/* Anything in here will automatically start before speedwm * I use it to start my status bar and some other stuff, though. * * If you wish to run more commands, add a line below. * * Syntax: "shell, "-c", "", NULL," * * "shell" is automatically defined as your shell. * * If you need help, run speedwm-keybinds. * Once you're done with your edits, run 'make clean install'. *************************************************************/ static const char *autostart[] = { /* Run the defined clipboard manager */ shell, "-c", CLIPBOARD "& > /tmp/clipboard-log", NULL, /* Run the defined compositor */ shell, "-c", COMPOSITOR "& > /tmp/compositor-log", NULL, /* Run the defined notification daemon */ shell, "-c", NOTIFICATION "& > /tmp/notification-log", NULL, /* Run the defined status bar */ shell, "-c", "pkill speedwm_status ; speedwm_status &", NULL, /* Autostart script, if it exists */ shell, "-c", "$HOME/.config/speedwm-de/autostart.sh", NULL, NULL };