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speedwm is a window manager forked from suckless.org's dwm or dynamic window manager. It manages the user's open windows and tiles them according to a set layout (dynamic).
Just like dwm, speedwm also tries to be minimal but also has functionality and aesthetics as a goal. It is also much more minimal than other window managers like i3-gaps while offering many more features.
Tiling window managers (unlike floating window managers that you may be used to) tile windows based on a set layout making them easy to get productive on.
They also encourage the user to use their keyboard instead of the mouse so that the user doesn't have to move their hands much but there are mouse keybinds and more can be added.
## Installation
In order to install this build of speedwm, all dependencies must be installed.
You can see (Dependencies) for a list of all dependencies required to use this fork.
- git clone https://codeberg.org/speedie/speedwm
- cd speedwm
- make clean install
- If any warnings show up, fix it by installing the missing dependency.
- If a .xinitrc is used, add 'speedwm_run' to the end.
- NOTE: Your .xinitrc should ONLY contain 'speedwm_run'. speedwm will automatically start everything else. If not, edit autostart.h and 'make clean install'. If a .xinitrc is not used then you don't need to worry. A .desktop file is automatically created when you run 'make clean install'.
## Layouts
speedwm comes with the following layouts:
- Tile
- Monocle
- Grid
- Deck
- Centered Master
- Centered Floating Master
- Spiral
- Dwindle
- Bottom Stack
- Horizontal Bottom Stack
- Horizonal Grid
- Dynamic Grid
- Custom
They can be switched between using a little menu (See Keybinds for more information) or by right clicking the Layout indicator.
The more commonly used layouts can be switched between using a quick keybind.
Do note that these may be disabled through the toggle.h header.
## Keybinds
This is a full list of keybinds.
Please let me know if any keybinds are missing as these have been manually added.
### Applications
Keybinds for regular applications
- Super+Shift+Enter | Opens a terminal
- Super+Shift+Colon | Opens a dmenu prompt
- Super+Shift+s | Opens 'maim' to take a screenshot and copies it to the clipboard using 'xclip'
- Super+Shift+f | Opens the defined file manager
- Super+Shift+w | Opens the defined web browser
- Super+Shift+o | Opens the bundled dfmpeg dmenu script to record your screen.
- Super+Shift+t | Opens the defined editor in your terminal
- Super+Shift+m | Kills the defined music player
- Super+Shift+a | Opens the defined mixer in your terminal
- Super+Shift+m | Opens the defined music player
- Super+Shift+x | Opens the defined system process viewer in your terminal
- Super+Shift+c | Opens the defined chat client
- Super+Shift+i | Open a dmenu prompt and open the file the user picks in Zathura
- Super+Shift+p | Open a dmenu prompt and open the file the user picks in Vim
- Super+Shift+d | Opens iron in the terminal if it is installed.
- Super+Shift+u | Opens the defined RSS reader
- Super+Shift+r | Opens the defined email client
### Navigation
These keybinds are for navigating speedwm
- Super+f | Full-screen the selected window
- Super+b | Show/hide the speedwm bar
- Super+s | Show/hide the systray
- Super+j/k | Move focus between visible windows
- Super+m | Moves focus to the Master window (or back if Master is already focused)
- Super+a/d | Increase/decrease size of each window
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- Super+w/e | Resize the window keeping the aspect ratio of it.
- Super+o | Hide a window
- Super+Minus | Show the scratchpad
- Super+Equal | Remove the scratchpad
- Super+Enter | Switch order of windows
- Super+Colon | Open a list of desktop entries in dmenu
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- Super+Tab | Switch between windows on the same tag. (Like Windows Alt+Tab)
- Super+0 | Reset mfact
- Super+r | Reset number of masters
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- Super+y | Make the current selected window sticky
- Super+1 | Move to tag 1
- Super+2 | Move to tag 2
- Super+3 | Move to tag 3
- Super+4 | Move to tag 4
- Super+5 | Move to tag 5
- Super+6 | Move to tag 6
- Super+7 | Move to tag 7
- Super+8 | Move to tag 8
- Super+9 | Move to tag 9
- Super+Shift+1 | Preview tag 1
- Super+Shift+2 | Preview tag 2
- Super+Shift+3 | Preview tag 3
- Super+Shift+4 | Preview tag 4
- Super+Shift+5 | Preview tag 5
- Super+Shift+6 | Preview tag 6
- Super+Shift+7 | Preview tag 7
- Super+Shift+8 | Preview tag 8
- Super+Shift+9 | Preview tag 9
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- Super+Shift+q | Close the current window
- Super+Shift+h/j/k/l | Rotates a stack.
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- Super+Shift+Arrow | Resizes a window in floating mode
- Super+Shift+Escape | Ask the user if they want to shutdown or reboot or nothing
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- Super+Shift+Tab | Switch between windows and tags in detail.
- Super+Shift+Equal | Toggle scratchpads
- Super+Shift+Minus | Hide the scratchpad
- Super+Shift+Space | Toggle floating windows
- Super+Control+1 | Combine the current tag with tag 1
- Super+Control+2 | Combine the current tag with tag 2
- Super+Control+3 | Combine the current tag with tag 3
- Super+Control+4 | Combine the current tag with tag 4
- Super+Control+5 | Combine the current tag with tag 5
- Super+Control+6 | Combine the current tag with tag 6
- Super+Control+7 | Combine the current tag with tag 7
- Super+Control+8 | Combine the current tag with tag 8
- Super+Control+9 | Combine the current tag with tag 9
- Super+Control+q | Mutes your audio
- Super+Control+w | Increases your volume
- Super+Control+e | Decreases your volume
- Super+Control+0 | Tag all tags at once.
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- Super+Control+z/x | Increase/decrease gaps between windows by 5
- Super+Control+j/k | Move focus between hidden windows (Can then 'Show')
- Super+Control+Arrow | Moves a window to any corner of your screen (Arrow key)
- Super+Control+Tab | Open a dmenu prompt asking the user what layout to switch to
- Super+Control+h | Open a list of all keybinds in your terminal using less
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- Super+Control+o | Show a hidden focused window
- Super+Control+a/d | Move to the next/previous tag
- Super+Control+Shift+o | Show all hidden windows
- Super+Control+Shift+p | Hide all windows
- Super+Control+Shift+Colon | Open a list of extra software in dmenu
- Super+Control+Shift+z/c | Move to the next/previous tag skipping any without windows open
- Super+Control+Shift+a/d | Move between available layouts
- Super+Control+Shift+1 | Move the focused window to tag 1
- Super+Control+Shift+2 | Move the focused window to tag 2
- Super+Control+Shift+3 | Move the focused window to tag 3
- Super+Control+Shift+4 | Move the focused window to tag 4
- Super+Control+Shift+5 | Move the focused window to tag 5
- Super+Control+Shift+6 | Move the focused window to tag 6
- Super+Control+Shift+7 | Move the focused window to tag 7
- Super+Control+Shift+8 | Move the focused window to tag 8
- Super+Control+Shift+9 | Move the focused window to tag 9
- Super+Control+Shift+Esc | Open speedwm-utils
- Super+Control+Shift+Arrow | Resize the window to the screen size.
- Super+Control+Shift+s | Set a wallpaper
- Super+Control+Shift+n | Connect to WLAN (Using iwd)
- Super+Control+Shift+b | Connect to a Bluetooth device (Using bluez)
- Super+Control+Shift+f | Open up a list of speedwm config files in dmenu that you can edit.
- Super+Control+Shift+q | Pauses your music
- Super+Control+Shift+w | Decreases your music volume
- Super+Control+Shift+e | Increase your music volume
- Super+Control+Shift+r | Restart speedwm
- Super+Control+Shift+j/k | Change window size vertically (cfact)
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- Super+Control+Shift+Equal | Increase bar height by 1
- Super+Control+Shift+Minus | Decrease bar height by 1
### Chained keybinds
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- Super+r & s | Run screenkey if it is installed
- Super+r & d | Kill screenkey
- Super+w & r | Randomize wallpaper
- Super+w & p | Set wallpaper to the previous
- Super+t & r | Reorganize tags and move windows
- Super+t & t | Toggle tag area in the bar
- Super+t & y | Toggle empty tag area in the bar
- Super+t & w | Toggle title area in the bar
- Super+t & u | Toggle unselected title area in the bar
- Super+t & p | Toggle powerline tags in the bar
- Super+t & s | Toggle status area in the bar
- Super+t & l | Toggle layout area in the bar
- Super+t & o | Toggle inactive fade
- Super+t & b | Show all bar modules
- Super+t & s | Make the current selected window sticky
- Super+c & w | Get the weather (Using wttr.in)
- Super+c & n | Switch to the next track
- Super+c & p | Switch to the previous track
- Super+g & t | Toggle gaps
- Super+g & 0 | Reset gaps
- Super+g & i | Increase inner gaps by 1
- Super+g & o | Increase outer gaps by 1
- Super+g & j/k | Increase/decrease gaps between windows by 1
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- Super+p & j/k | Increase/decrease bar padding by 1
- Super+p & u/d | Increase/decrease bar padding by 5
- Super+p & r | Reset bar padding to default
- Super+p & t | Toggle bar padding on/off
- Super+Shift+g & i | Decrease inner gaps by 1
- Super+Shift+g & o | Decrease outer gaps by 1
- Super+Shift+e & a | Open the virtual keyboard
- Super+Shift+e & e | Open a list of all emojis and copy the selection
- Super+Shift+k & o | Kill every window except the focused
### Extras
These will only work if your keyboard has special multimedia buttons.
- Mute button | Mutes your audio
- Up Volume button | Increases your volume
- Next/Previous song button | Switch to the next/previous track
- Down Volume button | Decreases your volume
- Pause button | Pauses the current track
- Stop button | Stops your defined music player
- Browser button | Opens your defined web browser
- Power button | Ask if you wanna shut down, restart or lock your computer.
- Email button | Open your defined email client
- System button | Open your defined status viewer in a terminal
- Music button | Open your defined music player
- WLAN button | Disconnect from WLAN
### Mouse
These binds can be activated using your mouse
- Tag <num> (Left click) | Switch to tag <num>
- Tag (Scrolling up/down) | Switch to the next/previous tag
- Layout indicator (Left click) | Switch to the next layout
- Layout indicator (Middle click) | Switch to the next layout
- Layout indicator (Right click) | Open a dmenu list of all layouts
- Window title (Left click) | Hide/Show the window
- Window title (Right click) | Open speedwm-utils
- Focused window (Super+Alt+Left click) | Move the focused window around
- Focused window (Super+Alt+Middle click) | Make the focused window floating
- Focused window title (Middle click) | Rotate stack
- Dragging (Super+Right click) | Increase/decrease size of each window (mfact)
- Dragging (SuperControl+Right click) | Increase/decrease cfact
- Root window (Right click) | List .desktop entries and open them
There are also keybinds for statuscmd, but you must implement it into your own status bar.
See mouse.h for more information.
## Dependencies
These are absolutely necessary, speedwm will NOT compile without them
- libxft
- libXinerama
- Can be disabled through editing toggle.mk if you're not interested in multiple monitors.
- imlib2
- Tag previews, Window icons. Can be disabled through editing toggle.mk and toggle.h if you don't want these features.
- yajl
- Required for the IPC patch. If the IPC patch is disabled, you do not need this.
- tcc
- Very minimal C compiler that speedwm uses to speed up compile times. If you don't want this dependency, edit host.mk and set CC to 'cc' (or what you prefer).
## Features
These are necessary for certain features. By default speedwm will prevent an installation without them but you can bypass these if you want.
If you want to use an alternative, change it in options.h.
- dmenu
- NOTE: dmenu is required for most scripts included with this build of speedwm. My build is required for proper Pywal support.
- If you do not have the password, grid and center patches, you must disable them in ~/.config/speedwm-de/global/config by setting two variables to false.
- picom
- Optional but speedwm looks sort of ugly without it.
- xclip (Required for clipboard support by a few scripts, will start automatically)
- xwallpaper (Required to set wallpapers)
- xmodmap
- Required if you want the Alt+Tab to have proper keybinds.
- xrdb (Install if you want .Xresources support)
- pywal (Install if you want pywal support. Requires swal aka the default way to set wallpapers)
- wmctrl (Needed for proper window management)
- slock (Required for screen locking)
- If you want to display a message, you need the text patch.
- If you have the background image patch, you can set the image to ~/.config/speedwm-de/swal/CurrentWallpaper. It is a symlink to the current wallpaper.
- maim (Required for built in 'speedwm-screenshotutil' script)
- j4-dmenu-desktop
- Required for dmenu desktop entries. speedwm will not prevent installation without this because it doesn't provide much functionality.
## Software
This build of speedwm comes with binds for software.
These must be installed by default but you can change what software is required by editing 'options.h' and running 'make clean install'.
You can also remove keybinds by editing 'keybinds.h' and running 'make clean install'.
- st (Terminal)
- GNU IceCat (Web browser)
- htop (Status monitor)
- newsboat (RSS reader)
- zathura (PDF reader)
- alsa-utils (Required for audio controls)
- cmus (Default music player)
- neovim (Text editor)
- aerc (Email client)
- maim (Screenshot tool, automatically copies to clipboard using xclip)
- vifm (File manager)
- slock (Lock screen)
And everything under 'Features'.
## Important
If you're used to dwm, speedwm might be a little unfamiliar to you at first. This is because speedwm doesn't use config.h (or config.def.h).
Instead, config.h is split into different parts to make it easier to edit. Instead of editing config.h you'll want to edit:
- autostart.h for starting stuff right before speedwm (For example xclip, pywal, etc.)
- options.h for changing colors and applications to use with keybinds.
- signal.h for adding fake signals
- colors.h for changing alpha options and color options, most users won't need to edit it.
- xresources.h for adding/removing .Xresources options
- rules.h for adding/removing rules
- keybinds.h for adding/removing keybinds.
- mouse.h for adding/removing mouse binds.
- statusbar.h for adding/removing statuscmd clicks.
- ipc.h for adding/removing IPC commands. (If support is compiled in)
- toggle.h for adding/removing features from getting compiled in.
- actions.h for changing classes/defines used by keybinds and rules.
After you've edited one of the files, you need to run 'make clean install' to reinstall speedwm.
Remember that you can change colors through your .Xresources file (see .Xresources and Pywal) meaning you do not need to recompile speedwm.
Another important detail you must keep in mind is that this build comes with a status bar simply named 'status'.
It can be found in the speedwm source code directory. It is just a shell script which adds stuff to your status bar. It will automatically be started when speedwm starts.
You can edit the status bar simply by editing 'status' and running 'make clean install'.
You can also configure it by editing '~/.config/speedwm-de/status/config'.
If you want to change status bar, edit options.h and set 'static char status' to your status bar binary (must be in $PATH).
Alternatively, you can also set "speedwm.status: <statusbar>" in .Xresources (See .Xresources and Pywal).
## .Xresources and Pywal
This fork of speedwm has .Xresources support thanks to the .Xresources patch. It also has pywal support (tool which grabs colors based on your wallpaper).
Colors can be reloaded on-the-fly using the built in wallpaper utility. In order to implement speedwm reloading support to your own wallpaper utility, run shell command (/bin/sh) 'speedwm_run -r' to reload colors automatically.
Note that the 'xrdb' dependency is required for both pywal and .Xresources support.
Below is a list of all .Xresources values you can define. The .Xresources file should be placed in ~ or ~/.config by the user.
If it is not or you want it somewhere else, you can edit 'autostart.h' and 'make clean install'.
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- speedwm.bar.height: 8 ! Height of the bar in pixels (<num>)
- speedwm.bar.position: 1 ! Position of the bar (0: Bottom, 1: Top)
- speedwm.bar.paddingh: 10 ! Horizontal padding (extra space) around the bar in pixels (<num>)
- speedwm.bar.paddingv: 10 ! Vertical padding (extra space) around the bar in pixels (<num>)
- speedwm.bar.hide: 0 ! Hide the bar by default (0/1)
- speedwm.bar.hide.tags: 0 ! Hide the tags (0/1)
- speedwm.bar.hide.emptytags: 1 ! Hide the tags that have no windows open (0/1)
- speedwm.bar.hide.powerline: 0 ! Hide the powerline drawn over the tags (0/1)
- speedwm.bar.hide.floating: 0 ! Hide the floating window indicator (0/1)
- speedwm.bar.hide.layout: 0 ! Hide the layout indicator (0/1)
- speedwm.bar.hide.sticky: 0 ! Hide the sticky indicator (0/1)
- speedwm.bar.hide.status: 0 ! Hide the status bar (0/1)
- speedwm.bar.hide.systray: 1 ! Hide the systray (0/1)
- speedwm.bar.hide.title: 0 ! Hide the window title (0/1)
- speedwm.bar.hide.unseltitle: 1 ! Hide the unselected window title (0/1)
- speedwm.bar.hide.icon: 0 ! Hide the window icon (0/1)
- speedwm.bar.layoutposition: 1 ! Position of the layout indicator (0: Right, 1: Left)
- speedwm.border.roundedcorners: 0 ! Enable rounded corners around the border of windows (0/1)
- speedwm.border.cornerradius: 2 ! Corner radius when rounded corners are enabled (<num>)
- speedwm.border.size: 1 ! Size of the border around windows in pixels (<num>)
- speedwm.client.allowurgent: 1 ! Allow windows to have the 'urgent' status (0/1)
- speedwm.client.autoresize: 1 ! Allow windows to resize themselves on demand (0/1)
- speedwm.client.decorhints: 1 ! Respect decoration hints for windows (0/1)
- speedwm.client.fade.inactive: 1 ! Fade inactive windows (windows that are not focused) (0/1)
- speedwm.client.fade.windows: 1 ! Fade windows (0/1)
- speedwm.client.floatscratchpad: 0 ! Float a scratchpad window when it is shown (0/1)
- speedwm.client.savefloat: 1 ! Save the position of floating windows when they are no longer floating (0/1)
- speedwm.client.swallow: 1 ! Allow clients to be swallowed by the terminal emulator (0/1)
- speedwm.client.swallowfloating: 1 ! Also allow floating clients to be swallowed (0/1)
- speedwm.client.wmclass: 1 ! Enable workaround for when a class cannot be grabbed from a client (0/1)
- speedwm.fonts.font1: NotoSans-Regular:size=8:antialiasing=true
- speedwm.fonts.font2: fontawesome:size=8:antialiasing=true
- speedwm.fonts.font3: Noto Color Emoji:size=8:antialiasing=true
- speedwm.col.background: #222222
- speedwm.col.layout: #99b3ff
- speedwm.col.layouttext: #000000
- speedwm.col.status0: #131210
- speedwm.col.status1: #bf616a
- speedwm.col.status2: #A16F9D
- speedwm.col.status3: #68ABAA
- speedwm.col.status4: #A89F93
- speedwm.col.status5: #D3A99B
- speedwm.col.status6: #AFC9AC
- speedwm.col.status7: #eae1cb
- speedwm.col.status8: #a39d8e
- speedwm.col.status9: #6D5E8E
- speedwm.col.status10: #a16f9d
- speedwm.col.status11: #d3a99b
- speedwm.col.status12: #afc9ac
- speedwm.col.status13: #eae1cb
- speedwm.col.status14: #6d5e8e
- speedwm.col.status15: #ffffff
- speedwm.col.systray: #222222
- speedwm.col.tag1: #99b3ff
- speedwm.col.tag1.text: #eeeeee
- speedwm.col.tag2: #99b3ff
- speedwm.col.tag2.text: #eeeeee
- speedwm.col.tag3: #99b3ff
- speedwm.col.tag3.text: #eeeeee
- speedwm.col.tag4: #99b3ff
- speedwm.col.tag4.text: #eeeeee
- speedwm.col.tag5: #99b3ff
- speedwm.col.tag5.text: #eeeeee
- speedwm.col.tag6: #99b3ff
- speedwm.col.tag6.text: #eeeeee
- speedwm.col.tag7: #99b3ff
- speedwm.col.tag7.text: #eeeeee
- speedwm.col.tag8: #99b3ff
- speedwm.col.tag8.text: #eeeeee
- speedwm.col.tag9: #99b3ff
- speedwm.col.tag9.text: #eeeeee
- speedwm.col.tagurgent: #f0e68c
- speedwm.col.textnorm: #bbbbbb
- speedwm.col.textsel: #eeeeee
- speedwm.col.titlenorm: #222222
- speedwm.col.titlesel: #99b3ff
- speedwm.col.titlehid: #222222
- speedwm.col.windowbordernorm: #000000
- speedwm.col.windowbordersel: #eeeeee
- speedwm.col.windowborderurg: #f0e68c
- speedwm.color.hiddentitle: 1 ! Color the hidden title (0/1)
- speedwm.color.layout: 0 ! Color the layout indicator (0/1)
- speedwm.color.selectedtitle: 0 ! Color the selected title (0/1)
- speedwm.cursor.warp: 1 ! Warp the cursor to the next focused window/monitor (0/1)
- speedwm.focus.spawned: 0 ! Focus the newly spawned window or keep focus (0/1)
- speedwm.fullscreen.hidebar: 1 ! Hide the bar when a client is fullscreened (0/1)
- speedwm.fullscreen.lockfullscreen: 1 ! Lock the fullscreen (0/1)
- speedwm.fullscreen.movefullscreenmon: 0 ! Allow moving fullscreened windows to another monitor (0/1)
- speedwm.gaps.enable: 1 ! Enable gaps around the windows
- speedwm.gaps.sizeih: 10 ! Horizontal inner gap size (<num>)
- speedwm.gaps.sizeiv: 10 ! Vertical inner gap size (<num>)
- speedwm.gaps.sizeoh: 10 ! Horizontal outer gap size (<num>)
- speedwm.gaps.sizeov: 10 ! Vertical outer gap size (<num>)
- speedwm.gaps.smartgaps: 0 ! Enable different gap size when only one client is spawned (0/1)
- speedwm.gaps.smartgapsize: 0 ! Size of the gaps when only one client is spawned (0/1)
- speedwm.icon.size: 10 ! Size of the window icon in the taskbar (<num>)
- speedwm.icon.spacing: 5 ! Spacing between icon and text in the taskbar (<num>)
- speedwm.layout.deck.count: 0 ! Enable deck count in the deck layout (0/1)
- speedwm.layout.deck.format: [0]
- speedwm.layout.dgrid.forcevsplit: 1 ! Force vertical splits in the dynamic grid layout (0/1)
- speedwm.layout.monocle.clientcount: 0 ! Enable client count in the monocle layout (0/1)
- speedwm.layout.monocle.count: 0 ! Enable focused client and number of total clients in the monocle layout (0/1)
- speedwm.layout.monocle.format: [0/0]
- speedwm.mfact: 0.50 ! Default mfact (0-1)
- speedwm.mfact.lowest: 0.05 ! Lowest possible mfact (0-1)
- speedwm.mouse.clicktofocus: 0 ! Require clicking on a window to focus or focus when the cursor touches it (0/1)
- speedwm.mouse.mfact: 1 ! Enable adjusting mfact with your mouse (0/1)
- speedwm.mouse.cfact: 1 ! Enable adjusting cfact with your mouse (0/1)
- speedwm.mouse.mousepreview: 1 ! Enable previewing tags by hovering over them with your cursor (0/1)
- speedwm.rule.refresh: 1 ! Allow rules to be refreshed if a title/class changes (0/1)
- speedwm.stack.attachdirection: 3 ! Direction to attach windows in (0: Default, 1: Above, 2: Aside, 3: Below, 4: Bottom, 5: Top)
- speedwm.stack.centerfloating: 1 ! Center floating windows (0/1)
- speedwm.stack.i3mcount: 0 ! Enable i3 like nmaster/mastercount (0/1)
- speedwm.stack.mastercount: 1 ! Number of master clients in the master stack to start with (0/1)
- speedwm.stack.snap: 20 ! Snap pixel (<char>)
- speedwm.status.defaultstatus:
- speedwm.status.status: status
- speedwm.status.statusallmons: 1 ! Display status text on all monitors (0/1)
- speedwm.switcher.maxheight: 200 ! Max height of the switcher in pixels (<char>)
- speedwm.switcher.maxwidth: 600 ! Max width of the switcher in pixels (<char>)
- speedwm.switcher.menupositionv: 1 ! Menu position of the switcher vertically (0: Bottom, 1: Center, 2: Top)
- speedwm.switcher.menupositionh: 1 ! Menu position of the switcher horizontally (0: Left, 1: Center, 2: Right)
- speedwm.systray.padding: 2 ! Extra padding between status and systray (0/1)
- speedwm.systray.pinning: 0 ! Always show systray on the focused monitor or <num> (0/<monitor number>)
- speedwm.systray.position: 0 ! Position of the systray horizontally (0: Right, 1: Left)
- speedwm.tag.pertag: 1 ! Allow tags to have their own values (0/1)
- speedwm.tag.preview: 1 ! Enable tag previews (0/1)
- speedwm.tag.preview.bar: 0 ! Include the bar in the tag preview (0/1)
- speedwm.tag.preview.paddingh: 0 ! Extra horizontal padding between the tag preview and the edge of the screen (<num>)
- speedwm.tag.preview.paddingv: 0 ! Extra vertical padding between the tag preview and the bar (<num>)
- speedwm.tag.preview.scale: 2 ! Amount to scale down the preview picture by (<num>)
- speedwm.tag.resetgaps: 1 ! Reset gaps when the tag has no clients (0/1)
- speedwm.tag.resetlayout: 1 ! Reset layout when the tag has no clients (0/1)
- speedwm.tag.resetmfact: 1 ! Reset mfact when the tag has no clients (0/1)
- speedwm.tag.start: 1 ! Start on a tag on startup (0/1)
- speedwm.tag.underline: 0 ! Draw an underline on the tags (0/1)
- speedwm.tag.underlineall: 0 ! Show underline on all tags or just the selected tags (0/1)
- speedwm.tag.underlinepad: 5 ! Horizontal padding between the underline and tag (<num>)
- speedwm.tag.underlinestroke: 2 ! Height of the underline in pixels (<num>)
- speedwm.tag.underlinevoffset: 0 ! How far above the bottom of the bar the line should appear (<num)
- speedwm.tag.urgentwindows: 1 ! Color tags that have urgent tags on them (0/1)
- speedwm.tiling.resizehints: 0 ! Enable resize hints (0/1)
- speedwm.run.shell: /bin/sh
## Signals
Thanks to the 'fsignal' patch available on suckless.org's website, we can easily write shell scripts to interact with dwm and therefore speedwm.
I made some changes to this patch, because it has some.. questionable behaviour in my opinion.
To use signals, simply use the speedwm-utils script. Syntax is speedwm-utils -exec <signum>
Below is a list of all signums and what they do.
- 1 | Switch to the Tiling layout
- 2 | Switch to the Floating layout
- 3 | Switch to the Monocle layout
- 4 | Switch to the Grid layout
- 5 | Switch to the Deck layout
- 6 | Switch to the Centered Master layout
- 7 | Switch to the Centered Floating Master layout
- 8 | Switch to the Fibonacci Spiral layout
- 9 | Switch to the Fibonacci Dwindle layout
- 10 | Switch to the Bottom Stack Vertical layout
- 11 | Switch to the Bottom Stack Horizontal layout
- 12 | Switch to the Horizontal Grid layout
- 13 | Switch to the Dynamic Grid layout
- 14 | Switch to the Custom layout
- 15 | Custom layout options
- 16 | Switch to the next layout
- 17 | Switch to the previous layout
- 18 | Increase mfact by 0.05
- 19 | Decrease mfact by 0.05
- 20 | Toggle sticky
- 21 | Toggle the bar
- 22 | Toggle fullscreen
- 23 | Toggle floating
- 24 | Swap the current window with the next
- 25 | Reorganize tags (Reorder them)
- 26 | Shutdown speedwm
- 27 | Restart speedwm
- 28 | Show the focused window
- 29 | Hide the focused window
- 30 | Kill the focused window
- 31 | Rotate the stack up
- 32 | Rotate the stack down
- 33 | Increase number of clients in the master stack
- 34 | Decrease number of clients in the master stack
- 35 | Focus the Master client
- 36 | Switch focus between windows +1
- 37 | Switch focus between windows -1
- 38 | Switch focus between hidden windows +1
- 39 | Switch focus between hidden windows -1
- 40 | Toggle opacity for windows
- 41 | Increase cfact by 0.05
- 42 | Decrease cfact by 0.05
- 43 | Switch to the previous tag
- 44 | Switch to the next tag
- 45 | Reset gaps to the default size
- 46 | Toggle gaps
- 47 | Increase gaps by 1
- 48 | Decrease gaps by 1
- 49 | Increase inner gaps by 1
- 50 | Decrease inner gaps by 1
- 51 | Increase outer gaps by 1
- 52 | Decrease outer gaps by 1
- 53 | Kill all clients except focused
- 54 | Focus the next monitor
- 55 | Focus the previous monitor
- 56 | Show the scratchpad
- 57 | Hide the scratchpad
- 58 | Remove the scratchpad
- 59 | Reset layout/mfact
- 60 | Reset mastercount
- 61 | Show/Hide systray
- 62 | Hide all windows
- 63 | Show all windows
- 64 | Reset mfact
- 65 | Reload .Xresources on the fly
- 66 | Switch to the previous tag, skipping empty tags
- 67 | Switch to the next tag, skipping empty tags
2022-10-24 17:49:30 +02:00
- 68 | Toggle the tag area in the bar
- 69 | Toggle the empty tags in the bar
- 70 | Toggle the powerline tags in the bar
- 71 | Toggle the title area in the bar
- 72 | Toggle the unselected title area in the bar
- 73 | Toggle the layout area in the bar
- 74 | Toggle the status area in the bar
- 75 | Toggle the floating indicator area in the bar
- 76 | Toggle the sticky indicator area in the bar
- 77 | Toggle the icon in the window title
- 78 | Show all bar modules
- 79 | Increase bar height by 1
- 80 | Decrease bar height by 1
- 81 | Reset bar height
- 82 | Increase vertical barpadding by 1
- 83 | Decrease vertical barpadding by 1
- 84 | Increase horizontal barpadding by 1
- 85 | Decrease horizontal barpadding by 1
- 86 | Increase vertical and horizontal barpadding by 1
- 87 | Decrease vertical and horizontal barpadding by 1
- 88 | Toggle vertical barpadding
- 89 | Toggle horizontal barpadding
- 90 | Toggle vertical and horizontal barpadding
- 91 | Reset vertical barpadding
- 92 | Reset horizontal barpadding
- 93 | Reset vertical and horizontal barpadding
## Switching run launcher
Some users may prefer to use a different run launcher than dmenu.
Previously all scripts bundled would only run dmenu from $PATH but you can now switch run launcher very easily.
- Edit options.h and change RUN to your run launcher
- Add "export RUNLAUNCHER=<runlauncher>" to your .<shell>rc
Run launchers must support dmenu arguments because otherwise scripts are going to be incompatible.
It must also support the additional '-g' argument that the dmenu grid patch provides unless you modify the scripts bundled.
Keep in mind that if you use a different run launcher, it may not support Pywal/.Xresources.
## Maintaining settings easily
speedwm is a personal fork of dwm and will therefore likely have keybinds and other options you may not like. Because of this, I recommend that you use the patching system to manage your "custom" settings
speedwm has a patching system. It allows you to create a patch with your changes to options.h, options.mk, toggle.h and toggle.mk. To create a patch, simply make clean install once and then the docs folder will contain backups of your source code. If you perform changes to any of these four files, run make patch to create patches against the backups in docs and your modified files. Then once you're updating, do make patch_remove, git pull, make patch_install, and make clean install and all your settings will be there.
The only (obvious) problem with doing this is that eventually the backup files patches are being created against will be pretty old causing patches to no longer apply correctly. If this is the case you will need to create new patches and backups.
If this seems like more effort than it is worth, maintaining your own fork is always an option. This allows you to perform any options you want yourself. This however doesn't allow you to grab any updates so this should be your second choice.
## Additional note on autostart
If you wish to add autostart entries without recompiling, consider using $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/autostart.sh. This is a path added to autostart.h and you can fill it with anything you want.
Do note that it will NOT just run once. It will run every time you restart and start speedwm (signum 30 and 31 count as well).
To get around this, you may wrap stuff in a function in the script and have some way of checking if it has ran before. If it hasn't, call the function.
An alternative is to use the $HOME/.config/speedwm-de/autostart_once.sh path. This one is autostarted by speedwm_run and is therefore not hardcoded and not affected by speedwm restarting. Just like the previous autostart script, it does not exist so you need to create it.