Better document SGR sequences

This commit is contained in:
speedie 2023-07-22 05:17:28 +02:00
parent c0ba199ad0
commit 10ed06bac8
2 changed files with 156 additions and 46 deletions

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@ -673,34 +673,54 @@ for more information.
## SGR sequences
A basic supported SGR sequence looks like this: `\033[X;YZm`
SGR sequences (ANSI escape codes) can be used to set the color of spmenu items. Here's
a simple table of good SGR sequences. Note that sequences can also be combined,
and that this isn't the only way to format them.
Here, X specifies if you want normal or bright colors. Y specifies if you
want background or foreground. Z specifies the color number. You can add
another separator and background color before Z to also specify a background
| Sequence | Description |
| :----------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \033[0m | Reset foreground and background color and alpha |
| \033[0;3nm | Set foreground color to normal color index 'n' (0-7) |
| \033[1;3nm | Set foreground color to bright color index 'n' (0-7) |
| \033[0;4nm | Set background color to normal color index 'n' (0-7) |
| \033[1;4nm | Set background color to bright color index 'n' (0-7) |
| \033[38;2;r;g;bm | Set foreground color to a specified RGB color, r is red, g is green, b is blue |
| \033[48;2;r;g;bm | Set background color to a specified RGB color, r is red, g is green, b is blue |
| \033[38;5;nm | Set foreground color to color index 'n' (0-256) |
| \033[48;5;nm | Set background color to color index 'n' (0-256) |
| \033[39m | Reset foreground color and alpha |
| \033[49m | Reset background color and alpha |
| ; | Semicolon is used as a separator |
| m | Ends the sequence |
Foreground colors: `30` through `37`
Background colors: `40` through `47`
Reset: `0`
Other sequences *may* be supported but are not listed here. In any case, this allows
for all RGB colors to be theoretically used all at the same time.
NOTE: `;` is a separator, and in this example it separates the
color number and normal/bright. \033 may also be written as `^]` or simply `ESC`.
The separator may be omitted for some sequences, such as `\033[0m` which
resets the colorscheme.
For example, to set the foreground color to red and print 'Hello world',
one could do the following: `printf '\033[0;31mHello world\n" | spmenu`
This will set the foreground color to `sgr1` in the config/theme file.
You can do this for `sgr0` through `sgr7`. To access `sgr8` through `sgr15`
you use `\033[1` rather than `\033[0`, specifying that you want bright
colors to be used.
spmenu supports most color sequences, although not true color by default
(unless -sgr arguments are used).
As for 256 colors, you simply specify a value between 0 and 256. These colors
are built into spmenu and cannot be overridden. They are only really implemented
into spmenu for compatibility, in practice you should use true color sequences
instead, as they are much more flexible.
There are a few arguments, you can override SGR colors on-the-fly
using the `-sgrX` arguments. See 'Arguments' for more information.
True color is slightly more complicated. For example, to print black text on a
white background, one could do something like this:
`printf "\033[48;2;255;255;255;38;2;0;0;0mTest\033[0m\n" | spmenu`
Just as a tip, you can pipe your colored spmenu output to
`sed -e 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m//g'`. This will clear the SGR sequences from
the output. This is useful when you want to check what the output actually is.
This might look confusing if you aren't familiar with these sequences, but it's fairly
simple. First we set the background color and specify that this is a true color
sequence. (`48;2`) Then we set the red, green and blue channel to fully
opaque (`255;255;255` for red;green;blue), resulting in white. Then we repeat this
for a foreground color (`38;2`) but replace `255` with `0`, which results in
black. Do however note that you don't need to specify *both* a foreground and
background color.
256 color sequences are also supported, but due to the complexity involved, they
will not be covered in this man page.
**Note: Background colors will used until a reset sequence is found.**
## Pango markup and text formatting

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@ -722,38 +722,128 @@ It should be noted that font sequences are not yet supported.
See `SGR sequences' for more information.
.SS SGR sequences
A basic supported SGR sequence looks like this: \f[V]\[rs]033[X;YZm\f[R]
SGR sequences (ANSI escape codes) can be used to set the color of spmenu
Here\[cq]s a simple table of good SGR sequences.
Note that sequences can also be combined, and that this isn\[cq]t the
only way to format them.
Here, X specifies if you want normal or bright colors.
Y specifies if you want background or foreground.
Z specifies the color number.
You can add another separator and background color before Z to also
specify a background color.
lw(12.7n) lw(57.3n).
Reset foreground and background color and alpha
Set foreground color to normal color index `n' (0-7)
Set foreground color to bright color index `n' (0-7)
Set background color to normal color index `n' (0-7)
Set background color to bright color index `n' (0-7)
Set foreground color to a specified RGB color, r is red, g is green, b
is blue
Set background color to a specified RGB color, r is red, g is green, b
is blue
Set foreground color to color index `n' (0-256)
Set background color to color index `n' (0-256)
Reset foreground color and alpha
Reset background color and alpha
Semicolon is used as a separator
Ends the sequence
Foreground colors: \f[V]30\f[R] through \f[V]37\f[R] Background colors:
\f[V]40\f[R] through \f[V]47\f[R] Reset: \f[V]0\f[R]
Other sequences \f[I]may\f[R] be supported but are not listed here.
In any case, this allows for all RGB colors to be theoretically used all
at the same time.
NOTE: \f[V];\f[R] is a separator, and in this example it separates the
color number and normal/bright.
\[rs]033 may also be written as \f[V]\[ha]]\f[R] or simply
The separator may be omitted for some sequences, such as
\f[V]\[rs]033[0m\f[R] which resets the colorscheme.
For example, to set the foreground color to red and print `Hello world',
one could do the following:
\f[V]printf \[aq]\[rs]033[0;31mHello world\[rs]n\[dq] | spmenu\f[R] This
will set the foreground color to \f[V]sgr1\f[R] in the config/theme
You can do this for \f[V]sgr0\f[R] through \f[V]sgr7\f[R].
To access \f[V]sgr8\f[R] through \f[V]sgr15\f[R] you use
\f[V]\[rs]033[1\f[R] rather than \f[V]\[rs]033[0\f[R], specifying that
you want bright colors to be used.
spmenu supports most color sequences, although not true color by default
(unless -sgr arguments are used).
As for 256 colors, you simply specify a value between 0 and 256.
These colors are built into spmenu and cannot be overridden.
They are only really implemented into spmenu for compatibility, in
practice you should use true color sequences instead, as they are much
more flexible.
There are a few arguments, you can override SGR colors on-the-fly using
the \f[V]-sgrX\f[R] arguments.
See `Arguments' for more information.
True color is slightly more complicated.
For example, to print black text on a white background, one could do
something like this:
\f[V]printf \[dq]\[rs]033[48;2;255;255;255;38;2;0;0;0mTest\[rs]033[0m\[rs]n\[dq] | spmenu\f[R]
Just as a tip, you can pipe your colored spmenu output to
\f[V]sed -e \[aq]s/\[rs]x1b\[rs][[0-9;]*m//g\[aq]\f[R].
This will clear the SGR sequences from the output.
This is useful when you want to check what the output actually is.
This might look confusing if you aren\[cq]t familiar with these
sequences, but it\[cq]s fairly simple.
First we set the background color and specify that this is a true color
(\f[V]48;2\f[R]) Then we set the red, green and blue channel to fully
opaque (\f[V]255;255;255\f[R] for red;green;blue), resulting in white.
Then we repeat this for a foreground color (\f[V]38;2\f[R]) but replace
\f[V]255\f[R] with \f[V]0\f[R], which results in black.
Do however note that you don\[cq]t need to specify \f[I]both\f[R] a
foreground and background color.
256 color sequences are also supported, but due to the complexity
involved, they will not be covered in this man page.
\f[B]Note: Background colors will used until a reset sequence is
.SS Pango markup and text formatting
Because spmenu uses Pango and Cairo for text drawing, Pango markup can