-- Additional note on autostart -- If you wish to add autostart entries without recompiling, consider using $HOME/.config/speedwm/autostart.sh. This is a path added to autostart.h and you can fill it with anything you want. You can also use speedwm-autostart. This is a binary that will be executed if it is in $PATH. Do note that it will NOT just run once. It will run every time you restart and start speedwm (signals count as well). To get around this, you may wrap stuff in a function in the script and have some way of checking if it has ran before. If it hasn't, call the function. An alternative is to use the $HOME/.config/speedwm/autostart_once.sh path. This one is autostarted by speedwm_run and is therefore not hardcoded and not affected by speedwm restarting. Just like the previous autostart script, it does not exist so you need to create it.