
315 lines
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Raw Normal View History

/* speedwm
2022-10-06 12:07:10 +02:00
* Below is a configuration file which is technically C source code.
* See the man page (speedie.1) or README.md for help.
2022-11-30 17:30:32 +01:00
* See the LICENSE file for license details.
/* Window alignment options */
static int bordersize = 1; /* How big your border is in pixels */
static int snap = 20; /* Snap pixel */
static int mastercount = 1; /* Number of clients in the master area */
static int stackcount = 0; /* Number of clients in the stack area */
static int resizehints = 0; /* Show resize hints */
static int decorhints = 1; /* Respect decoration hints */
static int savefloat = 1; /* Save position of floating windows */
2022-11-25 23:43:57 +01:00
static int refreshrules = 0; /* Refresh rules when a CLASS or TITLE changes */
static int i3mastercount = 0; /* Enable i3-gaps like mastercount (1/0) */
static int mousemfact = 1; /* Enable adjusting mfact using the mouse (1/0) */
2022-10-11 14:01:22 +02:00
static int mousecfact = 1; /* Enable adjusting cfact using the mouse (1/0) */
2022-08-25 21:24:18 +02:00
static float mfact = 0.50; /* Default mfact value. 0.50 = each gets half the available space */
2022-09-17 00:45:58 +02:00
static float lowestmfact = 0.05; /* Lowest possible mfact value on top of the existing. */
/* Window gap options */
static int enablegaps = 1; /* Enable gaps */
static int gapsizeih = 10; /* Horizontal inner gap between windows */
static int gapsizeiv = 10; /* Vertical inner gap between windows */
static int gapsizeoh = 10; /* Horizontal outer gap between windows and screen edge */
static int gapsizeov = 10; /* Vertical outer gap between windows and screen edge */
static int smartgapsize = 0; /* Gaps for smartgaps. If set to zero, gaps will be disabled. */
static int smartgaps = 0; /* 1 means use different gap size when there is only one window */
/* Window aesthetic options */
static int fadewindows = 1; /* Starts with opacity on any focused/unfocused windows */
static int fadeinactive = 1; /* Fade inactive windows */
static double activeopacity = 1.0f; /* Window opacity when it's focused (0 <= opacity <= 1) */
static double inactiveopacity = 0.875f; /* Window opacity when it's inactive (0 <= opacity <= 1) */
/* Rounded corners */
2022-10-04 16:22:49 +02:00
static int roundedcorners = 0; /* Enable (1) rounded corners or disable (0) rounded corners. */
2022-10-03 03:25:23 +02:00
static int cornerradius = 2; /* Radius of rounded corners, 10 is the default. */
/* Tag preview options */
static int tagpreview = 1; /* Enable tag previews */
2022-08-21 21:08:40 +02:00
static int tagpreviewpaddingv = 0; /* Vertical tag padding */
static int tagpreviewpaddingh = 0; /* Horizontal tag padding */
static int barpreview = 0; /* Display the bar in the preview */
2022-10-03 03:25:23 +02:00
static int scalepreview = 2; /* Size of tag preview. Lower is bigger, higher is smaller. */
/* Window spawning options */
static int allowurgent = 1; /* Allow windows to have the 'urgent' status */
static int attachdirection = 3; /* 0 default, 1 above, 2 aside, 3 below, 4 bottom, 5 top */
static int swallowclients = 1; /* Swallow windows or not */
static int swallowfloating = 1; /* Swallow floating windows by default */
static int centerfloating = 1; /* Center floating windows by default */
static int startontag = 1; /* Start on a tag or not? */
static int floatscratchpad = 0; /* Float the scratchpad window on hide (1/0) */
2022-08-28 21:54:47 +02:00
static int focusspawn = 0; /* Automatically focus the next spawned window. If warp is enabled, this is useless and will be disabled. (1/0) */
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static int autofocus = 1; /* Allow clients to automatically be focused when they request it. This comes with the side effect of potentially being annoying */
static int automove = 1; /* Allow clients to automatically move when they request it */
static int autoresize = 1; /* Allow resizing clients automatically when they request it. */
/* Font options */
static char font[] = "Noto Sans Regular 9"; /* Font to draw the bar with */
/* Status options */
static char defaultstatus[] = ""; /* What to print when a status bar is not running */
2022-10-18 14:51:40 +02:00
/* Task switcher options
* NOTE: The modifier and cycle key is a constant and because of this, it cannot be changed in speedwmrc/.Xresources.
2022-10-18 17:43:56 +02:00
static const int switchmodifier = 0x85; /* Modifier to be used for the task switcher. Once this key is no longer held down, the task is selected. This is a keycode. */
static const int switchcyclekey = 0x17; /* Key to cycle forward in the task list. This is a keycode. */
2022-10-19 19:25:38 +02:00
static int menupositionv = 1; /* Menu position vertically. 0 bottom, 1 center, 2 top */
static int menupositionh = 1; /* Menu position horizontally, 0 left, 1 center, 2 right */
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static int maxwidth = 600; /* Max menu width */
static int maxheight = 200; /* Max menu height */
2022-10-17 21:56:46 +02:00
/* Misc */
static char shell[] = "/bin/sh"; /* Shell to use */
static int warpcursor = 1; /* Warp cursor when switching client/monitor */
static int urgentwindows = 1; /* Color urgent tags */
static int pertag = 1; /* Use different mfact and layout for each layout */
static int wmclass = 1; /* Enable (1) workaround for when a class cannot be grabbed */
static int clicktofocus = 0; /* Click to focus, or focus when the mouse moves to another window */
2022-08-25 18:53:04 +02:00
/* Full screen options */
static int movefullscreenmon = 1; /* Move fullscreen windows to another monitor */
static int fullscreenhidebar = 1; /* Hide the bar when full screen */
static int lockfullscreen = 1;
2022-09-03 17:05:20 +02:00
/* Window icon options */
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static int iconsize = 10; /* Size of the icon */
static int iconspacing = 5; /* Spacing between the title and icon */
/* Bar options */
static int barposition = 1; /* Bar position. Top: 1, Bottom: 0 */
static int barheight = 4; /* Bar height in pixels, 0 = calculate automatically */
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static int barpaddingv = 10; /* Vertical bar padding in pixels. */
static int barpaddingh = 10; /* Horizontal bar padding in pixels. */
2022-12-02 18:12:24 +01:00
/* Title options */
static int titleposition = 1; /* Title position. (0: Left, 1: Center) */
/* Layout indicator options */
static int layoutposition = 1; /* Layout indicator on the left (1) or on the right (0) */
/* Systray options */
2022-10-02 15:39:50 +02:00
static int systraypinning = 0; /* Show systray on focused monitor (0) or (<monitor number>) to pin to a specific monitor */
static int systrayposition = 0; /* Systray position. (0: Right, 1: Left) */
static int systrayspacing = 2; /* Systray spacing in pixels */
/* Tag text options */
static int underline = 0; /* Underline tags (1) or not (0) */
static int underlineall = 0; /* 1 to show underline on all tags, 0 for just the active ones */
static int underlinepad = 5; /* Horizontal padding between the underline and tag */
static int underlinestroke = 2; /* Height of the underline */
static int underlinevoffset = 0; /* How far above the bottom of the bar the line should appear */
/* Bar item options */
static int hidebar = 0; /* Hide the bar (1) or show (0) */
static int hidelayout = 0; /* Hide layout indicator (1) or show (0) */
static int hidetitle = 0; /* Hide the title part of the bar (1) or show (0) */
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static int hideunselectedtitle = 0; /* Hide unselected title (1) or show (0) */
static int hidestatus = 0; /* Hide status bar (1) or show (0) */
static int hideicon = 0; /* Hide icon (1) or show (0) */
static int hidetags = 0; /* Hide status bar (1) or show (0) */
2022-12-03 17:31:43 +01:00
static int hidesystray = 0; /* Hide systray by default (1) or show (0) */
static int hideemptytags = 1; /* Hide empty tags (1) or show (0) */
static int hidetagpowerline = 0; /* Hide tag powerline (1) or show (0) */
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static int hidetitlepowerline = 0; /* Hide title powerline (1) or show (0) */
2022-11-30 18:06:54 +01:00
static int hideborder = 0; /* Hide window border (1) or show (0) */
static int hidesingleborder = 1; /* Hide window border when there's only one window (1) or show (0) */
static int hidefloating = 0; /* Hide floating indicator (1) or show (0) */
static int hidesticky = 0; /* Hide sticky indicator (1) or show (0) */
/* Status options */
static int statusallmons = 1; /* Draw status bar on all monitors */
/* Layout options
* Monocle layout */
static int monocleclientcount = 0; /* Display client count in the Monocle layout */
static int monoclecount = 0; /* Display focused client and number of total clients in the Monocle layout */
static char monocleformat[] = "[%d/%d]"; /* Format of the monocle count. Unsigned integer monoclecount must be set to 1 for this to be used. */
2022-10-06 12:07:10 +02:00
/* Deck layout */
static int deckcount = 0; /* Display deck count in the deck layout */
static char deckformat[] = "[%d]"; /* Format of the deck count. deckcount must be set to 1 for this to be used. */
2022-10-06 12:07:10 +02:00
/* Custom layout */
#define customhistfile ".config/speedwm/history" /* History file */
#define customprompt "dmenu -i -l 10 -p 'Enter an S expression >' <" /* Run launcher to use for the custom layout */
2022-10-06 12:07:10 +02:00
/* Resetting */
2022-11-28 19:22:18 +01:00
static int resetlayout = 0; /* Reset layout when there is only one client visible */
static int resetmfact = 0; /* Reset mfact when there is only one client visible */
static int resetgaps = 0; /* Reset gaps when there is only one client visible */
2022-10-06 12:07:10 +02:00
/* Colors
* Bar colors */
static char col_background[] = "#222222"; /* Bar background and status background color */
static char col_titlenorm[] = "#222222"; /* Normal taskbar background color */
static char col_titlesel[] = "#99b3ff"; /* Selected taskbar background color */
static char col_titlehid[] = "#222222"; /* Hidden taskbar background color */
/* General text colors */
static char col_textnorm[] = "#bbbbbb"; /* Normal Application title bar/font */
2022-11-11 22:44:24 +01:00
static char col_textsel[] = "#222222"; /* Selected Text/Font color */
/* Window border colors */
static char col_windowbordernorm[] = "#000000"; /* Normal window border */
static char col_windowbordersel[] = "#eeeeee"; /* Selected window border */
static char col_windowborderurg[] = "#f0e68c"; /* Urgent window border */
/* Tag text/background colors */
static char col_tag1[] = "#99b3ff"; /* Tag 1 background */
static char col_tag1_text[] = "#eeeeee"; /* Tag 1 text */
static char col_tag2[] = "#99b3ff"; /* Tag 2 background */
static char col_tag2_text[] = "#eeeeee"; /* Tag 2 text */
static char col_tag3[] = "#99b3ff"; /* Tag 3 background */
static char col_tag3_text[] = "#eeeeee"; /* Tag 3 text */
static char col_tag4[] = "#99b3ff"; /* Tag 4 background */
static char col_tag4_text[] = "#eeeeee"; /* Tag 4 text */
static char col_tag5[] = "#99b3ff"; /* Tag 5 background */
static char col_tag5_text[] = "#eeeeee"; /* Tag 5 text */
static char col_tag6[] = "#99b3ff"; /* Tag 6 background */
static char col_tag6_text[] = "#eeeeee"; /* Tag 6 text */
static char col_tag7[] = "#99b3ff"; /* Tag 7 background */
static char col_tag7_text[] = "#eeeeee"; /* Tag 7 text */
static char col_tag8[] = "#99b3ff"; /* Tag 8 background */
static char col_tag8_text[] = "#eeeeee"; /* Tag 8 text */
static char col_tag9[] = "#99b3ff"; /* Tag 9 background */
static char col_tag9_text[] = "#eeeeee"; /* Tag 9 text */
static char col_tagurgent[] = "#f0e68c"; /* Urgent tag color */
/* Layout indicator colors */
static char col_layouttext[] = "#000000"; /* Layout indicator text */
static char col_layout[] = "#99b3ff"; /* Layout indicator background */
2022-10-06 08:22:06 +02:00
/* Systray colors */
2022-10-19 19:25:38 +02:00
static char col_systray[] = "#222222"; /* Systray background color */
2022-10-06 08:22:06 +02:00
/* Status colors */
static char col_status0[] = "#131210"; /* Status color 0 */
static char col_status1[] = "#bf616a"; /* Status color 1 */
static char col_status2[] = "#A16F9D"; /* Status color 2 */
static char col_status3[] = "#68ABAA"; /* Status color 3 */
static char col_status4[] = "#A89F93"; /* Status color 4 */
static char col_status5[] = "#D3A99B"; /* Status color 5 */
static char col_status6[] = "#AFC9AC"; /* Status color 6 */
static char col_status7[] = "#eae1cb"; /* Status color 7 */
static char col_status8[] = "#a39d8e"; /* Status color 8 */
static char col_status9[] = "#6D5E8E"; /* Status color 9 */
static char col_status10[] = "#A16F9D"; /* Status color 10 */
static char col_status11[] = "#D3A99B"; /* Status color 11 */
static char col_status12[] = "#AFC9AC"; /* Status color 12 */
static char col_status13[] = "#eae1cb"; /* Status color 13 */
static char col_status14[] = "#6D5E8E"; /* Status color 14 */
static char col_status15[] = "#ffffff"; /* Status color 15 */
2022-10-18 15:46:11 +02:00
/* Color options
* Title
static int colorselectedtitle = 1; /* Color the selected title. */
static int colorhiddentitle = 0; /* Color the hidden title. */
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/* Layout */
static int colorlayout = 0; /* Color the layout indicator. If you're going to be using Powerlines, the tags look better with this set to 0. */
2022-10-18 15:46:11 +02:00
/* Powerline options */
static int tagplshape = 0; /* Shape of the tag powerlines (0: >, 1: /) */
/* Text options
* Unused/empty tags
static char text_tag1_empty[] = "1"; /* Text for tag 1 when empty */
static char text_tag2_empty[] = "2"; /* Text for tag 2 when empty */
static char text_tag3_empty[] = "3"; /* Text for tag 3 when empty */
static char text_tag4_empty[] = "4"; /* Text for tag 4 when empty */
static char text_tag5_empty[] = "5"; /* Text for tag 5 when empty */
static char text_tag6_empty[] = "6"; /* Text for tag 6 when empty */
static char text_tag7_empty[] = "7"; /* Text for tag 7 when empty */
static char text_tag8_empty[] = "8"; /* Text for tag 8 when empty */
static char text_tag9_empty[] = "9"; /* Text for tag 9 when empty */
/* Used/occupied tags */
static char text_tag1_used[] = "[1]"; /* Text for tag 1 when used */
static char text_tag2_used[] = "[2]"; /* Text for tag 2 when used */
static char text_tag3_used[] = "[3]"; /* Text for tag 3 when used */
static char text_tag4_used[] = "[4]"; /* Text for tag 4 when used */
static char text_tag5_used[] = "[5]"; /* Text for tag 5 when used */
static char text_tag6_used[] = "[6]"; /* Text for tag 6 when used */
static char text_tag7_used[] = "[7]"; /* Text for tag 7 when used */
static char text_tag8_used[] = "[8]"; /* Text for tag 8 when used */
static char text_tag9_used[] = "[9]"; /* Text for tag 9 when used */
/* Layouts */
static char text_layout1[] = "(L1)"; /* Text for layout 1 */
static char text_layout2[] = "(L2)"; /* Text for layout 2 */
static char text_layout3[] = "(L3)"; /* Text for layout 3 */
static char text_layout4[] = "(L4)"; /* Text for layout 4 */
static char text_layout5[] = "(L5)"; /* Text for layout 5 */
static char text_layout6[] = "(L6)"; /* Text for layout 6 */
static char text_layout7[] = "(L7)"; /* Text for layout 7 */
static char text_layout8[] = "(L8)"; /* Text for layout 8 */
static char text_layout9[] = "(L9)"; /* Text for layout 9 */
static char text_layout10[] = "(L10)"; /* Text for layout 10 */
static char text_layout11[] = "(L11)"; /* Text for layout 11 */
static char text_layout12[] = "(L12)"; /* Text for layout 12 */
static char text_layout13[] = "(L13)"; /* Text for layout 13 */
static char text_layout14[] = "(L14)"; /* Text for layout 14 */
2022-11-17 16:58:03 +01:00
static char text_layout15[] = "(L15)"; /* Text for layout 15 */
/* Alpha/opacity settings
* These options set the opacity of the status bar modules.
* They can be anything from 0 (fully transparent) to 255 (fully opaque).
2022-12-04 22:03:42 +01:00
* You can also set opaque and transparent which are the same as 0 and 255 respectively.
2022-09-02 17:02:04 +02:00
* To completely disable alpha, disable it in toggle.h.
2022-11-30 18:20:13 +01:00
#define baropacity 160 /* Opacity for the overall bar */
#define layoutopacity 160 /* Opacity for the layout indicator */
2022-12-04 22:03:42 +01:00
#define tagnormopacity opaque /* Opacity for other tags */
2022-11-30 18:20:13 +01:00
#define tagselopacity 160 /* Opacity for the selected tag */
#define normtitleopacity 160 /* Opacity for all other windows in the speedwm bar */
#define seltitleopacity 160 /* Opacity for the focused window in the speedwm bar */
2022-12-04 22:03:42 +01:00
#define normborderopacity opaque /* Opacity for the all window borders except selected */
#define selborderopacity opaque /* Opacity for the selected window border */
#define hiddenopacity transparent /* Opacity for hidden/minimized windows */
2022-11-30 18:20:13 +01:00
#define statusopacity 160 /* Opacity for speedwm status bar */
#define systrayopacity 160 /* Opacity for the speedwm built in systray */
/* Icon misc options
* Sticky
static XPoint stickyicon[] = { {0,0}, /* Represents the icon as an array of vertices */
2022-10-06 12:07:10 +02:00
2022-09-08 18:07:30 +02:00
static XPoint stickyiconbb = {4,8}; /* Defines the bottom right corner of the polygon's bounding box (speeds up scaling) */
/* You have reached the end of the configuration file.
* For keybinds, see 'keybinds.h'
* For feature toggles, see 'toggle.h'