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## What is speedwm?
speedwm is a window manager forked from suckless.org's dwm or dynamic window manager. It manages the user's open windows and tiles them according to a set layout (dynamic).
Just like dwm, speedwm also tries to be minimal but also has functionality and aesthetics as a goal. It is also much more minimal than other window managers like i3-gaps while offering many more features.
Tiling window managers (unlike floating window managers that you may be used to) tile windows based on a set layout making them easy to get productive on.
They also encourage the user to use their keyboard instead of the mouse so that the user doesn't have to move their hands much but there are mouse keybinds and more can be added.
## Installation
In order to install this build of speedwm, all dependencies must be installed.
You can see (Dependencies) for a list of all dependencies required to use this fork.
- git clone https://codeberg.org/speedie/speedwm
- cd speedwm
- make clean install
- If any warnings show up, fix it by installing the missing dependency.
- If a .xinitrc is used, add 'speedwm_run' to the end.
- NOTE: Your .xinitrc should ONLY contain 'speedwm_run'. speedwm will automatically start everything else. If not, edit autostart.h and 'make clean install'. If a .xinitrc is not used then you don't need to worry. A .desktop file is automatically created when you run 'make clean install'.
## Layouts
speedwm comes with the following layouts:
- Tile
- Monocle
- Grid
- Deck
- Centered Master
- Centered Floating Master
- Spiral
- Dwindle
- Three Column
- Bottom Stack
- Horizontal Bottom Stack
- Horizonal Grid
- Tatami
- Tilewide
- Stairs
- Tiling (5:4)
- Column
- Dynamic Grid
They can be switched between using a little menu (See Keybinds for more information) or by right clicking the Layout indicator.
The more commonly used layouts can be switched between using a quick keybind.
### Applications
Keybinds for regular applications
- Super+Shift+Enter | Opens a terminal
- Super+Shift+Colon | Opens a dmenu prompt
- Super+Shift+s | Opens 'maim' to take a screenshot and copies it to the clipboard using 'xclip'
- Super+Shift+f | Opens the defined file manager
- Super+Shift+w | Opens the defined web browser
- Super+Shift+o | Opens the bundled dfmpeg dmenu script to record your screen.
- Super+Shift+t | Opens the defined editor in your terminal
- Super+Shift+p | Kills the defined web browser
- Super+Shift+m | Kills the defined music player
- Super+Shift+a | Opens the defined mixer in your terminal
- Super+Shift+m | Opens the defined music player
- Super+Shift+x | Opens the defined system process viewer in your terminal
- Super+Control+Shift+m | Opens the defined email client
- Super+Control+u | Opens the defined RSS reader
### Navigation
These keybinds are for navigating speedwm
- Super+t | Reorganize tags and move clients
- Super+f | Full-screen the selected window
- Super+b | Show/hide the speedwm bar
- Super+s | Show/hide the systray (If trayer is installed)
- Super+j/k | Move focus between visible windows
- Super+Alt+j/k | Increase/decrease gaps between windows in tiling layout by 1
- Super+Alt+u/d | Increase/decrease gaps between windows in tiling layout by 5
- Super+Control+j/k | Move focus between hidden windows (Can then 'Show')
- Super+a/d | Increase/decrease size of each window
- Super+o | Hide a window
- Super+Control+o | Show a hidden focused window
- Super+a/d | Move to the next/previous tag
- Super+Minus | Show the scratchpad
- Super+Equal | Remove the scratchpad
- Super+Enter | Switch order of windows
- Super+Shift+q | Close the current window
- Super+Space | Set layout
- Super+t | Disable inactive fade
- Super+Shift+Equal | Toggle scratchpads
- Super+Shift+Minus | Hide the scratchpad
- Super+Shift+Space | Unfloat floating windows
- Super+Shift+Arrow | Resizes a window in floating mode
- Super+1 | Move to tag 1
- Super+2 | Move to tag 2
- Super+3 | Move to tag 3
- Super+4 | Move to tag 4
- Super+5 | Move to tag 5
- Super+6 | Move to tag 6
- Super+7 | Move to tag 7
- Super+8 | Move to tag 8
- Super+9 | Move to tag 9
- Super+Shift+1 | Preview tag 1
- Super+Shift+2 | Preview tag 2
- Super+Shift+3 | Preview tag 3
- Super+Shift+4 | Preview tag 4
- Super+Shift+5 | Preview tag 5
- Super+Shift+6 | Preview tag 6
- Super+Shift+7 | Preview tag 7
- Super+Shift+8 | Preview tag 8
- Super+Shift+9 | Preview tag 9
- Super+Shift+h/j/k/l | Rotates a stack.
- Super+Shift+Escape | Ask the user if they want to shutdown or reboot or nothing
- Super+Shift+i | Open a dmenu prompt and open the file the user picks in Zathura
- Super+Shift+p | Open a dmenu prompt and open the file the user picks in Vim
- Super+Control+e | Switch to layout 3 (Grid)
- Super+Control+r | Switch to layout 1 (Monocle)
- Super+Control+t | Switch to layout 0 (Master & stack)
- Super+Control+y | Switch to layout 4 (Deck)
- Super+Control+0 | View all windows at once.
- Super+Control+Arrow | Moves a window to any corner of your screen (Arrow key)
- Super+Control+Tab | Open a dmenu prompt asking the user what layout to switch to
- Super+Control+h | Open a list of all keybinds in your terminal using less
- Super+Control+Shift+a/d | Move between available layouts
- Super+Alt+s | Make the current selected window sticky
- Super+Control+Shift+Esc | Open speedwm-utils (Main menu)
- Super+Control+Shift+Arrow | Resize the window to the screen size.
- Super+Control+Shift+s | Set a wallpaper
- Super+Control+Shift+n | Connect to wifi (Requires iwd)
- Super+Control+Shift+b | Connect to a bluetooth device (Requires bluez and bluez-utils)
- Super+Control+Shift+e | Open up a list of dotfiles in dmenu that you can edit.
- Alt+Tab | Switch windows quickly and easily
- Alt+Control+j/k | Change window size vertically (cfact)
### Chained keybinds
- Super+c & w | Curl wttr.in and open in less
- Super+c & m | Ask the user for a topic and curl cheat.sh
- Super+g & t | Toggle gaps
- Super+g & 0 | Reset gaps
- Super+g & i | Increase inner gaps by 1
- Super+Shift+g & i | Decrease inner gaps by 1
- Super+g & o | Increase outer gaps by 1
- Super+Shift+g & o | Decrease outer gaps by 1
- Super+r+v | Open the defined music visualizer
- Super+Shift+e+a | Open the virtual keyboard
- Super+Shift+e+e | Open a list of all emojis and copy the selection
- Super+Shift+e+a | Open a list of copypasta and copy the selection
- Alt+Shift+q+o | Kill every window except the focused
### Extras
These will only work if your keyboard has special multimedia buttons.
- Mute button | Mutes your audio
- Up Volume button | Increases your volume
- Down Volume button | Decreases your volume
- Stop button | Stops your defined music player
- Browser button | Opens your defined web browser
- Power button | Ask if you wanna shut down, restart or lock your computer.
- Email button | Open your defined email client
- System button | Open your defined status viewer in a terminal
-- Mouse --
These binds can be activated using your mouse
- Tag <num> (Left click) | Switch to tag <num>
- Layout indicator (Left click) | Switch to the next layout
- Layout indicator (Middle click) | Switch to the next layout
- Layout indicator (Right click) | Open a dmenu list of all layouts
- Window title (Left click) | Hide/Show the window
- Window title (Right click) | Open speedwm-utils
- Focused window (Super+Alt+Left click) | Move the focused window around
- Focused window (Super+Alt+Middle click) | Make the focused window floating
- Focused window title (Middle click) | Rotate stack
- Dragging (Super+Right click) | Increase/decrease size of each window
- Dragging (SuperControl+Right click) | Increase/decrease cfact
There are also keybinds for statuscmd, but you must implement it into your own status bar.
See mouse.h for more information.
## Dependencies
These are absolutely necessary, speedwm will NOT compile without them
- libxft-bgra (Can be installed through 'make <distro>-libxftfix')
- NOTE: libXft will do but will cause speedwm and as such all your applications to crash if a colored emoji is displayed in the status bar. This includes the Emoji picker.
- libXinerama
- Can be disabled through editing toggle.mk if you're not interested in multiple monitors.
- imlib2
- Tag previews, Window icons. Can be disabled through editing toggle.mk and toggle.h if you don't want these features.
## Features
These are dependencies if you wanna use certain features
NOTE: Do not add any of these to .xinitrc or similar. They are going to be autostarted by speedwm.
If you want to use an alternative, change it in options.h.
- dmenu
- NOTE: dmenu is required for most scripts included with this build of speedwm. My build is required for proper Pywal support.
- If you do not have the password, grid and center patches, you must disable them in ~/.config/speedwm-de/global/config by setting two variables to false.
- picom
- Optional but speedwm looks sort of ugly without it.
- xclip (Required for clipboard support by a few scripts, will start automatically)
- xwallpaper (Required to set wallpapers)
- xmodmap
- Required if you want the Alt+Tab to have proper keybinds.
- Install if you want Escape instead of Caps Lock and Right Super+hjkl for arrow keys
- xrdb (Install if you want .Xresources support)
- pywal (Install if you want pywal support. Requires swal aka the default way to set wallpapers)
- wmctrl (Needed for proper window management)
- xsetroot (Needed for most scripts including Pywal support)
- slock (Required for screen locking)
- If you want to display a message, you need the text patch.
- If you have the background image patch, you can set the image to ~/.config/speedwm-de/swal/CurrentWallpaper. It is a symlink to the current wallpaper.
- maim (Required for built in 'speedwm-screenshotutil' script)
## Software
This build of speedwm comes with binds for software.
These must be installed by default but you can change what software is required by editing 'options.h' and running 'make clean install'.
You can also remove keybinds by editing 'keybinds.h' and running 'make clean install'.
- st (Terminal)
- firefox (Web browser)
- htop (Status monitor)
- newsboat (RSS reader)
- zathura (PDF reader)
- alsa-utils (Required for audio controls)
- cmus (Default music player)
- neovim (Text editor)
- aerc (Email client)
- maim (Screenshot tool, automatically copies to clipboard using xclip)
- vifm (File manager)
- slock (Lock screen)
And everything under 'Features'.