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-- Dependencies --
These are absolutely necessary, speedwm will NOT compile without them
- libxft-bgra (Can be installed through 'make <distro>-libxftfix')
- NOTE: libXft will do but will cause speedwm and as such all your applications to crash if a colored emoji is displayed in the status bar.
- libXinerama
- Can be disabled through editing config.mk if you're not interested in multiple monitors.
- imlib2
-- Features --
These are dependencies if you wanna use certain features
NOTE: Do not add any of these to .xinitrc or similar. They are going to be autostarted by speedwm.
If you want to use an alternative, change it in options.h.
- dmenu
- NOTE: dmenu is required for most scripts included with this build of speedwm. My build is required for Pywal support.
- NOTE 2: The build must have the 'grid' patch. If yours does not have this, you can patch it in or get my build here: https://codeberg.org/speedie/dmenu
- picom
- xclip (Required for clipboard support by a few scripts, will start automatically)
- xwallpaper (Required to set wallpapers automatically)
- xmodmap (Install if you want Escape instead of Caps Lock and Right Super+hjkl for arrow keys)
- xrdb (Install if you want .Xresources support)
- pywal (Install if you want pywal support. Requires swal aka the default way to set wallpapers)
- wmctrl (Needed for proper window management)
- xsetroot (Needed for most scripts including Pywal support)
- slock (Required for screen locking)
- maim (Required for built in 'speedwm-screenshotutil' script)
-- Software --
This build of speedwm comes with binds for software.
These must be installed by default but you can change what software is required by editing 'options.h' and running 'make clean install'.
You can also remove keybinds by editing 'keybinds.h' and running 'make clean install'.
- st (Terminal)
- firefox (Web browser)
- htop (Status monitor)
- newsboat (RSS reader)
- zathura (PDF reader)
- alsa-utils (Required for audio controls)
- mocp (Default music player)
- vim (Text editor)
- neomutt (Email client)
- maim (Screenshot tool, automatically copies to clipboard using xclip)
- vifm (File manager)
- slock (Lock screen)
And everything under 'Features'.