#!/bin/sh # Module for writing the initial config MK() { mkdir -p $HOME/.config/speedwm/ # write config cat < ~/.config/speedwm/statusrc # speedwm status module configuration # # This shell script which acts as a configuration file should be configured in /bin/sh compatible syntax. For best compatibility, I suggest that you only use POSIX compliant shell. No bash, no fish and no zsh. Of course if /bin/sh is Bash then you don't strictly NEED to keep it POSIX compliant. # # You can however use if statements, case, variables, shell commands, cat << EOF, etc. # # To apply these changes, simply restart the status bar. # General settings SEPARATOR=" " # Separator to use. Alternative separators: "❰", "<", "|" # Status bar modules # Set to true/false to enable/disable. # Keep in mind, if the dependencies are not installed, then they will not be used regardless of what the option is set to. ENABLE_ITEM1=true # Enable RAM usage (true/false) ENABLE_ITEM2=true # Enable Time (HH:MM) (true/false) ENABLE_ITEM3=true # Enable Date (DD/MM/YY) (true/false) ENABLE_ITEM4=true # Enable Volume/Mute status (%) (true/false) ENABLE_ITEM5=true # Enable Weather (true/false) ENABLE_ITEM6=true # Enable Network Traffic ( kb/s (true/false) ENABLE_ITEM7=true # Enable dfmpeg status (true/false) ENABLE_ITEM8=true # Enable CPU temp (true/false) ENABLE_ITEM9=true # Enable music status (true/false) ENABLE_ITEM10=false # Enable newsboat unread (true/false) ENABLE_ITEM11=true # Enable battery percentage and charging status (true/false) ENABLE_ITEM12=true # Enable unread email status (true/false) # Status bar module icons # Make sure dwm supports this icon/glyph. ITEM1_ICON=" " # Icon for ITEM1 ITEM2_ICON=" " # Icon for ITEM2 ITEM3_ICON=" " # Icon for ITEM3 ITEM4_ICON=" " # Icon for ITEM4 ITEM5_ICON="摒 " # Icon for ITEM5 ITEM6_ICON=" " # Icon for ITEM6 ITEM7_ICON=" " # Icon for ITEM7 ITEM8_ICON=" " # Icon for ITEM8 ITEM9_ICON=" " # Icon for ITEM9 ITEM10_ICON=" " # Icon for ITEM10 ITEM11_ICON=" " # Icon for ITEM11 ITEM12_ICON=" " # Icon for ITEM12 # Status bar module separators ITEM1_SEPARATOR="\$SEPARATOR" # Separator for ITEM1 ITEM2_SEPARATOR="\$SEPARATOR" # Separator for ITEM2 ITEM3_SEPARATOR="\$SEPARATOR" # Separator for ITEM3 ITEM4_SEPARATOR="\$SEPARATOR" # Separator for ITEM4 ITEM5_SEPARATOR="\$SEPARATOR" # Separator for ITEM5 ITEM6_SEPARATOR="\$SEPARATOR" # Separator for ITEM6 ITEM7_SEPARATOR="\$SEPARATOR" # Separator for ITEM7 ITEM8_SEPARATOR="\$SEPARATOR" # Separator for ITEM8 ITEM9_SEPARATOR="\$SEPARATOR" # Separator for ITEM9 ITEM10_SEPARATOR="\$SEPARATOR" # Separator for ITEM10 ITEM11_SEPARATOR="\$SEPARATOR" # Separator for ITEM11 ITEM12_SEPARATOR="\$SEPARATOR" # Separator for ITEM12 # RAM format # Format to display the RAM status in # # @u - Used RAM # @t - Total RAM # # Example: @u/@t ITEM1_FORMAT="@u/@t" # Time format # Format to display the time in # # @h - Hour # @m - Minute # @s - Second # # Example: @h:@m ITEM2_FORMAT="@h:@m" # Date format # Format to display the date in # # @d - Day # @m - Month # @y - Year # # Example: @d/@m/@y ITEM3_FORMAT="@d/@m/@y" ITEM4_SHOW_MUTE="false" # Show mute status (true/false) ITEM4_MUTE_TEXT="(Muted)" # Text to display when muted (text) ITEM4_ICON_100=" " # Icon when volume is at 100 or higher. ITEM4_ICON_75="墳 " # Icon when volume is at 75 or lower. ITEM4_ICON_50="奔" # Icon when volume is at 50 or lower. ITEM4_ICON_25="奄" # Icon when volume is at 25 or lower. ITEM4_ICON_0="婢 " # Icon when volume is at 0. ITEM4_ICON_MUTED="婢 " # Icon when muted. # Weather icon # # Icon to display depending on the weather. # ITEM5_SUNNY_ICON="滛 " # Icon for when it's sunny and life's good. ITEM5_WINDY_ICON="煮 " # Icon for when it's windy. ITEM5_CLOUDY_ICON=" " # Icon for when it's cloudy. ITEM5_FOGGY_ICON="敖 " # Icon for when it's foggy. ITEM5_RAIN_ICON="歹 " # Icon for when it's raining. ITEM5_SNOW_ICON="流 " # Icon for when it's snowing. ITEM5_STORM_ICON="朗 " # Icon for when there's a storm. ITEM5_HAIL_ICON="晴 " # Icon for when it's hailing. # Net format # Format to display the transmitted/received bytes in # # @t - Transmitted # @r - Received # # Example: @t kb/s ITEM6_FORMAT="@t kb/s" ITEM7_RECORDING_TEXT="Recording" # Text to display when recording (text) ITEM8_FORMAT_CELSIUS="true" # Format temperature in Celsius (true/false) ITEM9_BACKEND="auto" # Backend for the music status (cmus/mocp/auto) # Music format # Format to display the music status in # # @a - Artist # @t - Title # @g - Genre # @ab - Album # @tt - Total time # @te - Time elapsed # # Example: @a - @t from @ab (@g) [@te/@tt] ITEM9_FORMAT="@a - @t from @ab (@g) [@te/@tt]" ITEM10_TEXT="unread articles!" # Text to display next to unread article count (text) # Battery module options ITEM11_SHOW_CHARGING_STATUS=true # Show 'Charging', 'Not charging' or 'Fully charged' status after the percentage. (true/false) ITEM11_DISCHARGING_TEXT="Not charging" # Text when not charging (text) ITEM11_CHARGING_TEXT="Charging" # Text when charging (text) ITEM11_FULL_TEXT="Fully charged" # Text when fully charged (text) # Icons that will be printed depending on your percentage. ITEM11_ICON_CHARGING=" " # Icon when your battery is charging. Yay! ITEM11_ICON_FULL=" " # Icon when your battery is full. ITEM11_ICON_75=" " # Icon when you have 75% battery left or less. ITEM11_ICON_50=" " # Icon when you have 50% battery left or less. ITEM11_ICON_25=" " # Icon when you have 25% battery left or less. ITEM11_ICON_5=" " # Icon when you have 5% battery left or less. # Email module options ITEM12_UNREAD_TEXT="unread emails!" # Text to display next to email count. ITEM12_EMAIL_DIR="$HOME/.local/share/mail" # Email directory. Default will work if you use mutt-wizard. # For the rest of the options, see status.h. CONFIG return } [ -e "$HOME/.config/speedwm/statusrc" ] || MK