spmenu-wiki/pages/User themes.md

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2023-04-24 19:33:59 +02:00
User themes
spmenu has since version 0.3 supported profiles. Profiles allow the user to bring up a list of themes (or options in general) and override options on-the-fly. This in itself is done through a shell script called `spmenu_profile` bundled with spmenu. This script interacts with spmenu. If you press `Ctrl+Shift+p` with the default configuration, a list of profiles should pop up. By default you likely have none, and that's maybe also why you're here.
This wiki article is supposed to be a list of themes for spmenu. Users may edit this article to add their own profiles with credit given of course, and users may download others' profiles to use with spmenu.
There are two different types of profiles. There are config files and profiles. Config files should either be included from your spmenu.conf or simply replace your spmenu.conf (the latter is more common) but profiles are in .Xresources syntax and should be placed in `~/.config/spmenu/profiles/` for the profile list to find it.
Tip: Use `Ctrl+f` to search through the page.
### Rules for editors
- Must be licensed under a free (as in freedom) license.
- No duplicates, we don't need multiple versions of Nord for example.
- Please try to use stable hosting if possible for links. If this is not possible, consider [emailing me](mailto:speedie@speedie.site) so I can host it on my site.
- You may not edit 'Official profiles' or 'Official config files' unless I have forgotten to include a profile or config file
- Outdated profiles may be removed if necessary. Please try to maintain it, if you don't have time to do so a disclaimer would be nice.
### Official profiles
- [Catppuccin](https://git.speedie.site/spmenu/plain/themes/legacy/Catppuccin)
- Author: [speedie](https://speedie.site) ([speedie@speedie.site](mailto:speedie@speedie.site))
- This profile implements the [Catppuccin theme](https://github.com/catppuccin/catppuccin) into spmenu which all furries seem to like.
- [Cyberpunk Neon](https://git.speedie.site/spmenu/plain/themes/legacy/Cyberpunk-Neon)
- Author: [speedie](https://speedie.site) ([speedie@speedie.site](mailto:speedie@speedie.site))
- This profile implements the [Cyberpunk Neon colorscheme](https://github.com/Roboron3042/Cyberpunk-Neon) into spmenu. This was partially taken from the [st patch](https://st.suckless.org/patches/cyberpunk-neon/), credit where credit is due.
- [Doom One](https://git.speedie.site/spmenu/plain/themes/legacy/Doom-One)
- Author: [speedie](https://speedie.site) ([speedie@speedie.site](mailto:speedie@speedie.site))
- This profile implements the [Doom One](https://github.com/doomemacs/themes) colorscheme into spmenu. For those of you that like DistroTube's dmenu, this should get you close to that look.
- [Dracula](https://git.speedie.site/spmenu/plain/themes/legacy/Dracula)
- Author: [speedie](https://speedie.site) ([speedie@speedie.site](mailto:speedie@speedie.site))
- This profile implements the [Dracula](https://draculatheme.com/) colorscheme into spmenu.
- [Gruvbox (Dark)](https://git.speedie.site/spmenu/plain/themes/legacy/Gruvbox-Dark)
- Author: [speedie](https://speedie.site) ([speedie@speedie.site](mailto:speedie@speedie.site))
- This profile implements the [Gruvbox Dark](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox) colorscheme into spmenu.
- [Disable global colors](https://git.speedie.site/spmenu/plain/themes/legacy/No-Global-Colors)
- Author: [speedie](https://speedie.site) ([speedie@speedie.site](mailto:speedie@speedie.site))
- This profile disables global colors, meaning programs like Pywal will not function with spmenu. This is nice if you want to use Pywal everywhere except spmenu.
- [Nord](https://git.speedie.site/spmenu/plain/themes/legacy/Nord)
- Author: [speedie](https://speedie.site) ([speedie@speedie.site](mailto:speedie@speedie.site))
- This profile implements the [Nord](https://www.nordtheme.com/) colorscheme into spmenu.
- [Solarized (Dark)](https://git.speedie.site/spmenu/plain/themes/legacy/Solarized-Dark)
- Author: [speedie](https://speedie.site) ([speedie@speedie.site](mailto:speedie@speedie.site))
- This profile implements the [Solarized](https://ethanschoonover.com/solarized/) colorscheme into spmenu. Specifically the 'Dark' variant.
- [Tokyo Night](https://git.speedie.site/spmenu/plain/themes/legacy/Tokyo-Night)
- Author: [speedie](https://speedie.site) ([speedie@speedie.site](mailto:speedie@speedie.site))
- This profile implements the [Tokyo Night](https://github.com/enkia/tokyo-night-vscode-theme) colorscheme into spmenu, ported from the VS Code theme.
### Official config files
- [dmenu](https://git.speedie.site/spmenu/plain/themes/dmenu.conf)
- Author: [speedie](https://speedie.site) ([speedie@speedie.site](mailto:speedie@speedie.site))
- This config tries to match dmenu as closely as possible, even stripping away spmenu only features to an extent.
- [Default](https://git.speedie.site/spmenu/plain/docs/spmenu.conf)
- Author: [speedie](https://speedie.site) ([speedie@speedie.site](mailto:speedie@speedie.site))
- This config is the default configuration for spmenu. This is automatically installed to `/usr/share/spmenu/spmenu.conf` so you *usually* don't need a copy of this.
### User-submitted profiles
### User-submitted config files