spmenu 2.3 release. Adds bookmarking, fixes BSD support and some bugs. - Default to the default value of $XDG\_CACHE\_DIR in case $XDG\_CACHE\_DIR isn't set - Simplify caching of desktop entries - Remove entry validation, not very useful and breaks several features - Replace `read -r` code with `mapfile` - Add some functions that can be defined in the user's config file - Enable auto refreshing entries by default, it doesn't seem to cause any issues anymore - Clean up the codebase by using structs - Rename libdrw, because it doesn't resemble upstream anymore - Remove useless `else continue` at the end of loops - Remove fullscreen functionality, it's not useful and you can just scale the image up. It caused several bugs, none of which were worth fixing - Remove duplicate Xinerama code, now only get window width/height once and assign it to a variable - Replace `sed -i` for non-GNU support - Add man page for spmenu\_test - Add bookmarking to spmenu\_run - Don't include Wayland headers in the build, wayland-scanner should do the job on the user's machine - Fix spmenu\_run history on BSD - Return exit code 1 if no item is selected using the -fm spmenu\_run argument - Fix spmenu\_run -x argument on BSD by using compgen - Fix infinite loop on non-GNU systems caused by `wc -l` being used to break in a while true loop You can get the new release through pacman if you're using my Arch repository, or you can simply get the source code and compile it yourself.