### **speedwm 1.4** New release of speedwm! ### Changelog - Add pango support. Requires x11-libs/pango though. - Fix center floating option not working as expected. - Fix volume not being displayed for the default device. - Fix colorscheme for urgent tags. - Fix colorscheme for selected title. - Add a few keybinds. - Add a gsimplecal action on right click for the date status module. - Add a preview image. - Add PHP and CSS support for writing the website. - Replace old templates. - Fix # speedwm markdown being unintentionally cut off. - Fix status crashing. - Fix status not being optional (stupid oversight) - Update docs to reflect change made back in version 1.2 - Add middle click option to memory status which shows most intensive processes. - Add warping cursor support to switcher. - Fix rare crash with the switcher. - Fix swallow not working, caused by unnecessary rules. - Fix title being clickable when it shouldn't be. - Add toggle for focusonnetactive. - Remove speedwm-ipc after make install. - New defaults. - Add new layout (15), empty which hides all windows. - Replace Centered Floating Master layout with Tatami layout. - Implement modified version of flextile_deluxe. - Fix ipc.h indentation. - speedwm_status now has a -r argument which restarts the status. - Change statusrc to reflect the above. - Add s/\&/\&/g option to status which may be necessary now that speedwm supports Pango markup. - Various other bugfixes (see commit history) ### libspeedwm Due to signals changing constantly, I decided to write libspeedwm, a little utility which will be updated with new signals. New versions are released alongside speedwm just like speedwm-extras. It can run signals, but more importantly, it has a list of actions which will always be up to date with the latest speedwm version. speedwm-extras now requires this in order to work properly. You can install this using the ebuild though. Otherwise, compile it manually. libspeedwm has its own git repository, see [this repository](https://codeberg.org/speedie/libspeedwm). ### Installation Nothing has changed with the installation since last release, simply download and unpack the tarball, and `make clean install` as root. - If you are on Gentoo, you can install both x11-wm/speedwm, x11-wm/libspeedwm and x11-wm/speedwm-extras by adding my overlay.