Hello there!

Hello, I'm speedie and this is my personal website and blog. I'm a GNU/Linux and free software enthusiast, minimalist and creator of projects like speedwm, spmenu, Forwarder Factory and Project 081. Take a look around!

My projects:

If you're still bored, here are some useful links.

Other services/websites:

About this page

I am just as concerned about privacy, security and free software as you. Because of my philosophy, this website does not use a single line of JavaScript as I believe it is unnecessary for 90% of what a website needs to do for the average person! This also means, the website is free/libre (as in freedom) by design, and therefore also LibreJS compliant. It should be noted that I do use PHP server-side in order to make maintaining this site easier.

However my entire website, including HTML. CSS, and PHP is available for free and distributed to you under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. All contributions to the page are licensed under the same license.

The base for this website was designed by emilyd as a concept, and I have expanded on it further. Thank you!