2023-03-31 12:42:42 +02:00

119 lines
4.4 KiB

char buf[sizeof text], *p;
size_t i, imax = 0, itemsiz = 0;
unsigned int tmpmax = 0;
int w, h;
char *limg = NULL;
if (passwd){
inputw = lines = 0;
// read each line from stdin and add it to the item list
for (i = 0; fgets(buf, sizeof buf, stdin); i++) {
if (i + 1 >= itemsiz) {
itemsiz += 256;
if (!(items = realloc(items, itemsiz * sizeof(*items))))
die("cannot realloc %zu bytes:", itemsiz * sizeof(*items));
if ((p = strchr(buf, '\n')))
*p = '\0';
if (!(items[i].text = strdup(buf)))
die("cannot strdup %u bytes:", strlen(buf) + 1);
items[i].hp = arrayhas(hpitems, hplength, items[i].text);
drw_font_getexts(drw->font, buf, strlen(buf), &tmpmax, NULL, True);
if (tmpmax > inputw) {
inputw = tmpmax;
imax = i;
// parse image markup
if(!strncmp("IMG:", items[i].text, strlen("IMG:"))) {
if(!(items[i].image = malloc(strlen(items[i].text)+1)))
fprintf(stderr, "spmenu: cannot malloc %lu bytes\n", strlen(items[i].text));
if(sscanf(items[i].text, "IMG:%[^\t]", items[i].image)) {
items[i].text += strlen("IMG:")+strlen(items[i].image)+1;
} else {
items[i].image = NULL;
} else {
items[i].image = NULL;
// load image cache (or generate)
if (generatecache && longestedge <= 256 && items[i].image && strcmp(items[i].image, limg ? limg : "")) {
loadimagecache(items[i].image, &w, &h);
if(items[i].image) {
limg = items[i].image;
#else // remove the data, just for convenience
char *data;
if(!strncmp("IMG:", items[i].text, strlen("IMG:"))) {
if(!(data = malloc(strlen(items[i].text)+1)))
fprintf(stderr, "spmenu: cannot malloc %lu bytes\n", strlen(items[i].text));
if(sscanf(items[i].text, "IMG:%[^\t]", data)) {
items[i].text += strlen("IMG:")+strlen(data)+1;
/* TODO: use this for something
* current usage is not very useful, however it's here to be used later.
if(!(items[i].ex = malloc(strlen(items[i].text)+1)))
fprintf(stderr, "spmenu: cannot malloc %lu bytes\n", strlen(items[i].text));
if (!strncmp("spmenu:", items[i].text, strlen("spmenu:"))) {
if (sscanf(items[i].text, "spmenu:%[^\t]", items[i].ex)) {
items[i].text += strlen("spmenu:")+strlen(items[i].ex)+1;
// spmenu:version
if (!strncmp("version", items[i].ex, strlen("version"))) {
die("spmenu version %s", VERSION);
// spmenu:license
if (!strncmp("license", items[i].ex, strlen("license"))) {
die("spmenu is licensed under the MIT license. See the included LICENSE file for more information.");
// spmenu:about
if (!strncmp("about", items[i].ex, strlen("about"))) {
int i = system("printf \"spmenu $([ -f '/usr/share/spmenu/version' ] && cat /usr/share/spmenu/version || printf unknown)\\nBased on dmenu 5.2 from https://tools.suckless.org/dmenu\\nCompiled $([ -f '/usr/share/spmenu/compile-date' ] && cat /usr/share/spmenu/compile-date || printf Unknown)\\nCFLAGS: $([ -f '/usr/share/spmenu/cflags' ] && cat /usr/share/spmenu/cflags || printf unknown)\\nCC: $([ -f '/usr/share/spmenu/cc' ] && cat /usr/share/spmenu/cc || printf unknown)\\nDistro: $([ -f '/usr/share/spmenu/pkg_arch' ] && echo Arch || echo Installed manually)\\n\" | spmenu --columns 1 --lines 10 --hide-cursor --no-allow-typing --hide-mode --hide-match-count --hide-prompt --hide-powerline --hide-input --no-indent --no-color-items > /dev/null");
if (i||!i) exit(i);
// spmenu:test
if (!strncmp("test", items[i].ex, strlen("test"))) {
int i = system("command -v spmenu_test > /dev/null && spmenu_test");
if (i||!i) exit(i);
// clean
if (items) {
items[i].image = NULL;
items[i].text = NULL;
if (!limg) longestedge = imagegaps = 0;
inputw = items ? TEXTWM(items[imax].text) : 0;
lines = MIN(lines, i);