
1004 lines
20 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# speedwm-virtualkeyboard
# Licensed under GNU GPLv3
# https://speedie.gq/speedwm
case "$RUNLAUNCHER" in
"") RUNLAUNCHER=dmenu ;;
2022-08-23 15:47:37 +02:00
if [ -e "$HOME/.config/speedwm-de/global/config" ]; then
. $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/global/config
mkdir -p $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/global
printf "HAVE_GRID=$HAVE_GRID # Whether or not to use the Grid argument. If you do not have the dmenu grid patch, set this to false. Doing so will disable grid." > $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/global/config
if [ "$HAVE_GRID" = "true" ]; then
if [ "$HAVE_GRID" = "true" ]; then
2022-09-21 19:49:54 +02:00
BINDIR=$(cat /usr/share/speedwm/bindir)
printf "🙂 Slightly smiling face
😀 Smiling face
😃 Smiling face with big eyes
😄 Smiling face with smiling eyes
😁 Beaming face with smiling eyes
😅 Smiling face with tears
😆 Grinning face
🤣 Rolling on the floor laughing
😂 Lauging with tears
🙃 Upside down face
😉 Winking face
😊 Smiling face with smiling eyes
😇 Smiling face with halo
😎 Smiling face with sunglasses
🤓 Nerdy face
🧐 Face with monocle
🥳 Partying face
🥰 Smiling face with hearts
😍 Smiling face with heart eyes
🤩 Star-struck
😘 Face blowing kiss
😗 Kissing face
☺ Smiling face
😚 Kissing face with closed eyes
😙 Kissng face with smiling eyes
🥲 Smiling face with tears
😋 Yummy face
😛 Face with tongue
😜 WInking face with tongue
🤪 Zanny face
😝 Squinting face with tongue
🤑 Money face with money tongue
🤗 Hugs
🤭 Face with hand in mouth
🤫 Shushing face
🤔 Thinkin face
😐 Neutral face
🤐 Zipped mouth
🤨 Face with raised eyebrow
😑 Expressionless face
😶 Face with no mouth
😏 Smirking face
😒 Unamused face
🙄 Face with rolling eyes
😬 Grimacing face
😮 💨 Grimacing face
🤥 Lying face
😪 Sleepy face
😴 Sleeping face
😌 Relieved face
😔 Pensive face
🤤 Drooling face
😷 Face with mask
🤒 Face with thermometer
🤕 Face with bandage
🤢 Nauseous face
🤮 Vomiting face
🤧 Sneezing face
🥵 Hot face
🥶 Cold face
🥴 Woozy face
😵 Face with crossed-out face
🤯 Face with exploding head
😕 Confused face
😟 Worried face
🙁 Slightly frowning face
☹ Frowning face
😮 Face with open mouth
😯 Hushed face
😲 Astonished face
😳 Flushed face
🥺 Begging face
😦 Frowning face with open mouth
😧 Angushed face
😨 Fearful face
😰 Anxious face with sweat
😥 Sad but relieved face
😢 Crying face
😭 Loudly crying face
😱 Screaming face
😖 Confounded face
😣 Persevering face
😞 Disapointed face
😓 Downcast face with sweat
😩 Weary face
😫 Tired face
🥱 Yawning face
😤 Face with steam
😡 Pouting face
😠 Angry face
🤬 Face with symbols on mouth
😈 Smiling face with horns
👿 Angry face with horns
💀 Skull
☠ Skull and cross-bone
💩 Pile of poo
🤡 Clown
👹 Ogre
👺 Goblin
👻 Ghost
👽 Alien
👾 Alien monster
🤖 Robot
😺 Grinnig cat
😸 Grinning cat with smiling eyes
😹 Grinning cat with tears
😻 Smiling cat with heart eyes
😼 Cat with wry smile
😽 Kissing cat
🙀 Weary cat
😿 Crying cat
😾 Pouting cat
🙈 See no evil monkey
🙉 Hear no evil monkey
🙊 Speak no evil monkey
💋 Kiss
💌 Love letter
💘 Heart with arrow
💝 HEart with ribbon
💖 Sparking heart
💗 Growing heart
💓 Beating heart
💞 Revolving heart
💕 Two hearts
💟 Heart decoration
❣ Heart exclamation
💔 Broken heart
❤️ 🔥 Heart on fire
❤️ 🩹 Mending heart
❤ Red heart
🧡 Orange heart
💛 Yellow heart
💚 Green heart
💙 Blue heart
💜 Purple heart
🤎 Brown heart
🖤 Black heart
🤍 White heart
💯 Hundred(correct)
💢 Anger
💥 collision
💫 Dizzy
💦 Sweat droplets
💨 Dashing away
🕳 Hole
💣 Bomb
💬 Message baloon
👁️ 🗨️ Eye in speech bubble
🗨 Left speech bubble
🗯 Anger bubble
💭 Thought baloon
💤 zzz
👋 Waving hand
🤚 Raised back of hand
🖐 Hands with splayed finger
✋ Raised hand
🖖 Vulcan salute
👌 Ok
🤌 Pinched fingers
🤏 Pinched hand
✌ Victory hand
🤞 Crossed fingers
🤟 Love you
🤘 Horn sign
🤙 Call me hand
👈 Index finger pointing left
👉 Index finger pointing right
👆 Index finger pointing up
👇 Index finger pointing down
🖕 Middle finger
☝ Forehand Index finger pointing up
🫵 Index finger pointing at viewer
👍 Thumbs up
👎 Thumbs down
✊ Raised fist
👊 Fist
🤛 Left facing fist
🤜 Right facing fist
👏 Clapping hands
🙌 Raised hands
👐 OPen hands
🤲 Palms together hands
🤝 Handshake
🙏 Praying hands
✍ Writing hands
💅 Nail polish
🤳 Selfie hand
💪 Flexed biceps
🦾 MEchanical arm
🦵 Leg
🦿 Mechanical leg
🦶 Foot
👂 Ear
🦻 Ear with earing aid
👃 Nose
🧠 Brain
👣 Footprint
🫀 MEchanical heart
🫁 Lungs
🦷 Tooth
🦴 Bone
👀 Eyes
👁 Eye
👅 Nose
👄 Mouth
🧑 Person
👶 Baby
🧒 Child
👦 Boy
👧 Girl
👱 Person with blonde hair
👨 Man
🧔 Bearded person
🧔 ♂‍ Bearded man
🧔 ♀‍ Bearded woman
👨 🦰 MAn with red hair
👨 🦱 Man with curly hair
👨 🦳 Man with white hair
👨 🦲 Bald man
👩 Woman
👩 🦰 Woman with red hair
👩 🦱 Woman with curly hair
👩 🦳 Woman with white hair
👩 🦲 Bald woman
👱 ♀‍ Woman with blode hair
👱 ♂‍ Man with blonde hair
🧓 Old person
👴 Old man
👵 Old woman
🙍 Person frowning
🙍 ♂‍ Man frowning
🙍 ♀‍ Woman frowning
🙎 Person pouting
🙎 ♂‍ Man pouting
🙎 ♀‍ Woman pouting
🙅 Person gesturing no
🙅 ♂‍ Man gesturing no
🙅 ♀‍ Woman gesturing no
🙆 Person stretching
🙆 ♂‍ Man stretching
🙆 ♀‍ Woman stretching
💁 Person tipping hand
💁 ♂‍ Man tipping hand
💁 ♀‍ Woman tipping hand
🙋 Person rainsing hand
🙋 ♂‍ Man raising hand
🙋 ♀‍ Woman raisning hand
🧏 Deaf person
🧏 ♂‍ Deaf man
🧏 ♀‍ Deaf woman
🙇 Person bowing
🙇 ♂‍ Man bowing
🙇 ♀‍ Woman bowing
🤦 Person facepalming
🤦 ♂‍ Man facepalming
🤦 ♀‍ Woman facepalming
🤷 Person shrugging
🤷 ♂‍ Man shrugging
🤷 ♀‍ Woman shrugging
🧑 ⚕‍ Health worker
👨 ⚕‍ Man health worker
👩 ⚕‍ Woman health worker
🧑 🎓 Student
👨 🎓 Man student
🧑 🏫 Teacher
👨 🏫 Man teacher
👩 🏫 Woman teacher
🧑 ⚖‍ Judge
👨 ⚖‍ Man judge
👩 ⚖‍ Woman judge
🧑 🌾 Farmer
👨 🌾 Man farmer
👩 🌾 Woman farmer
🧑 🍳 Cook
👨 🍳 Man cook
👩 🍳 Woman cook
🧑 🔧 Mechanic
👨 🔧 Man mechanic
👩 🔧 Woman mechanic
🧑 🏭 Factory worker
👨 🏭 Man factory worker
👩 🏭 Woman factory worker
🧑 💼 Office worker
👨 💼 Man office worker
👩 💼 Woma office worker
🧑 🔬 Scientist
👨 🔬 Man scientist
👩 🔬 Woman scientis
🧑 💻 Technologist
👨 💻 Man texhnologist
👩 💻 Woman technologist
🧑 🎤 Singer
👨 🎤 Man singer
👩 🎤 Woman singer
🧑 🎨 Artist
👨 🎨 Man artist
👩 🎨 Woman artist
🧑 ✈‍ Pilot
👨 ✈‍ Man pilot
👩 ✈‍ Woman pilot
🧑 🚀 Astronaut
👨 🚀 Man astronaut
👩 🚀 Woman astronaut
🧑 🚒 Firefighter
👨 🚒 Man firefighter
👩 🚒 Woman firefighter
👮 Police
👮 ♂‍ Policeman
👮 ♀‍ Policewoman
🕵 Detective
🕵️ ♂‍ Man detective
🕵️ ♀‍ Woman detective
💂 Guard
💂 ♂‍ Man guard
💂 ♀‍ Woman guard
🥷 Ninja
👷 Construction worker
👷 ♂‍ Man construction worker
👷 ♀‍ Woman construction worker
🤴 Prince
👸 Princess
👳 Person wearing turban
👳 ♂‍ Man wearing turban
👳 ♀‍ Woman wearing turban
👲 Person with skullcap
🧕 Woman with headscaff
🤵 Person in tuxedo
🤵 ♂‍ Man in tuxedo
🤵 ♀‍ Woman in tuxedo
👰 Person in veil
👰 ♂‍ Man in veil
👰 ♀‍ Woman in veil
🤰 Pregnant woman
🤱 Breast-feeding
🧑 🍼 Person feeding baby
👩 🍼 WOman feeding baby
👨 🍼 Man feeding baby
👼 Baby angel
🎅 Santa claus
🤶 Mrs Claus
🧑 🎄 Mx Claus
🦸 Superhero
🦸 ♂‍ Man superhero
🦸 ♀‍ Woman superhero
🦹 Supervillain
🦹 ♂‍ Man superhero
🦹 ♀‍ Woman superhero
🧙 Mage
🧙 ♂‍ Man mage
🧙 ♀‍ Woman mage
🧚 Fairy
🧚 ♂‍ Man fairy
🧚 ♀‍ Woman fairy
🧛 Vampire
🧛 ♂‍ Man vampire
🧛 ♀‍ Woman vampire
🧜 Merperson
🧜 ♂‍ Merman
🧜 ♀‍ Mermaid
🧝 Elf
🧝 ♂‍ Man elf
🧝 ♀‍ Woman elf
🧞 Genie
🧞 ♂‍ Man genie
🧞 ♀‍ Woman genie
🧟 Zombie
🧟 ♂‍ Man zombie
🧟 ♀‍ Woman zombie
💆 Person getting massage
💆 ♂‍ Man getting massage
💆 ♀‍ Woman getting massage
💇 Person getting haircut
💇 ♂‍ Man getting haircut
💇 ♀‍ Woman getting haircut
🚶 Person walking
🚶 ♂‍ Man walking
🚶 ♀‍ Woman walking
🧍 Person standing
🧍 ♂‍ Man standing
🧍 ♀‍ Woman standing
🧎 Person kneeling
🧎 ♂‍ Man kneeling
🧎 ♀‍ Woman kneeling
🧑 🦯 PErson with walking stick
👨 🦯 Man with walking stick
👩 🦯 Woman with walking stick
🧑 🦼 Person in motorized wheelchair
👨 🦼 Man in motorized wheelchair
👩 🦼 Womain in motorized wheelchair
🧑 🦽 Person in manual wheelchair
👨 🦽 Man in manual wheelchair
👩 🦽 Womaan in motorized wheelchair
🏃 Person sprinting
🏃 ♂‍ Man sprinting
🏃 ♀‍ Woman sprinting
💃 Woman dancing
🕺 Man dancing
🕴 Person in suit levitating
👯 People with bunny ears
👯 ♂‍ Men with bunny ears
👯 ♀‍ Women in bunny ears
🧖 Person in steaming room
🧖 ♂‍ Man in steaming room
🧖 ♀‍ Woman in steaming room
🧗 Person climbing
🧗 ♂‍ Man climbing
🧗 ♀‍ Woman climbing
🤺 Person fencing
🏇 Horse racing
⛷ Skier
🏂 Snowball
🏌 Person playing golf
🏌️ ♂‍ Man playing golf
🏌️ ♀‍ Woman playing golf
🏄 Person surfing
🏄 ♂‍ Man surfing
🏄 ♀‍ Woman surfing
🚣 Person rowing boat
🚣 ♂‍ Man rowing boat
🚣 ♀‍ Woman rowing boat
🏊 Person swimming
🏊 ♂‍ Man swimming
🏊 ♀‍ Woman swimming
⛹ Person bouncing ball
⛹️ ♂‍ Man bouncing ball
⛹️ ♀‍ Woman bouncing ball
🏋 Person lifting weight
🏋️ ♂‍ Man lifting weight
🏋️ ♀‍ Woman lifting weight
🚴 Person cycling
🚴 ♂‍ Man cycling
🚴 ♀‍ Woman cycling
🚵 Person mountain biking
🚵 ♂‍ Man mountain biking
🚵 ♀‍ Woman mountain biking
🤸 Person catwheeling
🤸 ♂‍ Man catwheeling
🤸 ♀‍ Woman catwheeling
🤼 People wrestling
🤼 ♂‍ Men wrestling
🤼 ♀‍ Women wrestling
🤽 Person playing water polo
🤽 ♂‍ Man playing water polo
🤽 ♀‍ Woman playing water polo
🤾 Person playing handball
🤾 ♂‍ Man playing handball
🤾 ♀‍ Woman playing handball
🤹 Person juggling
🤹 ♂‍ Man juggling
🤹 ♀‍ Woman juggling
🧘 Person lotus position
🧘 ♂‍ Man in lotus position
🧘 ♀‍ Woman in lotus position
🛀 Person bathing
🛌 Person in bed
👪 Family
👨 👩‍👦 Family: man, woman, and boy
👨 👩‍👧 Family: man, woman, and girl
👨 👩‍👧‍👦 Family: man, woman, boy, and girl
👨 👩‍👦‍👦 Family: man, woman, and two boys
👨 👩‍👧‍👧 Family: man, woman, and two girls
👨 👨‍👦 Family: two men and boy
👨 👨‍👧 Family: two men and girl
👨 👨‍👧‍👦 Family: two men, girl, and boy
👨 👨‍👦‍👦 Family: two men and two boys
👨 👨‍👧‍👧 Family: two men and two girls
👩 👩‍👦 Family: two women and boy
👩 👩‍👧 Family: two women and girl
👩 👩‍👧‍👦 Family: two women, girl, and boy
👩 👩‍👦‍👦 Family: two women and two boys
👩 👩‍👧‍👧 Family: two women and two girls
👨 👦 Family: man and boy
👨 👦‍👦 Family: man and two boys
👨 👧 Family: man and girl
👨 👧‍👦 Family: man, girl and boy
👨 👧‍👧 Family: man and two girls
👩 👦 Family: woman and boy
👩 👦‍👦 Family: woman and two boys
👩 👧 Family: woman and girl
👩 👧‍👦 Family: woman, girl, and boy
👩 👧‍👧 Family: woman and two girls
🧑 🤝‍🧑 People holding hands
👭 Women holding hands
👫 Woman and man holding hands
👬 Men holding hands
💏 Kiss
👩 ❤‍💋‍👨 Woman and man kissing
👨 ❤‍💋‍👨 Man and man kissing
👩 ❤‍💋‍👩 Womand and woman kissing
💑 Couple with heart
🗣 Person speaking
👤 Bust in silhouhette
👥 Busts in silhouette
🫂 People hugging
🐵 Monkey face
🐒 Monkey
🦍 Gorilla
🦧 Orangutan
🐶 Dog face
🐕 Dog
🦮 Guide dog
🐕 🦺 Service dog
🐩 Poodle
🐺 Wolf
🦊 Fox
🦝 Racoon
🐱 Cat face
🐈 Cat
🐈 ⬛ Black cat
🦁 Lion
🐯 Tiger face
🐅 Tiger
🐆 Leopard
🐴 Horse face
🐎 Horse
🦄 Unicorn
🦓 Zebra
🦌 Deer
🦬 Bison
🐮 Cow face
🐄 Cow
🐂 Ox
🐃 Water buffalo
🐷 Pig face
🐖 Pig
🐗 Boar
🐽 Pig nose
🐏 Ram
🐑 Ewe
🐐 Goat
🐪 Camel
🐫 Two hump camel
🦙 Ilama
🦒 Giraffe
🐘 Elephant
🦣 Mammoth
🦏 Rhiniceros
🦛 Hippopotamus
🐭 Mouse face
🐁 Mouse
🐀 Rat
🐹 Hamster
🐰 Rabbit face
🐇 Rabbit
🐿 Chipmunk
🦫 Beaver
🦔 Hedgehog
🦇 Bat
🐻 Bear
🐻 ❄️ Polar bear
🐨 Koala
🐼 Panda
🦥 Sloth
🦦 Otter
🦨 Skunk
🦘 Kangaroo
🦡 Badger
🐾 Paw prints
🦃 Turkey
🐔 Chicken
🐓 Rooster
🐣 Hatching
🐤 Baby chick
🐥 Front-facing chick
🐦 Bird
🐧 Penguin
🕊 Dove
🦅 Eagle
🦆 Duck
🦢 Swan
🦉 Owl
🦤 Dodo
🪶 Feather
🦩 Flamingo
🦜 Peacock
🐸 Frog
🐊 Crocodile
🐢 Turtle
🦎 Lizard
🐍 Snake
🐲 Dragon face
🐉 Dragon
🦕 Sauropod
🦖 Tyranosaurus
🐳 Spouting whale
🐋 Whale
🐬 Dolphin
🦭 Seal
🐟 Fish
🐠 Tropical fish
🐡 Blowfish
🦈 Shark
🐙 Octopus
🐚 Spiral shell
🐌 Snail
🦋 Butterfly
🐛 Bug
🐜 Ant
🐝 Honeybee
🪲 Beetle
🐞 Lady Beetle
🦗 Cricket
🪳 Cockroach
🕷 Spider
🕸 Spider web
🦂 Scorpion
🦟 Mosquito
🪰 Fly
🪱 Worm
🦠 Microbe
💐 Bouquet
🌸 Cherry blossom
💮 White flower
🏵 Rosette
🌹 Rose
🥀 Wilted flower
🌺 Hibiscus
🌻 Sunflower
🌼 Blossom
🌷 Tulip
🌱 Seedling
🪴 Potted plant
🌲 Evergreen tree
🌳 Deciduous plant
🌴 Palm tree
🌵 Cactus
🌾 Sheaf of rice
🌿 Herb
☘ Shamrock
🍀 Four leaf clover
🍁 Maple leaf
🍂 Fallen leaf
🍃 Leaf fluttering in wind
🪴 Empty nest
🪴 Nest with eggs
🍇 Grapes
🍈 Melon
🍉 Water melon
🍊 Tangerine
🍋 Lime
🍌 Banana
🍍 Pineapple
🥭 Mango
🍎 Red apple
🍏 Green apple
🍐 Pear
🍑 Peach
🍒 Cherries
🍓 Strawberries
🫐 Blueberries
🥝 Kiwi fruit
🍅 Tomato
🫒 Olive
🥥 Coconut
🥑 Avocado
🍆 Eggplant
🥔 Potato
🥕 Carrot
🌽 Corn
🌶 Pepper
🫑 Bell pepper
🥒 Cucumber
🥬 Leafy green
🥦 Broccoli
🧄 Garlic
🧅 Onion
🍄 Mushroom
🥜 Peanuts
🫑 Beans
🌰 Chestnut
🍞 Bread
🥐 Croissant
🥖 Baguette bread
🫓 Flat bread
🥨 Pretzel
🥯 Bagel
🥞 Pancake
🧇 Waffle
🧀 Cheese wedge
🍖 Meat with bone
🍗 Poultry leg
🥩 Cut of meat
🥓 Bacon
🍔 Hamburger
🍟 French fries
🍕 Pizza
🌭 Hot dog
🥪 Sandwich
🌮 Taco
🌯 Burrito
🫔 Tamale
🥙 Stuffed flatbread
🧆 Falafel
🥚 Egg
🍳 Cooking
🥘 Shallow pan of food
🍲 Pot of food
🫕 Fondue
🥣 Bowl with food
🥗 Green salad
🍿 Popcorn
🧈 Butter
🧂 Salt
🥫 Canned food
🍱 Bento box
🍘 RIce cracker
🍙 Rice ball
🍚 Cooked rice
🍛 Curry rice
🍜 Steaming bowl
🍝 Spaghetti
🍠 Roasted sweet potato
🍢 Oden
🍣 Sushi
🍤 Fried shrimp
🍥 Fish cake with swiri
🥮 Moon cake
🍡 Dango
🥟 Dumpling
🥠 Fortune cookie
🥡 Take out box
🦀 Crab
🦞 Lobster
🦐 Shrimp
🦑 Squid
🦪 Oyster
🍨 Ice cream
🍧 Shaved ice cream
🍦 Soft ice cream
🍩 Doughnut
🍪 Cookie
🎂 Birthday cake
🍰 Short cake
🧁 Cup cake
🥧 Pie
🍫 Chocoloate
🍬 Candy
🍭 Lollipop
🍮 Custard
🍯 Honey pot
🍼 Baby bottle
🥛 Glass of milk
☕ Hot beverage
🫖 Teapot
🍵 Teacup without handle
🍶 Sake
🍾 Bottle with poppin cork
🍷 Wine glass
🍸 Cocktail glass
🍹 Tropical drink
🍺 Beer mug
🍻 Clinking beer mug
🥂 Clinking glasses
🥃 Tumbler glass
🥤 Cup with strawberry
🧋 Bubble tea
🧃 Beverage box
🧉 Mate
🧊 Ice
🥢 Chopsticks
🍽 Fork and knife with plate
🍴 Fork and knife
🥄 Spoon
🔪 Kitchen knife
🧋 Jar
🏺 Amphora
🌍 Globe showing Africa and Europe
🌎 Globe showing Americas
🌏 Globe showing Asia and Australia
🌐 Globe with meridians
🗺 World map
🧭 Compass
⛰ Mountain
🏔 Snowcap mountain
🌋 Volcanic mountain
🗻 Fuji mountain
🏕 Camping
🏖 Beach with umbrella
🏜 Desert
🏝 Desertified island
🏞 National park
🏟 Stadium
🏛 Classical building
🏗 Building construction
🧱 Brick
🪨 Rock
🪵 Wood
🛖 Hut
🏘 Houses
🏚 Derelict house
🏠 House
🏡 House with garden
🏢 Office building
🏣 Japanese office
🏤 Post office
🏥 Hospital
🏦 Bank
🏨 Hotel
🏩 Love hotel
🏪 Convenience store
🏫 School
🏬 Department
🏭 Factory
🏯 Japanese castle
🏰 Castle
💒 Wedding house
🗼 Tokyo tower
🗽 Statue of liberty
⛪ Church
🕌 Mosque
🛕 Hindu temple
🕍 Synagogue
⛩ Shinto shrine
🕋 Kaaba
⛲ Fountain
⛺ Tent
🌁 Foggy
🌃 Night with starrs
🏙 Citscape
🌅 Sunrise
🌄 Sunrise over mountains
🌆 Cityscape at dusk
🌇 Sunset
🌉 Bridge at night
♨ Hot springs
🎠 Carousel horse
🎡 Ferris wheel
🎢 Roller coaster
💈 Barber poll
🎪 Circus tent
🚂 Locomotive
🚃 Railway car
🚄 High speed train
🚅 Bullet train
🚆 Train
🚇 Metro
🚈 Light rail
🚉 Station
🚊 Tram
🚝 Monorail
🚞 Mountain railway
🚋 Tram car
🚌 us
🚍 Oncoming bus
🚎 Trolley bus
🚐 Minibus
🚑 Ambulance
🚒 Fire engine
🚓 Police car
🚔 Oncoming police car
🚕 Taxi
🚖 Oncoming taxi
🚗 Automobile
🚘 Oncoming automobile
🚙 Sport utility vehicle
🛻 Pickup truck
🚚 Delivery truck
🚛 Articulated lorry
🚜 Tractor
🏎 Racing car
🏍 Motorcycle
🛵 Scooter
🦽 Manual wheelchair
🦼 Motorized wheelchair
⌛ Hourglass done
⏳ Hourglass starting
⌚ Watch
⏰ Alarm
⏱ Stopwatch
⏲ Timer clock
🕰 Mantelpiece clock
🕛 Twelve
🕧 Twelve-thirty
🕐 One
🕜 One-thirty
🕑 Two
🕝 Two-thirty
🕒 Three
🕞 Three-thirty
🕓 Four
🕟 Four-thirty
🕔 Five
🕠 Five-thirty
🕕 Six
🕡 Six-thirty
🕖 Seven
🕢 Seven-thirty
🕗 Eight
🕣 Eight-thirty
🕘 Nine
🕤 Nine-thirty
🕙 Ten
🕥 Ten-thirty
🕚 Eleven
🕦 Eleven-thirty
🌑 New moon
🌒 Waxing crescent moon
🌓 First quarter moon
🌔 Waxing gibbous moon
🌕 Full moon
🌖 Waning gibbous moon
🌗 Last quarter moon
🌘 Waning crescent moon
🌙 Crescent moon
🌚 New moon face
🌛 First quarter moon face
🌜 Last quartermoon face
🌡 Thermometer
☀ Sun
🌝 Full moon face
🌞 Sun with face
🪐 Ringed planet
⭐ Star
🌟 Glowing star
🌠 Shooting star
🌌 Milky way
☁ Cloud
⛅ Sun behind cloud
⛈ Cloud with lighting and rain
🌤 Sun behind small cloud
🌥 Sun behind large cloud
🌦 Sun behind rain cloud
🌧 Cloud with rain
🌨 Cloud with snow
🌩 Cloud with lighting
🌪 Tornado
🌫 Fog
🌬 Wind face
🌀 Cyclone
🌈 Rainbow
🌂 Closed umbrella
☂ Umbrella
☔ Umbrella with raindrops
⛱ Umbrella on ground
⚡ High voltage
❄ Snowflake
☃ Snowman
⛄ Snowman without snow
☄ Comet
🔥 Fire
💧 Droplet
🌊 Water wave
🎃 Jack-o-lantern
🎄 Christmas tree
🎆 Fireworks
🎇 Sparkler
🧨 Firecracker
✨ Sparkles
🎈 Baloon
🎉 Party popper
🎊 Confetti ball
🎋 Tanabata tree
🎍 Pine decoration
🎎 Japanese dolls
🎏 Carp streamer
🎑 Moon viewing ceremony
🧧 Red envelope
🎀 Ribbon
🎁 Wrapped gift
🎗 Reminder ribbon
🎟 Admission ticket
🎫 Ticket
🎖 Military medal
🏆 Trophy
🏅 Sports medal
🥇 Gold medal - first position
🥈 Silver medal - second position
🥉 Bronze medal - third position
⚽ Soccer ball
⚾ Baseball
🥎 Softball
🏀 BAsketball
🏐 Volleyball
🏈 American football