This blog post is very short, but I'm posting it on the main feed rather than the updates feed for a reason. If you have tried to access my site in the last 10 days or so, you will know that my site was down. No, I did not die, My server did not explode and my house did not burn down. Long story short, my ISP somehow managed to fuck up some configuration on their end. Unfortunately this meant I had to suffer for 10 days with my mobile hotspot and actually use my phone. And it meant I may have used several hundred gigabytes of data. But the speed was very very bad, and it was quite frustrating. When the speed was decent, I was able to play a game online. Want to have a YouTube video in the background? Want to voice chat? If so you might as well give up trying to play your game. It took a while, and I'm sorry if you depend on my services. But they should be back up and running now. If something doesn't work as expected, please let me know!