# speedie-page Everything required to host my site on your own. ## Deprecated This repository is no longer used. My website has been replaced with a csgen instance. Do not submit contributions to *this* repository. ## Dependencies - php - Web server (not required for testing) ## Testing You can test the page using `php -S localhost:1337` and opening `http://localhost:1337` in your web browser. ## Crontab notes If you want to git pull every minute, you can do the following: - `sudo crontab -e` to edit the crontab file - Add `*/1 * * * * su -s /bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/gitpull.sh'` to the file. - Add the following to /usr/bin/gitpull.sh ```Shell #!/bin/sh cd /var/www/page cd speedie.site # assuming /var/www/page/speedie.site is the git repository git pull origin master > /tmp/gitpull_speedie.site # log file ``` ## Blog The blog is handled by `blog.php`. It also generates rss.xml on execution if the result differs from the existing file. To add new blog posts, add a new Markdown article to /articles. You must also create a .md.date file for the new page. The .md.date contains the date, in YYYY-MM-DD format. It is used for RSS feeds, and for sorting. ## Contributions To contribute, simply create an issue or submit a pull request. You know how it works. ## License License for almost all PHP is GNU General Public License version 3. The license for `blog.php` is MIT though, see LICENSE.blog.