# W2 wiki W2 wiki is a web-based, wiki-like notepad that you can host yourself. ## Notable features: - Elegant text markup: - Uses [Markdown Syntax](https://github.com/codeling/w2wiki/blob/master/pages/MarkdownSyntax.md). - It supports double-brackets [[like this]] to link to another page in the wiki by title - It supports double-braces {{like this}} to link to an uploaded image - Minimalistic but functional interface: - Fits to screen nicely when viewed on iPhone, with custom icon for adding to home screen - HTML5 compliant output - Title & content search - Filesystem storage (no database required) in plain Markdown text files. - Rudimentary git integration to commit & push each page edit - Localization support (currently en/ja translations available) - Image uploading support - Optionally password-protected - Unlike cloud / hosted solutions, you retain control of your data - Written in PHP for portability and hackability - Extremely compact (only a few .php files and a .css file) ## Installation & Configuration See [Installation instructions](https://github.com/codeling/w2wiki/blob/master/INSTALL.md). ## Security Notice In its current form, W2 wiki is not security-hardened; it's recommended to only run on an additionally secured server (e.g. in a small, private network for one user only; and secured behind a VPN and/or HTTPS with basic authentication). ## License W2 is licensed under the [MIT license](https://github.com/codeling/w2wiki/blob/master/LICENSE). ## Acknowledgements Originally written by [Steven Frank](https://github.com/panicsteve/w2wiki) and others, with modifications by - [44uk](https://github.com/44uk/w2wiki) - [knee-cola](https://github.com/knee-cola/w2wiki) - [namvan](https://github.com/namvan/w2wiki) - [nickodell](https://github.com/nickodell/w2wiki) - [pilem](https://github.com/pilem/w2) W2 wiki uses [PHP Markdown](https://github.com/michelf/php-markdown) by Michel Fortin for rendering Markdown to HTML. The [Markdown syntax](https://github.com/codeling/w2wiki/blob/master/pages/MarkdownSyntax.md) description is taken from [daringfireball.net](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax). Maintainer of this fork is [codeling](https://github.com/codeling/w2wiki). ## Reporting Bugs Please report bugs in [the github issue tracker](https://github.com/codeling/w2wiki/issues) of this fork.