
Project 081

Project 081 is no longer maintained. I know this may be disappointing for some of you, but I do not have time to maintain a project I do not use, and a project which is never going to be perfect anyway. I am going to keep the project up for anyone who wants to use it, but I will not be providing support to anyone requesting it.

Disclaimer: Project 081 is nonfree software, because it is based on Apple's nonfree software. I cannot do anything about that unfortunately. I do not recommend that you use nonfree software like Project 081, and I am only providing links because I have worked on it access to the source code. You have been warned.

Project 081 is a modified Mac OS X 10.4.10 Tiger image that allows you to install Tiger on your officially unsupported Late 2007 and Early 2008 Apple Macs.

It comes with many drivers and tweaks to improve the experience on unsupported hardware.

Why does this need to exist?

Apple Macs released Late 2007 or later officially only support Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard because Apple doesn't care about backwards compatibility. This doesn't matter for most people because Leopard is a fancy new release that brought many features.

But Leopard also dropped 'Classic' support. Classic allowed you to run classic Mac OS 9 applications on Mac OS X. Many users had these fancy new Macs but couldn't run their old Mac OS 9 applications. And Apple refused to allow users to officially install Tiger.

Project 081 aims to solve this by providing a modified Mac OS X image which has customized drivers and settings that work better with the newer hardware of Late 2007/Early 2008 Apple Macs.

This works similar to a Hackintosh. Difference is this doesn't require and use a custom bootloader such as OpenCore, Clover, Chameleon or one of many other bootloaders out there. Project 081 is similar to GNU/Linux distributions in that they're a bundle of software, settings, configurations and drivers.

How does this add better hardware support?

Essentially, the installer has been modified to run a custom 'Project 081' package or .pkg. This package contains modified system files which replace the originals. You can also view the customized packages since I tried my best to support freedom.

Download Project 081

You can download Project 081 here.

Where do I go?


Project 081 was made possible by:

Support the project

See this page for more information.