-- .Xresources and Pywal -- This fork of speedwm has .Xresources support thanks to the .Xresources patch. It also has pywal support (tool which grabs colors based on your wallpaper). Colors can be reloaded on-the-fly using the built in wallpaper utility. In order to implement speedwm reloading support to your own wallpaper utility, run shell command (/bin/sh) 'speedwm_run -r' to reload colors automatically. Note that the 'xrdb' dependency is required for both pywal and .Xresources support. Below is a list of all .Xresources values you can define. The .Xresources file should be placed in ~ or ~/.config by the user. If it is not or you want it somewhere else, you can edit 'autostart.h' and 'make clean install'.