
245 lines
12 KiB

!! speedwm configuration file
!! This is the speedwm configuration file. It will be loaded on startup provided it is located in ~/.config/speedwm-de/speedwmrc.
!! If it is not, you need to manually load it.
!! To reload settings during runtime, run 'speedwm.run -r'.
!! NOTE: This configuration file is not and will never be compatible with speedwm 0.9 and older.
!! Version 1.0 changed every single value and as such, compatibility with older versions was lost.
!! Bar options
- speedwm.bar.height: 8 !! Height of the bar in pixels (<num>)
- speedwm.bar.position: 1 !! Position of the bar (0: Bottom, 1: Top)
- speedwm.bar.paddingh: 10 !! Horizontal padding (extra space) around the bar in pixels (<num>)
- speedwm.bar.paddingv: 10 !! Vertical padding (extra space) around the bar in pixels (<num>)
!! Bar module options
- speedwm.bar.hide: 0 !! Hide the bar by default (0/1)
- speedwm.bar.hide.tags: 0 !! Hide the tags (0/1)
- speedwm.bar.hide.emptytags: 1 !! Hide the tags that have no windows open (0/1)
- speedwm.bar.hide.powerline: 0 !! Hide the powerline drawn over the tags (0/1)
- speedwm.bar.hide.floating: 0 !! Hide the floating window indicator (0/1)
- speedwm.bar.hide.layout: 0 !! Hide the layout indicator (0/1)
- speedwm.bar.hide.sticky: 0 !! Hide the sticky indicator (0/1)
- speedwm.bar.hide.status: 0 !! Hide the status bar (0/1)
- speedwm.bar.hide.systray: 1 !! Hide the systray (0/1)
- speedwm.bar.hide.title: 0 !! Hide the window title (0/1)
- speedwm.bar.hide.unseltitle: 1 !! Hide the unselected window title (0/1)
- speedwm.bar.hide.icon: 0 !! Hide the window icon (0/1)
!! Layout indicator options
- speedwm.bar.layoutposition: 1 !! Position of the layout indicator (0: Right, 1: Left)
!! Border options
- speedwm.border.roundedcorners: 0 !! Enable rounded corners around the border of windows (0/1)
- speedwm.border.cornerradius: 2 !! Corner radius when rounded corners are enabled (<num>)
- speedwm.border.size: 1 !! Size of the border around windows in pixels (<num>)
!! Client options
- speedwm.client.allowurgent: 1 !! Allow windows to have the 'urgent' status (0/1)
- speedwm.client.autoresize: 1 !! Allow windows to resize themselves on demand (0/1)
- speedwm.client.decorhints: 1 !! Respect decoration hints for windows (0/1)
- speedwm.client.fade.inactive: 1 !! Fade inactive windows (windows that are not focused) (0/1)
- speedwm.client.fade.windows: 1 !! Fade windows (0/1)
- speedwm.client.floatscratchpad: 0 !! Float a scratchpad window when it is shown (0/1)
- speedwm.client.savefloat: 1 !! Save the position of floating windows when they are no longer floating (0/1)
- speedwm.client.swallow: 1 !! Allow clients to be swallowed by the terminal emulator (0/1)
- speedwm.client.swallowfloating: 1 !! Also allow floating clients to be swallowed (0/1)
- speedwm.client.wmclass: 1 !! Enable workaround for when a class cannot be grabbed from a client (0/1)
!! Font options
- speedwm.fonts.font1: NotoSans-Regular:size=8:antialiasing=true
- speedwm.fonts.font2: fontawesome:size=8:antialiasing=true
- speedwm.fonts.font3: Noto Color Emoji:size=8:antialiasing=true
!! Color options
- speedwm.col.background: #222222
- speedwm.col.layout: #99b3ff
- speedwm.col.layouttext: #000000
- speedwm.col.status0: #131210
- speedwm.col.status1: #bf616a
- speedwm.col.status2: #A16F9D
- speedwm.col.status3: #68ABAA
- speedwm.col.status4: #A89F93
- speedwm.col.status5: #D3A99B
- speedwm.col.status6: #AFC9AC
- speedwm.col.status7: #eae1cb
- speedwm.col.status8: #a39d8e
- speedwm.col.status9: #6D5E8E
- speedwm.col.status10: #a16f9d
- speedwm.col.status11: #d3a99b
- speedwm.col.status12: #afc9ac
- speedwm.col.status13: #eae1cb
- speedwm.col.status14: #6d5e8e
- speedwm.col.status15: #ffffff
- speedwm.col.systray: #222222
- speedwm.col.tag1: #99b3ff
- speedwm.col.tag1.text: #eeeeee
- speedwm.col.tag2: #99b3ff
- speedwm.col.tag2.text: #eeeeee
- speedwm.col.tag3: #99b3ff
- speedwm.col.tag3.text: #eeeeee
- speedwm.col.tag4: #99b3ff
- speedwm.col.tag4.text: #eeeeee
- speedwm.col.tag5: #99b3ff
- speedwm.col.tag5.text: #eeeeee
- speedwm.col.tag6: #99b3ff
- speedwm.col.tag6.text: #eeeeee
- speedwm.col.tag7: #99b3ff
- speedwm.col.tag7.text: #eeeeee
- speedwm.col.tag8: #99b3ff
- speedwm.col.tag8.text: #eeeeee
- speedwm.col.tag9: #99b3ff
- speedwm.col.tag9.text: #eeeeee
- speedwm.col.tagurgent: #f0e68c
- speedwm.col.textnorm: #bbbbbb
- speedwm.col.textsel: #eeeeee
- speedwm.col.titlenorm: #222222
- speedwm.col.titlesel: #99b3ff
- speedwm.col.titlehid: #222222
- speedwm.col.windowbordernorm: #000000
- speedwm.col.windowbordersel: #eeeeee
- speedwm.col.windowborderurg: #f0e68c
!! Color toggles
- speedwm.color.hiddentitle: 1 !! Color the hidden title (0/1)
- speedwm.color.layout: 0 !! Color the layout indicator (0/1)
- speedwm.color.selectedtitle: 0 !! Color the selected title (0/1)
!! Cursor options
- speedwm.cursor.warp: 1 !! Warp the cursor to the next focused window/monitor (0/1)
!! Focus options
- speedwm.focus.spawned: 0 !! Focus the newly spawned window or keep focus (0/1)
!! Fullscreen options
- speedwm.fullscreen.hidebar: 1 !! Hide the bar when a client is fullscreened (0/1)
- speedwm.fullscreen.lockfullscreen: 1 !! Lock the fullscreen (0/1)
- speedwm.fullscreen.movefullscreenmon: 0 !! Allow moving fullscreened windows to another monitor (0/1)
!! Gap options
- speedwm.gaps.enable: 1 !! Enable gaps around the windows
- speedwm.gaps.sizeih: 10 !! Horizontal inner gap size (<num>)
- speedwm.gaps.sizeiv: 10 !! Vertical inner gap size (<num>)
- speedwm.gaps.sizeoh: 10 !! Horizontal outer gap size (<num>)
- speedwm.gaps.sizeov: 10 !! Vertical outer gap size (<num>)
- speedwm.gaps.smartgaps: 0 !! Enable different gap size when only one client is spawned (0/1)
- speedwm.gaps.smartgapsize: 0 !! Size of the gaps when only one client is spawned (0/1)
!! Icon options
- speedwm.icon.size: 10 !! Size of the window icon in the taskbar (<num>)
- speedwm.icon.spacing: 5 !! Spacing between icon and text in the taskbar (<num>)
!! Layout options
!! Deck layout
- speedwm.layout.deck.count: 0 !! Enable deck count in the deck layout (0/1)
!! Format of the deck count where %d is the deck count (string)
- speedwm.layout.deck.format: [%d]
!! Dynamic Grid layout
- speedwm.layout.dgrid.forcevsplit: 1 !! Force vertical splits in the dynamic grid layout (0/1)
!! Monocle layout
- speedwm.layout.monocle.clientcount: 0 !! Enable client count in the monocle layout (0/1)
- speedwm.layout.monocle.count: 0 !! Enable focused client and number of total clients in the monocle layout (0/1)
!! Format of the monocle count where %d is the monocle count (string)
- speedwm.layout.monocle.format: [%d/%d]
!! mfact options
- speedwm.mfact: 0.50 !! Default mfact (0-1)
- speedwm.mfact.lowest: 0.05 !! Lowest possible mfact (0-1)
!! Mouse options
- speedwm.mouse.clicktofocus: 0 !! Require clicking on a window to focus or focus when the cursor touches it (0/1)
- speedwm.mouse.mfact: 1 !! Enable adjusting mfact with your mouse (0/1)
- speedwm.mouse.cfact: 1 !! Enable adjusting cfact with your mouse (0/1)
- speedwm.mouse.mousepreview: 1 !! Enable previewing tags by hovering over them with your cursor (0/1)
!! Rule options
- speedwm.rule.refresh: 1 !! Allow rules to be refreshed if a title/class changes (0/1)
!! Stack options
- speedwm.stack.attachdirection: 3 !! Direction to attach windows in (0: Default, 1: Above, 2: Aside, 3: Below, 4: Bottom, 5: Top)
- speedwm.stack.centerfloating: 1 !! Center floating windows (0/1)
- speedwm.stack.i3mcount: 0 !! Enable i3 like nmaster/mastercount (0/1)
- speedwm.stack.mastercount: 1 !! Number of master clients in the master stack to start with (0/1)
- speedwm.stack.snap: 20 !! Snap pixel (<char>)
!! Status options
!! Text to print when no status bar is running. Empty means nothing.
- speedwm.status.defaultstatus:
!! Status bar script to run
- speedwm.status.status: status
- speedwm.status.statusallmons: 1 !! Display status text on all monitors (0/1)
!! Switcher options
- speedwm.switcher.maxheight: 200 !! Max height of the switcher in pixels (<char>)
- speedwm.switcher.maxwidth: 600 !! Max width of the switcher in pixels (<char>)
- speedwm.switcher.menupositionv: 1 !! Menu position of the switcher vertically (0: Bottom, 1: Center, 2: Top)
- speedwm.switcher.menupositionh: 1 !! Menu position of the switcher horizontally (0: Left, 1: Center, 2: Right)
!! Systray options
- speedwm.systray.padding: 2 !! Extra padding between status and systray (0/1)
- speedwm.systray.pinning: 0 !! Always show systray on the focused monitor or <num> (0/<monitor number>)
- speedwm.systray.position: 0 !! Position of the systray horizontally (0: Right, 1: Left)
!! Tag options
- speedwm.tag.pertag: 1 !! Allow tags to have their own values (0/1)
- speedwm.tag.preview: 1 !! Enable tag previews (0/1)
- speedwm.tag.preview.bar: 0 !! Include the bar in the tag preview (0/1)
- speedwm.tag.preview.paddingh: 0 !! Extra horizontal padding between the tag preview and the edge of the screen (<num>)
- speedwm.tag.preview.paddingv: 0 !! Extra vertical padding between the tag preview and the bar (<num>)
- speedwm.tag.preview.scale: 2 !! Amount to scale down the preview picture by (<num>)
- speedwm.tag.resetgaps: 1 !! Reset gaps when the tag has no clients (0/1)
- speedwm.tag.resetlayout: 1 !! Reset layout when the tag has no clients (0/1)
- speedwm.tag.resetmfact: 1 !! Reset mfact when the tag has no clients (0/1)
- speedwm.tag.start: 1 !! Start on a tag on startup (0/1)
- speedwm.tag.underline: 0 !! Draw an underline on the tags (0/1)
- speedwm.tag.underlineall: 0 !! Show underline on all tags or just the selected tags (0/1)
- speedwm.tag.underlinepad: 5 !! Horizontal padding between the underline and tag (<num>)
- speedwm.tag.underlinestroke: 2 !! Height of the underline in pixels (<num>)
- speedwm.tag.underlinevoffset: 0 !! How far above the bottom of the bar the line should appear (<num)
- speedwm.tag.urgentwindows: 1 !! Color tags that have urgent tags on them (0/1)
!! Tiling options
- speedwm.tiling.resizehints: 0 !! Enable resize hints (0/1)
!! Shell to run commands with (<char>)
- speedwm.run.shell: /bin/sh
!! You have reached the bottom of the speedwm config file.
!! It may be used as a reference for writing a config file from scratch, or simply copied somewhere and edited.
!! Defaults here should more or less represent the settings in the speedwm source code.