Change indentation in config file, change font size

This commit is contained in:
Jacob 2023-08-07 19:29:36 +02:00
parent 495401e153
commit 40935e7591
2 changed files with 118 additions and 43 deletions

View file

@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
spmenu = {
/* General window options */
window = ( { position = 2; // Menu position (0: Bottom, 1: Top, 2: Center)
window = ( {
position = 2; // Menu position (0: Bottom, 1: Top, 2: Center)
monitor = -1; // Monitor to spawn spmenu on, (-1, 0, 1, ...)
protocol = 1; // Protocol to attempt to use by default (0: X11, 1: Wayland)
border = 0; // X11 window border size (px)
@ -23,19 +24,19 @@ spmenu = {
alpha = 1; // Enable alpha/transparency (0/1)
x = 0; // X position offset (px)
y = 0; // Y position offset (px)
} );
/* X11 properties */
properties = ( { class = "spmenu"; // _WM_CLASS property, for compatibility you may want to set it to 'dmenu'. (text)
properties = ( {
class = "spmenu"; // _WM_CLASS property, for compatibility you may want to set it to 'dmenu'. (text)
dock = 1; // Set _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK (0/1)
} );
/* Text */
text = ( { font = "Noto Sans Mono 8"; // Font to use for all text (text)
padding = 0; // Horizontal padding around the text globally (px)
normitempadding = 0; // Horizontal padding around the normal item text (px)
selitempadding = 0; // Horizontal padding around the selected item text (px)
priitempadding = 0; // Horizontal padding around the high priority item text (px)
text = ( {
font = "Noto Sans Mono 10"; // Font to use for all text (text)
leftarrow = "<"; // Left arrow text (text)
rightarrow = ">"; // Right arrow text (text)
password = "*"; // Password character (text)
@ -47,45 +48,70 @@ spmenu = {
regex = "Regex"; // Insert mode text when regex is enabled (text)
capslockon = "Caps Lock"; // Caps Lock On text (text)
capslockoff = ""; // Caps Lock Off text (text)
} );
padding = 0; // Horizontal padding around the text globally (px)
normitempadding = 0; // Horizontal padding around the normal item text (px)
selitempadding = 0; // Horizontal padding around the selected item text (px)
priitempadding = 0; // Horizontal padding around the high priority item text (px)
/* Colors */
color = ( { itemnormfg = "#bbbbbb"; // Normal item foreground color (#RRGGBB)
color = ( {
itemnormfg = "#bbbbbb"; // Normal item foreground color (#RRGGBB)
itemnormbg = "#110f1f"; // Normal item background color (#RRGGBB)
itemnormfg2 = "#bbbbbb"; // Normal next item foreground color (#RRGGBB)
itemnormbg2 = "#110f1f"; // Normal next item background color (#RRGGBB)
itemselfg = "#110f1f"; // Selected item foreground color (#RRGGBB)
itemselbg = "#8e93c2"; // Selected item background color (#RRGGBB)
itemmarkedfg = "#110f1f"; // Marked item foreground color (#RRGGBB)
itemmarkedbg = "#8e93c2"; // Marked item background color (#RRGGBB)
itemnormprifg = "#bbbbbb"; // Normal priority item foreground color (#RRGGBB)
itemnormpribg = "#110f1f"; // Normal priority item background color (#RRGGBB)
itemselprifg = "#110f1f"; // Selected priority item foreground color (#RRGGBB)
itemselpribg = "#8e93c2"; // Selected priority item background color (#RRGGBB)
inputfg = "#eeeeee"; // Input foreground color (#RRGGBB)
inputbg = "#110f1f"; // Input background color (#RRGGBB)
pretextfg = "#999888"; // Pretext foreground color (#RRGGBB)
pretextbg = "#110f1f"; // Pretext background color (#RRGGBB)
menu = "#110f1f"; // Menu color (#RRGGBB)
promptfg = "#110f1f"; // Prompt foreground color (#RRGGBB)
promptbg = "#c66e5b"; // Prompt background color (#RRGGBB)
larrowfg = "#bbbbbb"; // Left arrow foreground color (#RRGGBB)
larrowbg = "#110f1f"; // Left arrow background color (#RRGGBB)
rarrowfg = "#bbbbbb"; // Right arrow foreground color (#RRGGBB)
rarrowbg = "#110f1f"; // Right arrow background color (#RRGGBB)
hlnormfg = "#ffffff"; // Normal highlight foreground color (#RRGGBB)
hlnormbg = "#000000"; // Normal highlight background color (#RRGGBB)
hlselfg = "#ffffff"; // Selected highlight foreground color (#RRGGBB)
hlselbg = "#000000"; // Selected highlight background color (#RRGGBB)
numfg = "#110f1f"; // Match count foreground color (#RRGGBB)
numbg = "#eba62a"; // Match count background color (#RRGGBB)
modefg = "#110f1f"; // Mode indicator foreground color (#RRGGBB)
modebg = "#92c94b"; // Mode indicator background color (#RRGGBB)
capsfg = "#110f1f"; // Caps lock indicator foreground color (#RRGGBB)
capsbg = "#f8d3e6"; // Caps lock indicator background color (#RRGGBB)
border = "#8e93c2"; // Border color (#RRGGBB)
caretfg = "#ffffff"; // Caret (cursor) foreground color (#RRGGBB)
caretbg = "#110f1f"; // Caret (cursor) background color (#RRGGBB)
sgr0 = "#20201d"; // SGR 0 color (#RRGGBB)
sgr1 = "#d73737"; // SGR 1 color (#RRGGBB)
sgr2 = "#60ac39"; // SGR 2 color (#RRGGBB)
@ -105,62 +131,86 @@ spmenu = {
coloritems = 1; // Color the selected item (0/1)
sgr = 1; // Interpret SGR sequences (0/1)
} );
/* Alpha */
alpha = ( { itemnormfg = 255; // Normal item foreground alpha (0-255)
itemnormbg = 222; // Normal item background alpha (0-255)
itemnormfg2 = 255; // Normal next item foreground alpha (0-255)
itemnormbg2 = 222; // Normal next item background alpha (0-255)
itemselfg = 255; // Selected item foreground alpha (0-255)
itemselbg = 222; // Selected item background alpha (0-255)
itemmarkedfg = 255; // Marked item foreground alpha (0-255)
itemmarkedbg = 222; // Marked item background alpha (0-255)
itemnormprifg = 255; // Normal priority item foreground alpha (0-255)
itemnormpribg = 222; // Normal priority item background alpha (0-255)
itemselprifg = 255; // Selected priority item foreground alpha (0-255)
itemselpribg = 222; // Selected priority item background alpha (0-255)
inputfg = 255; // Input foreground alpha (0-255)
inputbg = 222; // Input background alpha (0-255)
pretextfg = 255; // Pretext foreground alpha (0-255)
pretextbg = 222; // Pretext background alpha (0-255)
menu = 222; // Menu alpha (0-255)
promptfg = 255; // Prompt foreground alpha (0-255)
promptbg = 222; // Prompt background alpha (0-255)
larrowfg = 255; // Left arrow foreground alpha (0-255)
larrowbg = 222; // Left arrow background alpha (0-255)
rarrowfg = 255; // Right arrow foreground alpha (0-255)
rarrowbg = 222; // Right arrow background alpha (0-255)
hlnormfg = 255; // Normal highlight foreground alpha (0-255)
hlnormbg = 222; // Normal highlight background alpha (0-255)
hlselfg = 255; // Selected highlight foreground alpha (0-255)
hlselbg = 222; // Selected highlight background alpha (0-255)
numfg = 255; // Match count foreground alpha (0-255)
numbg = 222; // Match count background alpha (0-255)
border = 255; // Border alpha (0-255)
caretfg = 255; // Caret (cursor) foreground alpha (0-255)
caretbg = 222; // Caret (cursor) background alpha (0-255)
modefg = 255; // Mode indicator foreground alpha (0-255)
modebg = 222; // Mode indicator background alpha (0-255)
capsfg = 255; // Caps Lock indicator foreground alpha (0-255)
capsbg = 222; // Caps Lock indicator background alpha (0-255)
} );
/* Powerline options */
powerline = ( { promptstyle = 2; // Prompt powerline style (0: >, 1: \, 2: ))
powerline = ( {
promptstyle = 2; // Prompt powerline style (0: >, 1: \, 2: ))
matchcountstyle = 2; // Match count powerline style (0: <, 1: /, 2: ()
modestyle = 2; // Mode indicator powerline style (0: <, 1: /, 2: ()
capsstyle = 2; // Caps lock indicator powerline style (0: <, 1: /, 2: ()
itemstyle = 2; // Item powerline style (0: <, 1: /, 2: ()
prompt = 1; // Enable prompt powerline (0/1)
matchcount = 1; // Enable match count powerline (0/1)
mode = 1; // Enable mode indicator powerline (0/1)
caps = 1; // Enable caps lock indicator powerline (0/1)
item = 1; // Enable item powerline (0/1)
} );
/* Hide options */
hide = ( { input = 0; // Hide input (0/1)
hide = ( {
input = 0; // Hide input (0/1)
pretext = 0; // Hide pretext (0/1)
larrow = 0; // Hide left arrow (0/1)
rarrow = 0; // Hide right arrow (0/1)
@ -173,10 +223,12 @@ spmenu = {
mode = 0; // Hide mode indicator (0/1)
caps = 0; // Hide caps lock indicator (0/1)
image = 0; // Hide images (0/1)
} );
/* Match options */
match = ( { sort = 1; // Sort items (0/1)
match = ( {
sort = 1; // Sort items (0/1)
casesensitive = 0; // Enable case sensitivity when matching (0/1)
fuzzy = 1; // Enable fuzzy finding by default (0/1)
regex = 0; // Enable regex matching by default (0/1)
@ -184,29 +236,37 @@ spmenu = {
mark = 1; // Allow marking/selecting multiple items (0/1)
delimiters = " /?\"&[]"; // Word delimiter, used to delete words (text)
listfile = "NULL"; // File to read entries from. If set to NULL standard input is read. This is read every time a key is pressed. (text)
} );
/* Line options */
line = ( { itemposition = 0; // Item position (0: Bottom, 1: Top)
line = ( {
itemposition = 0; // Item position (0: Bottom, 1: Top)
height = 1; // Height of each line (px)
lines = 0; // Number of lines (number)
columns = 10; // Number of columns (number)
overridelines = 1; // Allow overriding lines using keybinds (0/1)
overridecolumns = 1; // Allow overriding columns using keybinds (0/1)
indentitems = 0; // Indent items to prompt width (0/1)
} );
/* History options */
history = ( { max = 64; // Max number of entries (number)
history = ( {
max = 64; // Max number of entries (number)
duplicate = 0; // Save duplicate entries (0/1)
} );
/* Centered options */
center = ( { width = 1000; // Menu width when centered (px)
} );
center = ( {
width = 1000; // Menu width when centered (px)
/* Image options */
image = ( { width = 200; // Image width (px)
image = ( {
width = 200; // Image width (px)
height = 200; // Image height (px)
resize = 1; // Allow spmenu to resize itself to fit the image (0/1)
gaps = 0; // Image gaps (px)
@ -215,10 +275,12 @@ spmenu = {
cache = 1; // Cache images (0/1)
maxcache = 512; // Max image size to cache (px)
cachedir = "default"; // Cache directory. "default" means spmenu will determine automatically based on $XDG_CACHE_DIR
} );
/* File options */
file = ( { xresources = 1; // Load .Xresources on startup (0/1)
file = ( {
xresources = 1; // Load .Xresources on startup (0/1)
theme = 1; // Load theme (~/.config/spmenu/theme.conf) on runtime
binds = 1; // Load binds (~/.config/spmenu/binds.conf) on runtime
themefile = "NULL"; // Path to theme file to load on runtime. NULL means default.
@ -226,31 +288,41 @@ spmenu = {
screenshotfile = "NULL"; // Screenshot file path. NULL means default.
screenshotname = "NULL"; // Screenshot file name. NULL means default.
screenshotdir = "NULL"; // Screenshot file directory. NULL means default.
} );
/* Input options */
input = ( { fast = 1; // Grab keyboard before matching entries (0/1)
type = 1; // Allow typing
input = ( {
fast = 1; // Grab keyboard before matching entries (0/1)
type = 1; // Allow typing (0/1)
password = 0; // Don't read standard input and replace all characters with the password character (0/1)
} );
/* Caret options */
caret = ( { width = 0; // Caret width (0: Default) (px)
caret = ( {
width = 0; // Caret width (0: Default) (px)
height = 0; // Caret height (0: Default) (px)
padding = 0; // Caret padding (px)
} );
/* Output options */
output = ( { printindex = 0; // Print index instead of actual text (0/1)
output = ( {
printindex = 0; // Print index instead of actual text (0/1)
incremental = 0; // Print text on every keypress (0/1)
} );
/* Mode options */
mode = ( { default = 0; // Mode to start spmenu in (0: Normal mode, 1: Insert mode)
} );
mode = ( {
default = 0; // Mode to start spmenu in (0: Normal mode, 1: Insert mode)
/* Pango markup options */
pango = ( { item = 1; // Interpret Pango markup for items (0/1)
pango = ( {
item = 1; // Interpret Pango markup for items (0/1)
prompt = 1; // Interpret Pango markup for the prompt (0/1)
input = 1; // Interpret Pango markup for the input (0/1)
pretext = 1; // Interpret Pango markup for the pretext (0/1)
@ -260,7 +332,8 @@ spmenu = {
mode = 0; // Interpret Pango markup for the mode indicator (0/1)
caps = 0; // Interpret Pango markup for the caps lock indicator (0/1)
password = 0; // Interpret Pango markup for password input (0/1)
} );
/* Mouse bindings
@ -280,7 +353,8 @@ spmenu = {
scrolldistance = 512; // Distance to scroll for a scroll action to count. Wayland only (num)
ignoreglobalmouse = 1; // Ignore hardcoded mouse binds (0/1)
} );
/* Keys
@ -320,5 +394,6 @@ spmenu = {
{ ignoreglobalkeys = 1; // Ignore hardcoded keybinds (0/1)
forceinsertmode = 1; // Force insert mode to be used, disabling normal mode (0/1)
} ),

View file

@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ static char *capslockofftext = ""; /* Text to display for the caps loc
static int borderwidth = 0; /* Width of the border */
/* Font options */
static char font[] = "Noto Sans Mono 8"; /* Font to draw text and Pango markup with. */
static char font[] = "Noto Sans Mono 10"; /* Font to draw text and Pango markup with. */
static int textpadding = 0; /* Global text padding */
static int normitempadding = 0; /* Text padding for normal items */
static int selitempadding = 0; /* Text padding for the selected item */