# Contributing to spmenu Some tips for contributing to the wiki. For contributing to the wiki, see [[Contributing to the wiki]]. ## Hacking - When making changes to the Markdown files (except README.md), you **must** run `scripts/spmenu_make docs` before commiting. This command will generate new documentation using pandoc. ## Licensing - All contributions to the documentation are licensed under the CC-BY-SA 4.0 license. - All contributions made to the codebase are licensed under the MIT license. ## Before submitting issues Before submitting an issue, please note the following: - macOS is not supported anymore, and as such if it's an issue with macOS *please* do not open an issue. Instead, add a note to [[Using spmenu on macOS]]. - If you're using Gentoo or other source based GNU/Linux distributions, please check your USE flags for libraries spmenu depends on if you're not sure. In rare cases, your distribution maintainer may have disabled something. - This mainly applies for crashes, but if you're on a non-GNU system, or use a different libc, please specify so in your issue. - If there is a segmentation fault, please provide the core dump or the gdb output if possible. ## See also - [[Extensive code documentation]] - Page dedicated to the spmenu codebase. - [[Contributing to the wiki]] - Page dedicated to contributing to the wiki.