Return of the rchat (rchat 1.0 is out)


It's been a while since I've updated rchat. Earlier today I decided to improve rchat since I noticed it had many flaws that I thought I could improve on.

rchat 1.0 brings many improvements. :help, :changelog and :history now have colors, Borders now scale based on the size of your terminal window.

In addition to this, you can now use ~/.config/rchat/rchatrc to set options. This might be useful if you wanna set settings without using commands. You can also set the border character using the ':set sep' command. :help, :changelog and :donate commands can be used without joining now.

You can reset all settings using the ':reset' command. You can also open my donation page by using the ':donate' command. Fairly small but very useful release. If you want to install it, you can clone the rchat repository and run make install as root.

Gentoo and Arch repositories should be updated soon.

Have a good day!