project( 'spmenu', 'c', version : '"3.5.0"', default_options : ['warning_level=3'] ) cc = meson.get_compiler('c') project_source_files = [ 'src/libs/draw/draw.c', 'src/spmenu.c', ] project_dependencies = [ dependency('cairo'), dependency('pango'), dependency('pangocairo'), cc.find_library('m', required : false), ] build_args = [ '-DVERSION=' + meson.project_version(), '-Wall', '-Wno-unused-parameter', '-Wno-sign-compare', ] if get_option('x11') project_dependencies += [ dependency('x11') ] project_dependencies += [ dependency('xrender') ] build_args += [ '-DX11' ] endif if get_option('wayland') project_dependencies += [ dependency('wayland-client') ] project_dependencies += [ dependency('wayland-scanner') ] project_dependencies += [ dependency('wayland-protocols') ] project_dependencies += [ dependency('xkbcommon') ] run_command('protocols/', check : true) project_source_files += [ 'src/libs/wl/wlr-layer-shell-unstable-v1-client-protocol.h' ] project_source_files += [ 'src/libs/wl/wlr-layer-shell-unstable-v1-protocol.c' ] project_source_files += [ 'src/libs/wl/xdg-output-unstable-v1-client-protocol.h' ] project_source_files += [ 'src/libs/wl/xdg-output-unstable-v1-protocol.c' ] project_source_files += [ 'src/libs/wl/xdg-shell-client-protocol.h' ] project_source_files += [ 'src/libs/wl/xdg-shell-protocol.c' ] build_args += [ '-DWAYLAND' ] endif if get_option('imlib2') and get_option('openssl') project_dependencies += [ dependency('imlib2') ] project_dependencies += [ dependency('openssl') ] build_args += [ '-DIMAGE' ] endif if get_option('fribidi') project_dependencies += [ dependency('fribidi') ] build_args += [ '-DRTL' ] endif if get_option('xinerama') and get_option('x11') project_dependencies += [ dependency('xinerama') ] build_args += [ '-DXINERAMA' ] endif if get_option('libconfig') project_dependencies += [ dependency('libconfig') ] build_args += [ '-DCONFIG' ] endif if get_option('xresources') and get_option('x11') build_args += [ '-DXRESOURCES' ] endif if get_option('regex') build_args += [ '-DREGEX' ] endif if get_option('fifo') build_args += [ '-DFIFO' ] endif project_target = executable( meson.project_name(), project_source_files, install : true, dependencies: project_dependencies, c_args : build_args, ) if get_option('man') and get_option('docs') install_man('spmenu.1') install_man('spmenu_test.1') if get_option('run') and get_option('docs') install_man('spmenu_run.1') endif endif if get_option('docs') install_data(sources : 'docs/spmenu.conf', install_dir : 'share/spmenu') install_data(sources : 'docs/spmenu_run.desktop', install_dir : 'share/applications') install_data(sources : 'docs/spmenu_desktop.desktop', install_dir : 'share/applications') install_data(sources : 'docs/spmenu_filemanager.desktop', install_dir : 'share/applications') install_data(sources : 'docs/spmenu.svg', install_dir : 'share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps') endif if get_option('run') install_data(sources : 'scripts/spmenu_run', install_dir : 'bin') install_data(sources : 'scripts/spmenu_path', install_dir : 'bin') install_data(sources : 'scripts/spmenu_fm', install_dir : 'bin') install_data(sources : 'scripts/spmenu_desktop', install_dir : 'bin') endif if get_option('test') install_data(sources : 'scripts/spmenu_test', install_dir : 'bin') endif test('spmenu', project_target)