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!! speedwm configuration file
!! This is the speedwm configuration file. It will be loaded on startup provided it is located in ~/.config/speedwm-de/speedwmrc.
!! If it is not, you need to manually load it.
2022-09-16 22:18:31 +02:00
!! To reload settings during runtime, run 'speedwm_run -r'.
!! Font options
!! Fonts are picked based on (A) order in the list below and (B) what fonts have the character that should be printed.
!! If you want more than three fonts, add a comma to font3 and add another to it.
2022-09-17 00:45:58 +02:00
- speedwm.font: NotoSans-Regular:size=8:antialiasing=true
- speedwm.font2: fontawesome:size=8
- speedwm.font3: Noto Color Emoji:size=8
!! Bar colors
- speedwm.col_background: #222222
- speedwm.col_title: #222222
!! Bar text colors
- speedwm.col_textnorm: #bbbbbb
- speedwm.col_textsel: #eeeeee
!! Window border colors
- speedwm.col_windowbordersel: #eeeeee
- speedwm.col_windowbordernorm: #000000
!! Tag colors
- speedwm.col_tag1: #333333
- speedwm.col_tag1_text: #eeeeee
- speedwm.col_tag2: #333333
- speedwm.col_tag2_text: #eeeeee
- speedwm.col_tag3: #333333
- speedwm.col_tag3_text: #eeeeee
- speedwm.col_tag4: #333333
- speedwm.col_tag4_text: #eeeeee
- speedwm.col_tag5: #333333
- speedwm.col_tag5_text: #eeeeee
- speedwm.col_tag6: #333333
- speedwm.col_tag6_text: #eeeeee
- speedwm.col_tag7: #333333
- speedwm.col_tag7_text: #eeeeee
- speedwm.col_tag8: #333333
- speedwm.col_tag8_text: #eeeeee
- speedwm.col_tag9: #333333
- speedwm.col_tag9_text: #eeeeee
!! Layout indicator colors
- speedwm.col_layouttext: #000000
- speedwm.col_layoutbgnorm: #222222
- speedwm.col_layoutbgsel: #bbbbbb
!! Status colors
!! These are status2d colors. If you are a user of the default status bar, they will be used without any additional effort.
!! If you use a third party bar, you must add support for these colors yourself.
!! To change color for the text: ^C<num>^ followed by the actual text to print. The number is 0 through 15.
!! To change color for the background: ^B<num>^ followed by the actual text to print. The number is 0 through 15.
!! See https://dwm.suckless.org/patches/status2d/ for more information!
- speedwm.col_status0: #131210
- speedwm.col_status1: #bf616a
- speedwm.col_status2: #A16F9D
- speedwm.col_status3: #68ABAA
- speedwm.col_status4: #A89F93
- speedwm.col_status5: #D3A99B
- speedwm.col_status6: #AFC9AC
- speedwm.col_status7: #eae1cb
- speedwm.col_status8: #a39d8e
- speedwm.col_status9: #6D5E8E
- speedwm.col_status10: #A16F9D
- speedwm.col_status11: #D3A99B
- speedwm.col_status12: #AFC9AC
- speedwm.col_status13: #eae1cb
- speedwm.col_status14: #6D5E8E
- speedwm.col_status15: #ffffff
!! Border size (in pixels)
- speedwm.borderpx: 1
!! Amount of pixels necessary to move the floating window to the nearest edge. (in pixels)
- speedwm.snap: 20
!! Show the bar or not (1/0)
- speedwm.showbar: 1
!! Show resize hints or not (1/0)
- speedwm.resizehints: 0
!! Allow changing mfact using the mouse (1/0)
- speedwm.mousemfact: 1
!! Default mfact. 0.50 for example gives the master stack half the screen (50% or 0.50) and the stack the rest.
- speedwm.mfact: 0.50
2022-09-17 00:45:58 +02:00
!! Lowest possible mfact.
- speedwm.lowestmfact: 0.05
!! Start on tag. If this is set to 1, speedwm will start on tag 1. If it is set to 0, then speedwm will not start on tag 1. (1/0)
- speedwm.startontag: 1
!! Require clicking windows to focus them, or focus when the mouse cursor touches the window border (1/0)
- speedwm.clicktofocus: 0
!! Focus newly spawned windows. If this is set to 0, newly spawned windows will not be automatically focused. (1/0)
2022-08-28 21:54:47 +02:00
- speedwm.focusspawn: 0
!! Enable gaps around windows. Gaps make it easier to distinguish windows from each other and they look nice, but gives the user less space for windows. (1/0)
- speedwm.enablegaps: 1
!! Use different gaps when there is only one window on a tag. (1/0)
2022-08-25 21:24:18 +02:00
- speedwm.smartgaps: 0
!! Gaps to use when there is only one window on a tag. If set to 0, gaps will be disabled when there is only one client.
- speedwm.smartgapsize: 0
!! Horizontal inner gaps in pixels.
- speedwm.gappih: 10
!! Vertical inner gaps in pixels.
- speedwm.gappiv: 10
!! Horizontal outer gaps in pixels.
- speedwm.gappoh: 10
!! Vertical outer gaps in pixels.
- speedwm.gappov: 10
!! Direction windows are spawned in. (0/1/2/3/4/5)
!! 0 will spawn them in the master stack.
!! 1 will spawn them above.
!! 2 will spawn them aside.
!! 3 will spawn them below.
!! 4 will spawn them on the bottom
!! 5 will spawn them on the top.
- speedwm.attachdirection: 3
!! Window icon size in pixels:
- speedwm.iconsize: 10
!! Window icon spacing between the title text and icon in pixels:
- speedwm.iconspacing: 5
!! Shell commands will run with:
- speedwm.shell: /bin/sh
!! Status bar speedwm will autostart and use:
- speedwm.status: status
!! Text to print when a status bar is not actively writing anything. Empty will print nothing for the empty status bar:
- speedwm.defaultstatus:
!! Refresh rules when a title or class changes. (1/0)
- speedwm.refreshrules: 1
!! Respect decoration hints for software that requests it (1/0)
- speedwm.decorhints: 1
!! Barpadding adds extra space vertically and horizontally between the bar.
!! Vertical bar padding:
2022-09-16 22:19:53 +02:00
- speedwm.barpaddingv: 10
!! Horizontal bar padding:
2022-09-16 22:19:53 +02:00
- speedwm.barpaddingh: 10
!! Height of the bar in pixels. If you want, you may make the bar taller. If set to 0, the bar will just be as tall as the fonts drawn on it.
- speedwm.barheight: 5
!! Center floating windows automatically when spawned. If set to 1, floating windows will be centered when spawned. Otherwise they will be spawned in the top left corner. (1/0)
- speedwm.centerfloating: 1
!! Save floating window position. If set to 1, floating windows will be placed back in their position if they are set to floating again. (1/0)
- speedwm.savefloat: 1
!! Warp cursor to the focused window. If set to 1, the mouse cursor will be warped to the newly focused window. (1/0)
- speedwm.warpcursor: 1
!! Different values (such as layouts, mfact, or gaps) for each tag. If set to 1, each tag will be allowed to have a property independently from other tags. Otherwise, all tags will share the same properties. (1/0)
- speedwm.pertag: 1
!! i3-like number of master behaviour. If set to 1, this will be enabled. (1/0)
- speedwm.i3nmaster: 0
!! Tag previews allow the user to previous a tag before he switches to it. This can be very useful when many tags are occupied.
!! Enable tag previews. If set to 1, tag previews will be enabled. Otherwise they will be disabled.
- speedwm.tagpreview: 1
!! Vertical padding for the tag preview in pixels
2022-08-21 21:08:40 +02:00
- speedwm.tagpreviewpaddingv: 0
!! Horizontal padding for the tag preview in pixels
2022-08-21 21:08:40 +02:00
- speedwm.tagpreviewpaddingh: 0
!! Allow previewing tags using the mouse. If a mouse touches a tag, a tag preview will be displayed for that tag. If set to 1, this will be enabled. Otherwise it will be disabled. (1/0)
- speedwm.mousepreview: 1
!! Display the bar in that preview. If set to 1, the bar will be included in the preview. If set to 0, the bar will not be included. (1/0)
- speedwm.barpreview: 0
!! Scale preview. The lower the number, the smaller the preview will be. For example, 1 will take up the entire screen.
- speedwm.scalepreview: 4
!! Display amount of Monocle clients in the Monocle layout if set to 1, otherwise the layout number (L2) will be printed. (1/0)
- speedwm.monocleclientcount: 0
!! Display focused client and number of total clients in the Monocle layout if set to 1, otherwise the layout number (L2) will be printed. (1/0)
- speedwm.monoclecount: 0
!! Format of the monocle count. %d means client(s).
- speedwm.monocleformat: [%d/%d]
!! Display status on all monitors. If set to 1, the status bar will be displayed on all monitors. Otherwise it will be printed on the focused monitor (1/0)
- speedwm.statusallmons: 1
!! Hide layout indicator. If set to 0, the layout indicator will be shown. Otherwise it will be disabled! (1/0)
- speedwm.hidelayout: 0
!! Hide title/taskbar. If set to 0, the tasks will be shown. Otherwise the tasks will not be shown. (1/0)
- speedwm.hidetitle: 0
!! Hide title text. If set to 0, the task names will be shown. Otherwise the text will not be printed. (1/0)
2022-09-16 12:09:19 +02:00
- speedwm.hidetitletext: 0
!! Hide status bar. If set to 0, the status bar will be shown. Otherwise the status bar will not be shown. (1/0)
- speedwm.hidestatus: 0
!! Hide status bar text. If set to 0, the status bar text will be printed. Otherwise the status bar text will not be shown. (1/0)
- speedwm.hidestatustext: 0
!! Hide window icons. If set to 0, the window icons will be used. Otherwise the window icons will not be drawn. (1/0)
- speedwm.hideicon: 0
!! Hide tags. If set to 0, the tags will be drawn. Otherwise the tags will not be drawn. (1/0)
- speedwm.hidetags: 0
!! Hide empty tags. If set to 0, the tags that are not used will be printed. Otherwise they will be hidden. (1/0)
- speedwm.hideemptytags: 1
!! Hide sticky window indicator. If set to 0, the sticky window indicator will be drawn. Otherwise it will be hidden (1/0)
- speedwm.hidesticky: 0
!! Hide floating indicator. If set to 0, the floating window indicator will be drawn. Otherwise it will be hidden (1/0)
- speedwm.hidefloating: 0
!! Layout indicator position. If set to 1, the layout indicator will be printed before the tags. Otherwise, the layout indicator will be printed after the tags (1/0)
- speedwm.leftlayout: 1
!! Fade inactive windows. If set to 1, inactive windows (the unfocused windows) will fade into the background. This is both an easy way to tell if a window is focused or not and looks good. (1/0)
- speedwm.fadeinactive: 1
!! Reset layout when there is only one window visible. If set to 1, the layout will be reset to layout 1 if there is only one window on the selected tag. (1/0)
2022-09-14 18:01:06 +02:00
- speedwm.resetlayout: 1
!! Reset mfact when there is only one window visible. If set to 1, the mfact will be reset to the default if there is only one window on the selected tag. (1/0)
2022-09-14 18:01:06 +02:00
- speedwm.resetmfact: 1
!! Reset gaps when there is only one window visible. If set to 1, the gaps will be reset to the default if there is only one window on the selected tag. (1/0)
2022-09-14 18:01:06 +02:00
- speedwm.resetgaps: 1
!! Workaround for when a class cannot be found. If set to 1, a workaround for when a class cannot be found will be enabled. Otherwise it will be disabled. (1/0)
- speedwm.wmclass: 1
!! Depth of the stair layout in pixels.
- speedwm.stairpx: 20
!! Direction of the stairs. If set to 0, stairs will be alligned to the left. Otherwise they will be alligned to the right. (1/0)
- speedwm.stairdirection: 1
!! Shrink all staired windows to the same size (1/0)
- speedwm.stairsamesize: 1
!! Display the amount of clients in the deck layout count. If set to 1, the client count in the deck layout will be displayed. Otherwise the layout number will be displayed. (1/0)
- speedwm.deckcount: 0
!! Format of the deck layout count. %d means client(s).
- speedwm.deckformat: [%d]
!! Rounded corners. If set to 1, rounded corners will be drawn. Otherwise sharp corners will be used instead. (1/0)
!! Note that this requires border size (borderpx) to be set to 0, otherwise rounded corners will automatically be disabled.
- speedwm.roundedcorners: 0
!! Corner radius of rounded corners, lower is sharper.
- speedwm.cornerradius: 3
!! Window swallowing. If set to 1, your terminal can be hidden, keeping your GUI application in the front. This gives the illusion of, for example watching videos in your terminal. (1/0)
- speedwm.swallowclients: 1
!! Enable window swallowing for floating clients. If set to 1, floating clients can also be swallowed. Otherwise floating clients will be ignored. (1/0)
- speedwm.swallowfloating: 1
!! Allow moving fullscreen windows to another monitor. If set to 1, fullscreen windows can be moved to another monitor. Otherwise it will be disabled. (1/0)
- speedwm.movefullscreenmon: 0
!! Lock focus when in fullscreen. If set to 1, fullscreen windows will always be focused no matter what. Otherwise any window can be focused while in fullscreen. (1/0)
- speedwm.lockfullscreen: 1
!! Hide the bar in fullscreen mode. If set to 1, the bar will be hidden when in fullscreen. Otherwise it will be shown. (1/0)
2022-08-25 18:53:04 +02:00
- speedwm.fullscreenhidebar: 1
!! Underline tags. If set to 1, tags in the bar will be underlined which can look nice. Otherwise the underline will not be drawn. (1/0)
- speedwm.underline: 0
!! Underline all tags. If set to 1, all tags in the bar will be underlined. Otherwise only the selected tag will be underlined. (1/0)
- speedwm.underlineall: 0
!! Horizontal padding between the underline and tag in pixels
- speedwm.underlinepad: 5
!! Height of the underline in pixels
- speedwm.underlinestroke: 2
!! Vertical padding for the underline in pixels. If set to 0, there will be no padding.
- speedwm.underlinevoffset: 0
!! Force two windows to always split vertically in the dynamic grid layout. If set to 1, this will be forced. Otherwise, it will not. (1/0)
- speedwm.forcevsplit: 1
!! Automatically set scratchpad windows to floating mode. If set to 1, scratchpad windows will automatically be set to floating mode when shown. Otherwise they will stay tiled in the current layout. (1/0)
- speedwm.floatscratchpad: 0
!! Number of master windows to start with.
2022-08-25 21:24:18 +02:00
- speedwm.nmaster: 1
!! You have reached the end of the speedwm configuration file.
!! The rest of the options can be found in the ~/.config/speedwm-de directories.