#!/bin/sh # Status bar for speedwm # Written by speedie.gq in POSIX sh for https://speedie.gq/speedwm # Licensed under the GNU GPLv3 free software license. # # NOTE: Anything in the DISPLAY function will be printed to your status bar. # This means stdout will be printed regardless. # You can output to /dev/null to silence most commands. # # Once you're done editing, run 'make clean install'. # # CONFIG # This is the configuration for the status bar # # I highly recommend editing ~/.config/speedwm-de/status/config instead though # All settings with the exception of changing the order of items can be # changed there. Otherwise, carefully edit the file and recompile speedwm! # # General settings USEWAL=true # Use Pywal if possible (true/false) RUNONCE=false # Only run status bar once (true/false) SLEEPTIME=7 # How long delay in seconds between each reload (int) DATEBINDIR="/bin/" # Directory where your 'date' binary is. Default should be fine for most people SETMETHOD="xsetroot -name" # Method used to set the status bar SEP="<" # Separator to use. Alternative separators: "❰", "<", "|" COLORFG=true # Color foreground (true/false) COLORBG=false # Color background (true/false) USEBUILTINCOL=false # Use built in speedwm colors (col_status). This also supports Pywal. (true/false) # Status bar modules # Set to true/false to enable/disable. # Keep in mind, if the dependencies are not installed, then they will not be used regardless of what the option is set to. ENABLE_ITEM1=true # Enable RAM usage (true/false) ENABLE_ITEM2=true # Enable Time (HH:MM) (true/false) ENABLE_ITEM3=true # Enable Date (DD/MM/YY) (true/false) ENABLE_ITEM4=true # Enable Volume/Mute status (%) (true/false) ENABLE_ITEM5=true # Enable Weather (true/false) ENABLE_ITEM6=true # Enable Network Traffic (B/s (true/false) ENABLE_ITEM7=true # Enable dfmpeg status (true/false) ENABLE_ITEM8=true # Enable CPU temp (true/false) ENABLE_ITEM9=true # Enable music status (true/false) ENABLE_ITEM10=false # Enable newsboat unread (true/false) ENABLE_ITEM11=true # Enable battery percentage and charging status (true/false) ENABLE_ITEM12=false # Enable #ff IRC backlog in status bar (true/false) ITEM1_ICON=" " # Icon for ITEM1 ITEM2_ICON=" " # Icon for ITEM2 ITEM3_ICON=" " # Icon for ITEM3 ITEM4_ICON=" " # Icon for ITEM4 ITEM5_ICON=" " # Icon for ITEM5 ITEM6_ICON=" " # Icon for ITEM6 ITEM7_ICON=" " # Icon for ITEM7 ITEM8_ICON="糖" # Icon for ITEM8 ITEM9_ICON=" " # Icon for ITEM9 ITEM10_ICON=" " # Icon for ITEM10 ITEM11_ICON=" " # Icon for ITEM11 ITEM12_ICON=" " # Icon for ITEM12 ITEM9_BACKEND="auto" # Backend for the music status (cmus/mocp/auto) ITEM9_DISPLAY_ARTIST="false" # Display artist or not (true/false) ITEM9_DISPLAY_TITLE="false" # Display title or not (true/false) ITEM9_DISPLAY_ALBUM="false" # Display album or not (true/false) ITEM9_DISPLAY_GENRE="false" # Display genre or not (true/false) ITEM9_DISPLAY_TIMELEFT="false" # Display time left or not. If you use this, you will probably want the delay set pretty low. (true/false) ITEM9_DISPLAY_TIMETOTAL="false" # Display total time or not (true/false_ ITEM9_DISPLAY_FILE="true" # Display filename or not. This option will disable everything else. Path and file extension will be cut. (true/false) ITEM9_HIDE_EMPTY_ARTIST="true" # Hide empty artist (true/false) ITEM9_HIDE_EMPTY_TITLE="true" # Hide empty title (true/false) ITEM9_HIDE_EMPTY_ALBUM="true" # Hide empty album (true/false) ITEM9_HIDE_EMPTY_GENRE="true" # Hide empty genre (true/false) ITEM9_HIDE_EMPTY_FILE="true" # Hide empty file (true/false) ITEM9_HIDE_EMPTY_TT="true" # Hide empty total time (true/false) ITEM9_HIDE_EMPTY_TL="true" # Hide empty time left (true/false) ITEM9_PRE_FILE="" # Text to display before the filename ITEM9_POST_FILE="" # Text to display after the filename ITEM9_PRE_ARTIST="" # Text to display before the artist ITEM9_POST_ARTIST="" # Text to display after the artist ITEM9_PRE_TITLE="" # Text to display before the title ITEM9_POST_TITLE="" # Text to display after the title ITEM9_PRE_ALBUM="from " # Text to display before the album ITEM9_POST_ALBUM="" # Text to display after the album ITEM9_PRE_GENRE="(" # Text to display before the genre ITEM9_POST_GENRE=")" # Text to display after the genre ITEM9_PRE_TL="[" # Text to display before the time left. ITEM9_POST_TL=" /" # Text to display after the time left. ITEM9_PRE_TT="" # Text to display before the total time. ITEM9_POST_TT="]" # Text to display before the total time. ITEM9_TT_TL_NO_SPACING="true" # No spacing between time left and total time (true/false) ITEM9_TL_REVERSE="true" # Reverse time left (replace with current time) (true/false) ITEM9_SEPARATOR="-" # Separator between ARTIST, TITLE and ALBUM # Systray options HIDE_STATUS_SYSTRAY=true # Hide the status when a systray is running (true/false) SYSTRAY="trayer" # Systray to use (). STATUS_WHEN_HIDDEN="" # Status to print when status is hidden (char) # Order of colors and items in the status bar PRINT() { $SETMETHOD "\ $FSETCOLORCMD11\ $BSETCOLORCMD11\ $(ITEM2) \ $FSETCOLORCMD10\ $BSETCOLORCMD10\ $(ITEM3) \ $FSETCOLORCMD13\ $BSETCOLORCMD13\ $(ITEM11) \ $FSETCOLORCMD8\ $BSETCOLORCMD8\ $(ITEM4) \ $FSETCOLORCMD7\ $BSETCOLORCMD7\ $(ITEM1) \ $FSETCOLORCMD6\ $BSETCOLORCMD6\ $(ITEM6) \ $FSETCOLORCMD4\ $BSETCOLORCMD4\ $(ITEM8) \ $FSETCOLORCMD3\ $BSETCOLORCMD3\ $(ITEM5) \ $FSETCOLORCMD2\ $BSETCOLORCMD2\ $(ITEM9) \ $FSETCOLORCMD5\ $BSETCOLORCMD5\ $(ITEM7) \ $FSETCOLORCMD9\ $BSETCOLORCMD9\ $(ITEM10) \ $FSETCOLORCMD14\ $BSETCOLORCMD14\ $(ITEM12)" } # Colors #################################### # The colors under SETCOLORS will be used if Pywal is not enabled. # Default colorscheme, for when pywal is not enabled or available. # I recommend using Vim, vim-plugin and colorizer so that you can actually see the colors. SETCOLORS() { COLOR1=#131210 COLOR2=#bf616a COLOR3=#A16F9D COLOR4=#68ABAA COLOR5=#A89F93 COLOR6=#D3A99B COLOR7=#AFC9AC COLOR8=#eae1cb COLOR9=#a39d8e COLOR10=#6D5E8E COLOR11=#A16F9D COLOR12=#D3A99B COLOR13=#AFC9AC COLOR14=#eae1cb COLOR15=#6D5E8E } # Add colors to status2d compatible variable to use with xsetroot later. SETCOLORS_CMD() { if [ "$COLORFG" = "true" ]; then FSETCOLORCMD1="^c${COLOR1}^" FSETCOLORCMD2="^c${COLOR2}^" FSETCOLORCMD3="^c${COLOR3}^" FSETCOLORCMD4="^c${COLOR4}^" FSETCOLORCMD5="^c${COLOR5}^" FSETCOLORCMD6="^c${COLOR6}^" FSETCOLORCMD7="^c${COLOR7}^" FSETCOLORCMD8="^c${COLOR8}^" FSETCOLORCMD9="^c${COLOR9}^" FSETCOLORCMD10="^c${COLOR10}^" FSETCOLORCMD11="^c${COLOR11}^" FSETCOLORCMD12="^c${COLOR12}^" FSETCOLORCMD13="^c${COLOR13}^" FSETCOLORCMD14="^c${COLOR14}^" FSETCOLORCMD15="^c${COLOR15}^" fi if [ "$COLORBG" = "true" ]; then BSETCOLORCMD1="^b${COLOR1}^" BSETCOLORCMD2="^b${COLOR2}^" BSETCOLORCMD3="^b${COLOR3}^" BSETCOLORCMD4="^b${COLOR4}^" BSETCOLORCMD5="^b${COLOR5}^" BSETCOLORCMD6="^b${COLOR6}^" BSETCOLORCMD7="^b${COLOR7}^" BSETCOLORCMD8="^b${COLOR8}^" BSETCOLORCMD9="^b${COLOR9}^" BSETCOLORCMD10="^b${COLOR10}^" BSETCOLORCMD11="^b${COLOR11}^" BSETCOLORCMD12="^b${COLOR12}^" BSETCOLORCMD13="^b${COLOR13}^" BSETCOLORCMD14="^b${COLOR14}^" BSETCOLORCMD15="^b${COLOR15}^" fi if [ "$USEBUILTINCOL" = "true" ]; then if [ "$COLORFG" = "true" ]; then FSETCOLORCMD1="^C1^" FSETCOLORCMD2="^C2^" FSETCOLORCMD3="^C3^" FSETCOLORCMD4="^C4^" FSETCOLORCMD5="^C5^" FSETCOLORCMD6="^C6^" FSETCOLORCMD7="^C7^" FSETCOLORCMD8="^C8^" FSETCOLORCMD9="^C9^" FSETCOLORCMD10="^C10^" FSETCOLORCMD11="^C11^" FSETCOLORCMD12="^C12^" FSETCOLORCMD13="^C13^" FSETCOLORCMD14="^C14^" FSETCOLORCMD15="^C15^" fi if [ "$COLORBG" = "true" ]; then BSETCOLORCMD1="^B1^" BSETCOLORCMD2="^B2^" BSETCOLORCMD3="^B3^" BSETCOLORCMD4="^B4^" BSETCOLORCMD5="^B5^" BSETCOLORCMD6="^B6^" BSETCOLORCMD7="^B7^" BSETCOLORCMD8="^B8^" BSETCOLORCMD9="^B9^" BSETCOLORCMD10="^B10^" BSETCOLORCMD11="^B11^" BSETCOLORCMD12="^B12^" BSETCOLORCMD13="^B13^" BSETCOLORCMD14="^B14^" BSETCOLORCMD15="^B15^" fi fi } # Grab colors from pywal if possible # For example, 1,1p means the first line SETCOLORS_WAL() { if [ "$USEWAL" = "true" ]; then if [ -e "$HOME/.cache/wal/colors" ]; then COLOR1=$(sed -n 1,1p $HOME/.cache/wal/colors) COLOR2=$(sed -n 2,2p $HOME/.cache/wal/colors) COLOR3=$(sed -n 3,3p $HOME/.cache/wal/colors) COLOR4=$(sed -n 4,4p $HOME/.cache/wal/colors) COLOR5=$(sed -n 5,5p $HOME/.cache/wal/colors) COLOR6=$(sed -n 6,6p $HOME/.cache/wal/colors) COLOR7=$(sed -n 7,7p $HOME/.cache/wal/colors) COLOR8=$(sed -n 8,8p $HOME/.cache/wal/colors) COLOR9=$(sed -n 9,9p $HOME/.cache/wal/colors) COLOR10=$(sed -n 10,10p $HOME/.cache/wal/colors) COLOR11=$(sed -n 11,11p $HOME/.cache/wal/colors) COLOR12=$(sed -n 12,12p $HOME/.cache/wal/colors) COLOR13=$(sed -n 13,13p $HOME/.cache/wal/colors) COLOR14=$(sed -n 14,14p $HOME/.cache/wal/colors) COLOR15=$(sed -n 15,15p $HOME/.cache/wal/colors) USINGWAL=true fi fi } # End of configuration ######################################################################### # Set bindir case "$BINDIR" in "") BINDIR=$(cat /usr/share/speedwm-bindir) ;; esac mkdir -p $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status # Load config and create options if it does not exist LOADCONFIG() { if [ -e "$HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config" ]; then . $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config && echo "Loaded configuration file" else touch $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config && echo "Created configuration file" printf "USEWAL=$USEWAL # Use Pywal if possible (true/false)" > $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nRUNONCE=$RUNONCE # Only run status bar once (true/false)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nSLEEPTIME=$SLEEPTIME # How long delay in seconds between each reload (int)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nSEP='$SEP' # Separator to use. Alternative separators: '❰', '<', '|'" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\n\nENABLE_ITEM1=$ENABLE_ITEM1 # Enable RAM usage (true/false)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nENABLE_ITEM2=$ENABLE_ITEM2 # Enable Time (HH:MM) (true/false)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nENABLE_ITEM3=$ENABLE_ITEM3 # Enable Date (DD/MM/YY) (true/false)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nENABLE_ITEM4=$ENABLE_ITEM4 # Enable Volume/Mute status () (true/false)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nENABLE_ITEM5=$ENABLE_ITEM5 # Enable Weather (true/false)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nENABLE_ITEM6=$ENABLE_ITEM6 # Enable Network Traffic (B/s) (true/false)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nENABLE_ITEM7=$ENABLE_ITEM7 # Enable dfmpeg status (true/false)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nENABLE_ITEM8=$ENABLE_ITEM8 # Enable CPU temp (true/false)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nENABLE_ITEM9=$ENABLE_ITEM9 # Enable music status (true/false)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nENABLE_ITEM10=$ENABLE_ITEM10 # Enable newsboat unread (true/false)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nENABLE_ITEM11=$ENABLE_ITEM11 # Enable battery percentage and charging status (true/false)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nENABLE_ITEM12=$ENABLE_ITEM12 # Enable #ff IRC backlogs in status bar (true/false)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\n\nITEM1_ICON='$ITEM1_ICON' # Icon for ITEM1" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM2_ICON='$ITEM2_ICON' # Icon for ITEM2" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM3_ICON='$ITEM3_ICON' # Icon for ITEM3" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM4_ICON='$ITEM4_ICON' # Icon for ITEM4" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM5_ICON='$ITEM5_ICON' # Icon for ITEM5" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM6_ICON='$ITEM6_ICON' # Icon for ITEM6" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM7_ICON='$ITEM7_ICON' # Icon for ITEM7" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM8_ICON='$ITEM8_ICON' # Icon for ITEM8" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM9_ICON='$ITEM9_ICON' # Icon for ITEM9" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM10_ICON='$ITEM10_ICON' # Icon for ITEM10" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM11_ICON='$ITEM11_ICON' # Icon for ITEM11" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM12_ICON='$ITEM12_ICON' # Icon for ITEM12" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\n\nITEM9_BACKEND=$ITEM9_BACKEND # Backend for the music status (cmus/mocp/auto)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM9_DISPLAY_ARTIST=$ITEM9_DISPLAY_ARTIST # Display artist or not (true/false)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM9_DISPLAY_TITLE=$ITEM9_DISPLAY_TITLE # Display title or not (true/false)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM9_DISPLAY_ALBUM=$ITEM9_DISPLAY_ALBUM # Display album or not (true/false)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM9_DISPLAY_GENRE=$ITEM9_DISPLAY_GENRE # Display genre or not (true/false)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM9_DISPLAY_FILE=$ITEM9_DISPLAY_FILE # Display filename or not. This option will disable everything else. Path and file extension will be cut. (true/false)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM9_DISPLAY_TIMELEFT=$ITEM9_DISPLAY_TIMELEFT # Display time left or not (true/false)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM9_DISPLAY_TIMETOTAL=$ITEM9_DISPLAY_TIMETOTAL # Display total time or not (true/false)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM9_PRE_FILE='$ITEM9_PRE_FILE' # Text to display before the filename" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM9_POST_FILE='$ITEM9_POST_FILE' # Text to display after the filename" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM9_PRE_ARTIST='$ITEM9_PRE_ARTIST' # Text to display before the artist" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM9_POST_ARTIST='$ITEM9_POST_ARTIST' # Text to display after the artist" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM9_PRE_TITLE='$ITEM9_PRE_TITLE' # Text to display before the title" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM9_POST_TITLE='$ITEM9_POST_TITLE' # Text to display after the title" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM9_PRE_ALBUM='$ITEM9_PRE_ALBUM' # Text to display before the album" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM9_POST_ALBUM='$ITEM9_POST_ALBUM' # Text to display after the album" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM9_PRE_GENRE='$ITEM9_PRE_GENRE' # Text to display before the genre" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM9_POST_GENRE='$ITEM9_POST_GENRE' # Text to display after the genre" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM9_PRE_TL='$ITEM9_PRE_TL' # Text to display before the time left." >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM9_POST_TL='$ITEM9_POST_TL' # Text to display after the time left." >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM9_PRE_TT='$ITEM9_PRE_TT' # Text to display before the total time." >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM9_POST_TT='$ITEM9_POST_TT' # Text to display before the total time." >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM9_TT_TL_NO_SPACING=$ITEM9_TT_TL_NO_SPACING # No spacing between time left and total time (true/false)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM9_TL_REVERSE=$ITEM9_TL_REVERSE # Reverse time left (replace with current time) (true/false)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM9_HIDE_EMPTY_ARTIST=$ITEM9_HIDE_EMPTY_ARTIST # Hide empty artist (true/false)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM9_HIDE_EMPTY_TITLE=$ITEM9_HIDE_EMPTY_ARTIST # Hide empty title (true/false)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM9_HIDE_EMPTY_ALBUM=$ITEM9_HIDE_EMPTY_ALBUM # Hide empty album (true/false)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM9_HIDE_EMPTY_GENRE=$ITEM9_HIDE_EMPTY_GENRE # Hide empty genre (true/false)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM9_HIDE_EMPTY_TT=$ITEM9_HIDE_EMPTY_TT # Hide empty total time (true/false)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM9_HIDE_EMPTY_TL=$ITEM9_HIDE_EMPTY_TL # Hide empty time left (true/false)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nITEM9_SEPARATOR='$ITEM9_SEPARATOR' # Separator between ARTIST, TITLE and ALBUM" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\n\nHIDE_STATUS_SYSTRAY=$HIDE_STATUS_SYSTRAY # Hide the status when a systray is running (true/false)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nSYSTRAY=$SYSTRAY # Systray to use ()" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nSTATUS_WHEN_HIDDEN=$STATUS_WHEN_HIDDEN # Status to print when status is hidden (char)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nCOLORFG=$COLORFG # Color foreground (true/false)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nCOLORBG=$COLORBG # Color background (true/false)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nUSEBUILTINCOL=$USEBUILTINCOL # Use built in speedwm colors (col_status). This also supports Pywal. (true/false)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\n\nCOLOR1=$COLOR1 # Color for ITEM1 (hex color)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nCOLOR2=$COLOR2 # Color for ITEM2 (hex color)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nCOLOR3=$COLOR3 # Color for ITEM3 (hex color)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nCOLOR4=$COLOR4 # Color for ITEM4 (hex color)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nCOLOR5=$COLOR5 # Color for ITEM5 (hex color)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nCOLOR6=$COLOR6 # Color for ITEM6 (hex color)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nCOLOR7=$COLOR7 # Color for ITEM7 (hex color)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nCOLOR8=$COLOR8 # Color for ITEM8 (hex color)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nCOLOR9=$COLOR9 # Color for ITEM9 (hex color)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nCOLOR10=$COLOR10 # Color for ITEM10 (hex color)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nCOLOR11=$COLOR11 # Color for ITEM11 (hex color)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nCOLOR12=$COLOR12 # Color for ITEM12 (hex color)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nCOLOR13=$COLOR13 # Color for ITEM13 (hex color)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nCOLOR14=$COLOR14 # Color for ITEM14 (hex color)" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config printf "\nCOLOR15=$COLOR15 # Color for ITEM15 (hex color)\n" >> $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/status/config fi } # Set it to /usr/bin if it was not possible to get it through /usr/share/speedwm-bindir case "$BINDIR" in "") BINDIR="/usr/bin" ;; esac # Check if muted, for use with volume status bar. Unmute if muted. case "$MUTED" in "") MUTED=false ;; "true") MUTED=false ;; esac # Systray stuff PRINT_SYSTRAY() { if [ "$SYSTRAY" = "trayer" ]; then grep -q "USE_SRG=true" $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/systray/config && SYSTRAY="trayer-srg" fi if [ "$HIDE_STATUS_SYSTRAY" = "true" ]; then pgrep -x $SYSTRAY > /dev/null && SYSTRAYRUNNING=true case "$SYSTRAYRUNNING" in "true") $SETMETHOD "$STATUS_WHEN_HIDDEN" && exit 0 ;; esac fi if [ "$HIDE_SYSTEM_SYSTRAY" = "true" ]; then if [ "$SYSTRAYRUNNING" != "true" ]; then PRINT fi else PRINT fi } # RAM usage ITEM1() { if [ "$ENABLE_ITEM1" = "true" ]; then if [ -e "${BINDIR}free" ]; then echo "$SEP $ITEM1_ICON $(echo $(free -h --giga | awk '/^Mem/ {print $3}')B)" fi fi } # Time ITEM2() { if [ "$ENABLE_ITEM2" = "true" ]; then if [ -e "${DATEBINDIR}date" ]; then echo "$SEP $ITEM2_ICON $(date +%H:%M)" fi fi } # Date ITEM3() { if [ "$ENABLE_ITEM3" = "true" ]; then if [ -e "${DATEBINDIR}date" ]; then echo "$SEP $ITEM3_ICON $(date +%d/%m/%Y)" fi fi } # Volume ITEM4() { if [ "$ENABLE_ITEM4" = "true" ]; then if [ -e "${BINDIR}pulsemixer" ]; then echo "$SEP $ITEM4_ICON $(echo $(pulsemixer --get-volume | awk '{ print $1 }')%)" test /tmp/speedwm-audioctrl-mutestatus && grep "Not muted" /tmp/speedwm-audioctrl-mutestatus > /dev/null && MUTED=false test /tmp/speedwm-audioctrl-mutestatus && grep "Not muted" /tmp/speedwm-audioctrl-mutestatus > /dev/null || MUTED=true test /tmp/speedwm-audioctrl-mutestatus || MUTED=false else echo "$SEP $ITEM4_ICON $(echo $(amixer -c 0 get Master | tail -n1 | sed -r "s/.*\[(.*)%\].*/\1/")%)" fi if [ "$MUTED" != "false" ]; then printf "\n (Muted)" fi fi } # Weather ITEM5() { if [ "$ENABLE_ITEM5" = "true" ]; then if [ -e "${BINDIR}curl" ]; then curl -so /tmp/hacky_internet_test wttr.in && echo "$SEP $ITEM5_ICON $(echo $(curl -s wttr.in/?format="%C"), $(curl -s wttr.in/?format=3 | sed 's/.* //' | sed 's/.*\(.....\)/\1/'))" rm -f /tmp/hacky_internet_test fi fi } # Network traffic ITEM6() { if [ "$ENABLE_ITEM6" = "true" ]; then if [ -e "${BINDIR}awk" ]; then echo "$SEP $ITEM6_ICON $(awk '{$1=$1/1024000; print $1"B";}' /sys/class/net/[ew]*/statistics/tx_bytes | sed 's/.*\(....\)/\1/' | sed "s|B|B/s |")" fi fi } # Dfmpeg status ITEM7() { # Check if we're recording with dfmpeg or not if [ "$ENABLE_ITEM7" = "true" ]; then if [ -e "/tmp/dfmpeg-recording" ]; then echo "$SEP $ITEM7_ICON Recording" fi fi } # CPU temp ITEM8() { if [ "$ENABLE_ITEM8" = "true" ]; then if [ -e "${BINDIR}sensors" ]; then echo "$SEP $ITEM8_ICON $(sensors | grep "temp1" | sed 's/(.*//' | sed "s/temp1.//" | sed -r 's/\s+//g' | awk '{ print $1 }')" fi fi } # mocp/cmus status ITEM9() { # Auto set backend if set to auto if [ "$ITEM9_BACKEND" = "auto" ]; then if [ -e "${BINDIR}cmus" ]; then ITEM9_BACKEND="cmus" elif [ -e "${BINDIR}mocp" ]; then ITEM9_BACKEND="mocp" fi fi if [ "$ENABLE_ITEM9" = "true" ]; then if [ "$ITEM9_BACKEND" = "mocp" ]; then if [ -e "${BINDIR}mocp" ]; then if [ "$(echo $(mocp -Q %file))" != "" ]; then # reverse time left (?) if [ "$ITEM9_TL_REVERSE" = "true" ]; then TLCMD="ct" else TLCMD="tl" fi # filename if [ "$ITEM9_DISPLAY_FILE" = "true" ]; then echo "$SEP $ITEM9_ICON $ITEM9_PRE_FILE$(basename "$(mocp -Q %file)" | sed 's|\(.*\)[.].*|\1|')$ITEM9_POST_FILE" else # artist if [ "$ITEM9_DISPLAY_ARTIST" = "true" ]; then if [ "$ITEM9_HIDE_EMPTY_ARTIST" = "true" ]; then if [ "$(mocp -Q %artist | head -n 1)" != "" ]; then data="$ITEM9_PRE_ARTIST$(printf "$data $(mocp -Q %artist) $ITEM9_SEPARATOR")$ITEM9_POST_ARTIST" fi else data="$ITEM9_PRE_ARTIST$(printf "$data $(mocp -Q %artist) $ITEM9_SEPARATOR")$ITEM9_POST_ARTIST" fi fi # title if [ "$ITEM9_DISPLAY_TITLE" = "true" ]; then if [ "$ITEM9_HIDE_EMPTY_TITLE" = "true" ]; then if [ "$(mocp -Q %song | head -n 1)" != "" ]; then data="$ITEM9_PRE_TITLE$(printf "$data $(mocp -Q %song)")$ITEM9_POST_TITLE" fi else data="$ITEM9_PRE_TITLE$(printf "$data $(mocp -Q %song)")$ITEM9_POST_TITLE" fi fi # album if [ "$ITEM9_DISPLAY_ALBUM" = "true" ]; then if [ "$ITEM9_HIDE_EMPTY_ALBUM" = "true" ]; then if [ "$(mocp -Q %album | head -n 1)" != "" ]; then data="$(printf "$data $ITEM9_PRE_ALBUM$(mocp -Q %album)$ITEM9_POST_ALBUM")" fi else data="$(printf "$data $ITEM9_PRE_ALBUM$(mocp -Q %album)$ITEM9_POST_ALBUM")" fi fi # time left if [ "$ITEM9_DISPLAY_TIMELEFT" = "true" ]; then if [ "$ITEM9_HIDE_EMPTY_TL" = "true" ]; then if [ "$(mocp -Q %tl | head -n 1)" != "" ]; then data="$(printf "$data $ITEM9_PRE_TL$(mocp -Q %$TLCMD)$ITEM9_POST_TL")" fi else data="$(printf "$data $ITEM9_PRE_TL$(mocp -Q %$TLCMD)$ITEM9_POST_TL")" fi fi # total time if [ "$ITEM9_TT_TL_NO_SPACING" = "false" ]; then if [ "$ITEM9_DISPLAY_TIMETOTAL" = "true" ]; then if [ "$ITEM9_HIDE_EMPTY_TT" = "true" ]; then if [ "$(mocp -Q %tt | head -n 1)" != "" ]; then data="$(printf "$data $ITEM9_PRE_TT$(mocp -Q %tt)$ITEM9_POST_TT")" fi else data="$(printf "$data $ITEM9_PRE_TT$(mocp -Q %tt)$ITEM9_POST_TT")" fi fi else # total time without spacing if [ "$ITEM9_DISPLAY_TIMETOTAL" = "true" ]; then if [ "$ITEM9_HIDE_EMPTY_TT" = "true" ]; then if [ "$(mocp -Q %tt | head -n 1)" != "" ]; then data="$(printf "$data $ITEM9_PRE_TT$(mocp -Q %tt)$ITEM9_POST_TT")" fi else data="$(printf "$data$ITEM9_PRE_TT$(mocp -Q %tt)$ITEM9_POST_TT")" fi fi fi # actually print it echo "$SEP $ITEM9_ICON $data" fi fi fi fi fi # todo: add cmus time left and time total if [ "$ENABLE_ITEM9" = "true" ]; then if [ -e "${BINDIR}cmus-remote" ]; then if [ "$(cmus-remote -C status | head -n 1 | awk '{ print $2 }')" = "playing" ]; then if [ "$ITEM9_DISPLAY_FILE" = "true" ]; then echo "$SEP $ITEM9_ICON $ITEM9_PRE_FILE$(basename "$(cmus-remote -C status | grep file)"| sed 's|\(.*\)[.].*|\1|')$ITEM9_POST_FILE" else # artist if [ "$ITEM9_DISPLAY_ARTIST" = "true" ]; then if [ "$ITEM9_HIDE_EMPTY_ARTIST" = "true" ]; then if [ "$(cmus-remote -C status | grep "tag artist")" != "" ]; then data="$(printf "$data $ITEM9_PRE_ARTIST$(cmus-remote -C status | grep "tag artist" | sed "s/tag artist //g")$ITEM9_POST_ARTIST $ITEM9_SEPARATOR")" fi else data="$(printf "$data $ITEM9_PRE_ARTIST$(cmus-remote -C status | grep "tag artist" | sed "s/tag artist //g")$ITEM9_POST_ARTIST $ITEM9_SEPARATOR")" fi fi # title if [ "$ITEM9_DISPLAY_TITLE" = "true" ]; then if [ "$ITEM9_HIDE_EMPTY_TITLE" = "true" ]; then if [ "$(cmus-remote -C status | grep "tag title")" != "" ]; then data="$(printf "$data $ITEM9_PRE_TITLE$(cmus-remote -C status | grep "tag title" | sed "s/tag title //g")$ITEM9_POST_TITLE")" fi else data="$(printf "$data $ITEM9_PRE_TITLE$(cmus-remote -C status | grep "tag title" | sed "s/tag title //g")$ITEM9_POST_TITLE")" fi fi # album if [ "$ITEM9_DISPLAY_ALBUM" = "true" ]; then if [ "$ITEM9_HIDE_EMPTY_ALBUM" = "true" ]; then if [ "$(cmus-remote -C status | grep "tag album")" != "" ]; then data="$(printf "$data $ITEM9_PRE_ALBUM$(cmus-remote -C status | grep "tag album" | sed "s/tag album //g")$ITEM9_POST_ALBUM")" fi else data="$(printf "$data $ITEM9_PRE_ALBUM$(cmus-remote -C status | grep "tag album" | sed "s/tag album //g")$ITEM9_POST_ALBUM")" fi fi # genre if [ "$ITEM9_DISPLAY_GENRE" = "true" ]; then if [ "$ITEM9_HIDE_EMPTY_GENRE" = "true" ]; then if [ "$(cmus-remote -C status | grep "tag genre")" != "" ]; then data="$(printf "$data $ITEM9_PRE_GENRE$(cmus-remote -C status | grep "tag genre" | sed "s/tag genre //g")$ITEM9_POST_GENRE")" fi else data="$(printf "$data $ITEM9_PRE_GENRE$(cmus-remote -C status | grep "tag genre" | sed "s/tag genre //g")$ITEM9_POST_GENRE")" fi fi # actually print it if [ "$data" != "" ]; then echo "$SEP $ITEM9_ICON $data" fi fi fi fi fi } # Newsboat unreads ITEM10() { if [ "$ENABLE_ITEM10" = "true" ]; then if [ -e "${BINDIR}newsboat" ]; then pgrep -x newsboat > /dev/null || echo "$SEP $ITEM10_ICON $(newsboat -x print-unread | sed "s| unread articles||") unread!" fi fi } # Battery percentage/charging status ITEM11() { if [ "$ENABLE_ITEM11" = "true" ]; then if [ -e "/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity" ]; then echo "$SEP $ITEM11_ICON $(cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity)%" fi if [ -e "${BINDIR}acpi" ]; then CHARGESTATUS=$(echo ", $(acpi | awk '{ print $3 }' | sed "s|,||g" | sed "s|Discharging|Not charging|g")") && echo $CHARGESTATUS fi fi } # IRC #ff backlogs ITEM12() { if [ "$ENABLE_ITEM12" = "true" ]; then if [ -e "${BINDIR}curl" ]; then curl -so /tmp/ff-backlogs https://donut.gq/ff/read.php if [ -e "/tmp/ff-backlogs" ]; then echo "$SEP $ITEM12_ICON $(cat /tmp/ff-backlogs | tail -n 1)" fi fi fi } BASE() { # Determine whether or not if [ "$USEWAL" = "true" ]; then if [ "$USINGWAL" = "true" ]; then if [ "$COLOR1" != "$(sed 1,1p $HOME/.cache/wal/colors)" ]; then SETCOLORS_WAL && SETCOLORS_CMD fi fi fi # Run once if set to false (useful for maybe a shell) case "$RUNONCE" in "false") PRINT_SYSTRAY && sleep $SLEEPTIME ;; "true") exit 0 ;; esac BASE } # Set base colors SETCOLORS # Use pywal once if possible USE_PYWAL_COLORS() { if [ -e "${BINDIR}xsetroot" ]; then if [ -e "${BINDIR}xrdb" ]; then if [ "$USEWAL" = "true" ]; then wal -v > /dev/null && SETCOLORS_WAL fi fi fi } LOADCONFIG USE_PYWAL_COLORS SETCOLORS_CMD PRINT_SYSTRAY BASE exit 0