
sgr7 = "#bbbbbb";
sgr8 = "#bbbbbb";
sgr9 = "#bbbbbb";
sgr10 = "#bbbbbb";
sgr11 = "#bbbbbb";
sgr12 = "#bbbbbb";
sgr13 = "#bbbbbb";
sgr14 = "#bbbbbb";
sgr15 = "#bbbbbb";
coloritems = 1;
sgr = 0;
} );
// Alpha options
alpha = ( { itemnormfg = 255;
itemnormbg = 255;
itemselfg = 255;
itemselbg = 255;
itemnormprifg = 255;
itemnormpribg = 255;
itemselprifg = 255;
itemselpribg = 255;
inputfg = 255;
inputbg = 255;
menu = 255;
promptfg = 255;
promptbg = 255;
larrowfg = 255;
larrowbg = 255;
rarrowfg = 255;
rarrowbg = 255;
hlnormfg = 255;
hlnormbg = 255;
hlselfg = 255;
hlselbg = 255;
numfg = 255;
numbg = 255;
border = 255;
caretfg = 255;
caretbg = 255;
modefg = 255;
modebg = 255;
} );
// Powerline options
powerline = ( { promptstyle = 0;
matchcountstyle = 0;
modestyle = 0;
prompt = 0;
matchcount = 0;
mode = 0;
} );
// Hide options
hide = ( { input = 0;
larrow = 0;
rarrow = 0;
items = 0;
prompt = 0;
powerline = 1;
caret = 0;
highlight = 1;
matchcount = 1;
mode = 1;
image = 1;
} );
// Match options
match = ( { sort = 1;
casesensitive = 1;
fuzzy = 0;
} );
// Xrdb
// .Xresources is disabled by default
xrdb = ( { xresources = 0;
global = 0;
} );
// Pango
pango = ( { item = 0;
highlight = 0;
prompt = 0;
input = 0;
leftarrow = 0;
rightarrow = 0;
numbers = 0;
mode = 0;
password = 0;
} );