Keybinds for regular applications - Super+Shift+Enter - Opens the defined terminal (default is st) - Super+Shift+Colon - Opens an spmenu prompt - Super+Shift+s - Opens 'maim' to take a screenshot and copies it to the clipboard using 'xclip' (requires speedwm-extras) - Super+Shift+f - Opens the defined file manager - Super+Shift+w - Opens the defined web browser - Super+Shift+o - Opens the speedwm-dfmpeg spmenu script to record your screen. (requires speedwm-extras) - Super+Shift+t - Opens the defined editor in your terminal - Super+Shift+m - Kills the defined music player - Super+Shift+a - Opens the defined mixer in your terminal - Super+Shift+m - Opens the defined music player - Super+Shift+x - Opens the defined system process viewer in your terminal - Super+Shift+c - Opens the defined chat client - Super+Shift+d - Opens iron in the terminal if it is installed - Super+Shift+u - Opens the defined RSS reader - Super+Shift+r - Opens the defined email client These keybinds are for navigating speedwm - Super+f - Fullscreen the selected window - Super+b - Show/hide the speedwm bar - Super+s - Show/hide the systray - Super+j/k - Move focus between visible windows - Super+m - Moves focus to the Master window (or back if Master is already focused) - Super+a/d - Increase/decrease size of each window - Super+w/e - Resize the window keeping the aspect ratio of it. - Super+o - Hide a window - Super+Minus - Show the scratchpad - Super+Equal - Remove the scratchpad - Super+Enter - Switch order of windows - Super+Colon - Open a list of desktop entries in spmenu - Super+Tab - Switch between windows on the same tag. (Microsoft Windows-like Alt+Tab) - Super+v - Center the focused window. - Super+0 - Reset mfact - Super+r - Reset number of masters - Super+y - Make the current selected window sticky - Super+d - Focus the previous monitor. - Super+/ - Focus the next monitor. - Super+. - Increase bar padding by 1 - Super+, - Decrease bar padding by 1 - Super+\ - Toggle mark on a client. - Super+] - Swap focused client with the marked client. - Super+[ - Swap focus with the marked client. - Super+1 - Move to tag 1 - Super+2 - Move to tag 2 - Super+3 - Move to tag 3 - Super+4 - Move to tag 4 - Super+5 - Move to tag 5 - Super+6 - Move to tag 6 - Super+7 - Move to tag 7 - Super+8 - Move to tag 8 - Super+9 - Move to tag 9 - Super+Shift+1 - Preview tag 1 - Super+Shift+2 - Preview tag 2 - Super+Shift+3 - Preview tag 3 - Super+Shift+4 - Preview tag 4 - Super+Shift+5 - Preview tag 5 - Super+Shift+6 - Preview tag 6 - Super+Shift+7 - Preview tag 7 - Super+Shift+8 - Preview tag 8 - Super+Shift+9 - Preview tag 9 - Super+Shift+q - Close the current window - Super+Shift+\ - Kill all clients except focused. - Super+Shift+. - Increase bar padding and gaps by 1 - Super+Shift+, - Decrease bar padding and gaps by 1 - Super+Shift+/ - Reset bar padding and gaps - Super+Shift+h/j/k/l - Rotates a stack. - Super+Shift+Arrow - Resizes a window in floating mode - Super+Shift+Escape - Ask the user if they want to shutdown or reboot or nothing - Super+Shift+Tab - Switch between windows and tags in detail. - Super+Shift+Equal - Toggle scratchpads - Super+Shift+Minus - Hide the scratchpad - Super+Shift+Space - Toggle floating windows - Super+Control+1 - Combine the current tag with tag 1 - Super+Control+2 - Combine the current tag with tag 2 - Super+Control+3 - Combine the current tag with tag 3 - Super+Control+4 - Combine the current tag with tag 4 - Super+Control+5 - Combine the current tag with tag 5 - Super+Control+6 - Combine the current tag with tag 6 - Super+Control+7 - Combine the current tag with tag 7 - Super+Control+8 - Combine the current tag with tag 8 - Super+Control+9 - Combine the current tag with tag 9 - Super+Control+q - Mutes your audio - Super+Control+w - Increases your volume - Super+Control+e - Decreases your volume - Super+Control+0 - Tag all tags at once. - Super+Control+Enter - Mirror the layout - Super+Control+i - Increase stackcount by 1 - Super+Control+u - Decrease stack count by 1 - Super+Control+z/x - Increase/decrease gaps between windows by 5 - Super+Control+j/k - Move focus between hidden windows (Can then 'Show') - Super+Control+Arrow - Moves a window to any corner of your screen (Arrow key) - Super+Control+Tab - Open a spmenu prompt asking the user what layout to switch to - Super+Control+o - Show a hidden focused window - Super+Control+a/d - Move to the next/previous tag - Super+Control+Shift+o - Show all hidden windows - Super+Control+Shift+p - Hide all windows - Super+Control+Shift+z/c - Move to the next/previous tag skipping any without windows open - Super+Control+Shift+a/d - Move between available layouts - Super+Control+Shift+1 - Move the focused window to tag 1 - Super+Control+Shift+2 - Move the focused window to tag 2 - Super+Control+Shift+3 - Move the focused window to tag 3 - Super+Control+Shift+4 - Move the focused window to tag 4 - Super+Control+Shift+5 - Move the focused window to tag 5 - Super+Control+Shift+6 - Move the focused window to tag 6 - Super+Control+Shift+7 - Move the focused window to tag 7 - Super+Control+Shift+8 - Move the focused window to tag 8 - Super+Control+Shift+9 - Move the focused window to tag 9 - Super+Control+Shift+Esc - Open speedwm-utils (requires speedwm-extras) - Super+Control+Shift+Arrow - Resize the window to the screen size. - Super+Control+Shift+s - Set a wallpaper (requires speedwm-extras) - Super+Control+Shift+n - Connect to WLAN using iwd (requires speedwm-extras) - Super+Control+Shift+b - Connect to a Bluetooth device using bluez (requires speedwm-extras) - Super+Control+Shift+q - Pauses your music - Super+Control+Shift+w - Decreases your music volume - Super+Control+Shift+e - Increase your music volume - Super+Control+Shift+r - Restart speedwm - Super+Control+Shift+j/k - Change window size vertically (cfact) - Super+Control+Shift+Equal - Increase bar height by 1 - Super+Control+Shift+Minus - Decrease bar height by 1 Chained keybinds - Super+r & s - Run screenkey if its not running, otherwise kill it. - Super+t & r - Reorganize tags and move windows - Super+t & t - Toggle tag area in the bar - Super+t & y - Toggle empty tag area in the bar - Super+t & w - Toggle title area in the bar - Super+t & u - Toggle unselected title area in the bar - Super+t & s - Toggle status area in the bar - Super+t & l - Toggle layout area in the bar - Super+t & o - Toggle inactive fade - Super+t & r - Reset all bar modules - Super+t & s - Make the current selected window sticky - Super+g & t - Toggle gaps - Super+g & 0 - Reset gaps - Super+g & i - Increase inner gaps by 1 - Super+g & o - Increase outer gaps by 1 - Super+g & j/k - Increase/decrease gaps between windows by 1 - Super+p & j/k - Increase/decrease bar padding by 1 - Super+p & u/d - Increase/decrease bar padding by 5 - Super+p & r - Reset bar padding to default - Super+p & t - Toggle bar padding on/off - Super+, & r - Reset powerline options - Super+l & q - Rotate forward in the layout axis - Super+l & w - Rotate forward in the master axis - Super+l & e - Rotate forward in the stack axis - Super+l & r - Rotate forward in the secondary stack axis - Super+l & q - Rotate backwards in the layout axis - Super+l & w - Rotate backwards in the master axis - Super+l & e - Rotate backwards in the stack axis - Super+l & r - Rotate backwards in the secondary stack axis - Super+l & 1 - Set layout to layout 0 - Super+l & 2 - Set layout to layout 1 - Super+l & 3 - Set layout to layout 2 - Super+l & 4 - Set layout to layout 3 - Super+l & 5 - Set layout to layout 4 - Super+l & 6 - Set layout to layout 5 - Super+l & 7 - Set layout to layout 6 - Super+l & 8 - Set layout to layout 7 - Super+l & 9 - Set layout to layout 8 - Super+l & 0 - Set layout to layout 9 - Super+Shift+g & i - Decrease inner gaps by 1 - Super+Shift+g & o - Decrease outer gaps by 1 - Super+Shift+e & a - Open the virtual keyboard - Super+Shift+e & e - Open a list of all emojis and copy the selection - Super+Shift+e & r - Randomize wallpaper - Super+Shift+e & p - Set wallpaper to the previous These will only work if your keyboard has special multimedia buttons. - Mute button - Mutes your audio - Up Volume button - Increases your volume - Next/Previous song button - Switch to the next/previous track - Down Volume button - Decreases your volume - Pause button - Pauses the current track - Stop button - Stops your defined music player - Browser button - Opens your defined web browser - Power button - Ask if you wanna shut down, restart or lock your computer. (requires speedwm-extras) - Email button - Open your defined email client - System button - Open your defined status viewer in a terminal - Music button - Open your defined music player - WLAN button - Disconnect from WLAN (requires speedwm-extras) These binds can be activated using your mouse - Tag (Left click) - Switch to tag - Tag (Scrolling up/down) - Switch to the next/previous tag - Layout indicator (Left click) - Switch to the next layout - Layout indicator (Right click) - Switch to the previous layout - Layout indicator (Middle click) - Open an spmenu list of all layouts (requires speedwm-extras) - Layout indicator (Scrolling up/down) - Switch to the next/previous layout - Window title (Left click) - Show/hide the window - Window title (Right click) - Open speedwm-utils (requires speedwm-extras) - Focused window (Super+Alt+Left click) - Move the focused window around - Focused window (Super+Alt+Middle click) - Make the focused window floating - Focused window title (Middle click) - Rotate stack - Dragging (Super+Right click) - Increase/decrease size of each window (mfact) - Dragging (SuperControl+Right click) - Increase/decrease cfact - Root window (Right click) - List .desktop entries and open them (requires j4-dmenu-desktop)