Freuqently asked questions

People often ask me stuff, what people keep asking is probably here somewhere.

Q: What operating system do I use?

A: Depends on the hardware. On my laptop I use Arch and on my desktop I use Gentoo. The desktop is a bit interesting because I have a virtual machine setup with QEMU and Libvirt where the host is of course running Gentoo. The host only has one job, which is to run a virtual machine. On top of that I can use pretty much any virtual machine or operating system I want but of course, this is usually Gentoo as well, because that is the best GNU/Linux distribution. On my other computers my setup will vary but I don't use those much anyway.

Q: Why were some blog posts archived?

A: I initially started archiving blog posts a few months ago, and at that point I had archived blog post 1 through 10. This is because they were either misinformation or just plain bad, outdated or even all of the above. I later on decided to archive a lot more, as well as remove them from the RSS feed. For those of you who want to read my old blog posts through RSS, you can add this feed to your reader which contains everything I removed.

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