speedie.site project updates https://speedie.site/project-list.php RSS feed for updates on my projects. spmenu 0.3.2 release https://spmenu.speedie.site post1 Sun, 26 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0100 spmenu 0.3.2 was just released. It adds a few example scripts, powerline drawing and importantly fixes quite a few bugs. Other than that though, it's not a very interesting release. The project is increasingly stable now, and other than what's listed in the TODO (and dynamic updating), I'm pretty much done with it.

If you are on Arch or Gentoo, you can update using my repositories. Otherwise just clone it/git pull.

spmenu 0.4 release https://spmenu.speedie.site post2 Mon, 10 Apr 2023 00:00:00 +0100 spmenu 0.4 was just released. It completely rewrites configuration files, fixes a lot of bugs, and adds support for profiles. Check it out here.

spmenu 0.4.1 release https://spmenu.speedie.site post3 Fri, 14 Apr 2023 00:00:00 +0100 spmenu 0.4.1 was just released. It's a very minor update, but in order to update speedwm-spde and spde packages, I had to get this out. It is mainly a bug fix update, but merges spmenu_desktop with spmenu_run. It also adds a nice file managing feature (-fm) flag to spmenu_run. Note that spmenu_run will no longer pass arguments to spmenu., in order to pass arguments to spmenu you use the '-a' argument. speedwm-spde has been updated to reflect this.

spmenu 1.0 release (+ spmenu wiki) https://spmenu.speedie.site post4 Thu, 27 Apr 2023 00:00:00 +0100 spmenu 1.0 release! It doesn't add too much stuff worth noting, but adds a lot of bug fixes and small quality of life changes, such as:

  • Customizable alpha (without recompiling)
  • Mouse and Keybind configuration in the config file
  • Usage of arrays in spmenu_desktop leading to much, much better performance
  • Fixed macOS support
  • Added Caps Lock indicator
  • Inner padding (margin)
  • Many changed arguments and config file/.Xresources entries
  • Better documentation
  • Many, many bug fixes

There's also a new spmenu specific wiki, where information regarding spmenu will be posted.

Unfortunately, this update likely means your configuration files and themes will have to be rewritten to support it. However all the default themes have been rewritten, so you can just replace your installed themes with those. This is for maintainence reasons though, so I thought doing it before 1.0 was a good idea.

1.0 is released now, install it now!
