Update scripts

This commit is contained in:
speedie 2022-09-01 10:02:28 +02:00
parent 40be036e2e
commit d00219422a
3 changed files with 22 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -17,8 +17,10 @@ printf "[Desktop Entry]\nEncoding=UTF-8\nName=speedwm\nComment=Dynamic window ma
# If the bar is on the top, touch /usr/share/speedwm-topbar
TOPBAR=$(grep "barposition" options.h | grep "1" | awk '{ print $5 }')
PADDING=$(grep "barpaddingv" options.h | grep "0" | awk '{ print $5 }')
COMPOSITOR=$(grep "define COMPOSITOR " options.h | awk '{ print $3 }' | sed 's/"//g')
echo $TOPBAR | grep "1" && touch /usr/share/speedwm-topbar
echo $PADDING | grep "0" && touch /usr/share/speedwm-nopadding
echo $COMPOSITOR > /usr/share/speedwm-compositor
echo $(pwd) > /usr/share/speedwm-sourcedir
# Copy .Xresources file

View file

@ -94,6 +94,23 @@ SWAL_MKCONFIG() {
# use a solid color
ISCOL="$(printf "#000000\n#bbbbbb" | $RUNLAUNCHER -l 2 $GRIDARG $GRIDNUM -p "Enter a hex color:")"
echo $ISCOL | grep -q "#" || exit 1
xwallpaper --clear
xsetroot -solid "$ISCOL"
rm -f $SWAL_EXPORTDIR/swal_wm
xrdb -remove
xsetroot -name "fsignal:31"
test ${BINDIR}notify-send && notify-send " Solid color $ISCOL set as wallpaper."
pgrep -x picom > /dev/null && pkill picom # Fix picom related bug
exit 0
BINDIR=$(cat /usr/share/speedwm-bindir)
@ -138,7 +155,7 @@ SWAL_USAGE() {
case "$NEW1" in
"") ls /tmp/swal_cpath || SWAL_SELWALLPAPER="$(printf "$(ls "$SWAL_WALLPAPERDIR")\n------\n..\nPreview\nPrevious\nRandom\nFavorites\nAdd used wallpaper to favorites\nOptions\nHelp\nExit" | $RUNLAUNCHER $GRIDARG $GRIDNUM -l 100 -p "What wallpaper would you like to set?")" ;;
"") ls /tmp/swal_cpath || SWAL_SELWALLPAPER="$(printf "$(ls "$SWAL_WALLPAPERDIR")\n------\n..\nPreview\nPrevious\nSolid Color\nRandom\nFavorites\nAdd used wallpaper to favorites\nOptions\nHelp\nExit" | $RUNLAUNCHER $GRIDARG $GRIDNUM -l 100 -p "What wallpaper would you like to set?")" ;;
"-w") SWAL_SELWALLPAPER="$(basename "$NEW2")" && touch /tmp/swal_cpath ;;
@ -169,6 +186,7 @@ SWAL_SETTYPE()
"Random") SWAL_FULL="$(find $SWAL_WALLPAPERDIR/* -type f | shuf -n 1)" ; SWAL_WALLPAPERDIR="$(dirname "$SWAL_FULL")" ; SWAL_SELWALLPAPER="$(basename "$SWAL_FULL")" ; SWAL_SELWAL=$SWAL_SELWALLPAPER ;;
"Previous") SWAL_PREVWAL=$(readlink $SWAL_EXPORTDIR/CurrentWallpaper_prev) ; SWAL_WALLPAPERDIR="$(dirname "$SWAL_PREVWAL")" ; SWAL_SELWALLPAPER="$(basename "$SWAL_PREVWAL")" ;;
"Exit") exit 0 ;;
"Solid Color") SOLIDCOLOR ;;
"Help") SWAL_USAGE | $RUNLAUNCHER $GRIDARG $GRIDNUM -l 50 -p "How to use" && $0 && exit 0 ;;
"------") $0 && exit 0 ;;

View file

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ SEP="<" # Separator to use. Alternative separators: "❰", "<", "|"
COLORFG=true # Color foreground (true/false)
COLORBG=false # Color background (true/false)
USEBUILTINCOL=false # Use built in speedwm colors (col_status<num>). This also supports Pywal. (true/false)
CHARLIMIT=auto # Limit characters to CHARLIMIT. Enter false to not have a limit. Enter auto to use xdpyinfo. (num/auto/false)
CHARLIMIT=30 # Limit characters to CHARLIMIT. Enter false to not have a limit. Enter auto to use xdpyinfo. (num/auto/false)
# Status bar modules
# Set to true/false to enable/disable.