* Copyright (C) 2023 speedie * * See LICENSE.blog file for copyright and license details. */ // some settings define('BLOG_EXT', "md"); define('BLOG_TITLE', "speedie.site updates"); define('BLOG_DESC', "Update feed, for quick short updates."); define('BLOG_URL', "https://speedie.site/updates"); define('BLOG_LATEST_TEXT', "Latest update: "); define('BLOG_DIR', "/updates"); define('DISPLAY_NUM', false); define('DISPLAY_ID', false); define('ENABLE_TITLE', true); define('ENABLE_HEAD', true); define('ENABLE_FOOTER', true); define('META_DESC', true); define('META_ENC', true); spl_autoload_register(function($class) { require str_replace('\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, ltrim($class, '\\')).'.php'; }); define('SELF', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); define('VIEW', ''); define('BASE_URI', str_replace('/index.php', '', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])); define('BLOG_PATH', dirname(__FILE__). BLOG_DIR); use md\MarkdownExtra; function isntNull( $label, $alt_word = null ) { return is_null($alt_word) ? $label : $alt_word; } function truncate($text, $chars) { if (strlen($text) <= $chars) { return $text; } $text = $text." "; $text = substr($text,0,$chars); $text = substr($text,0,strrpos($text,' ')); $text = $text."..."; return $text; } function printHeader($title, $action, $html) { // TODO: Improve this garbage, I suck at PHP and this is just stuff I found on the internet. if (META_DESC) { $nhtml = $html; $nhtml = preg_replace( '@]*>(?=.*?]*>).*?<\@p>@si', '', $nhtml); $nhtml = preg_replace( '@<(li)[^>]*?>.*?@si', '', $nhtml); $nhtml = preg_replace( '@<(ul)[^>]*?>.*?@si', '', $nhtml); $nhtml = strip_tags($nhtml); $nhtml = preg_replace('/\s*$^\s*/m', "\n", $nhtml); $nhtml = truncate($nhtml, 512); } if (ENABLE_HEAD) { print "\n"; print "\n"; if (META_DESC && $action != 'home') { print "\n"; } else if (META_DESC) { print "\n"; } if (ENABLE_TITLE) { print "$title\n"; } include("php/header.php"); print " \n"; } print " \n"; print "
\n\n"; } function printFooter() { if (ENABLE_FOOTER) { print " \n"; print "
\n"; include("php/footer.php"); print "
\n"; } } function getDateForPost($postName, $postDate) { $file = BLOG_PATH . "/$postName." . BLOG_EXT . ".date"; if (file_exists($file)) { return file_get_contents($file); } else { return 0; } } function getNameForPost($postName) { $file = BLOG_PATH . "/$postName." . BLOG_EXT . ".title"; $title = $postName; if (file_exists($file)) { return rtrim(file_get_contents($file)); } return $postName; } function getAllPostNames($path = "") { $filenames = array(); $dir = opendir(BLOG_PATH . "/$path" ); while ( $filename = readdir($dir) ) { if ( $filename[0] == "." ) { continue; } if ( is_dir( BLOG_PATH . "/$path/$filename" ) ) { array_push($filenames, ...getAllPostNames( "$path/$filename" ) ); continue; } if ( preg_match("/".BLOG_EXT."$/", $filename) != 1) { continue; } $filename = substr($filename, 0, -(strlen(BLOG_EXT)+1) ); $filenames[] = substr("$path/$filename", 1); } closedir($dir); return $filenames; } function fileNameForPost($post) { return BLOG_PATH . "/$post." . BLOG_EXT; } function dateForPost($post) { $file = BLOG_PATH . "/$post." . BLOG_EXT . ".date"; if (file_exists($file)) { return file_get_contents($file); } } function numForPost($post) { $file = BLOG_PATH . "/$post." . BLOG_EXT . ".num"; if (file_exists($file)) { return file_get_contents($file); } else { return 0; } } function sanitizeFilename($inFileName) { return str_replace(array('~', '..', '\\', ':', '|', '&', '.', '+', '!'), '-', $inFileName); } function postURL($post) { return SELF . VIEW . "/".str_replace("%2F", "/", str_replace("%23", "#", urlencode(sanitizeFilename($post)))); } function postLink($post, $title, $attributes="") { return "$title"; } function toHTMLID($noid) { return str_replace(" ", "-", $noid); } function toHTML($inText) { $parser = new MarkdownExtra; $parser->no_markup = true; $outHTML = $parser->transform($inText); preg_match_all("/\[\[(.*?)\]\]/", $outHTML, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[0]); $i++) { $fullLinkText = $matches[1][$i]; $linkTitleSplit = explode('|', $fullLinkText); $linkedPost = $linkTitleSplit[0]; // split away an eventual link text $linkText = (count($linkTitleSplit) > 1) ? $linkTitleSplit[1] : $linkedPost; $postPart = explode('#', $linkedPost)[0]; // split away an eventual anchor part $linkedFilename = fileNameForPost(sanitizeFilename($postPart)); $exists = file_exists($linkedFilename); } preg_match_all("/(.*?)<\/h\\1>/", $outHTML, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[0]); $i++) { $prefix = ""; $caption = $matches[2][$i]; $suffix = substr_replace($prefix, "/", 1, 0); } return $outHTML; } $action = isset($_REQUEST['action']) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : 'view'; $newPost = ""; $text = ""; $html = ""; $rss = ""; $post = preg_match('@^/@', @$_SERVER["PATH_INFO"]) ? urldecode(substr($_SERVER["PATH_INFO"], 1)) : urldecode(@$_REQUEST['post']); $post = sanitizeFilename($post); if ($post != '') { $filename = fileNameForPost($post); if ( file_exists($filename) ) { $text = file_get_contents($filename); } else { $newPost = NULL; include('php/404.php'); die(); } } else { $action = 'home'; } if ( $action === 'home') { $postNames = getAllPostNames(); $filelist = array(); $sortBy = isset($_REQUEST['sortBy']) ? $_REQUEST['sortBy'] : 'name'; foreach($postNames as $post) { $filelist[$post] = strtotime(dateForPost($post)); } arsort($filelist, SORT_NUMERIC); // Create the RSS feed $rss .= "\n"; $rss .= "\n"; $rss .= " ". BLOG_TITLE ."\n"; $rss .= " ". BLOG_DESC ."\n"; $rss .= " \n"; $html .= "


\n"; $html .= "

This is a list of all my update posts. If you prefer, you can also read them using your favorite RSS reader through my feed.\n"; $html .= "

    \n"; $f = "0"; $num = ""; foreach ($filelist as $postName => $postDate) { if (DISPLAY_NUM) { $i += 1; $num = "$i "; } if (DISPLAY_ID) { $i = numForPost($postName); $num = "$i"; } $pubDate = date('r', strtotime(getDateForPost($postName, $postDate))); $link = postURL($postName, $postName); $description = toHTML(file_get_contents(fileNameForPost($postName))); $title = getNameForPost($postName); $rss .= "\n"; $rss .= " $title\n"; $rss .= " $link\n"; $rss .= " $link\n"; $rss .= " $pubDate\n"; $rss .= " \n"; $rss .= " \n"; $rss .= " \n"; $rss .= "\n"; $html .= "
  • "; if (!$f) { $html .= "

    $num".BLOG_LATEST_TEXT.postLink($postName, $title).", written ".getDateForPost($postName, $postDate)."

    "; $f = 1; } else { $html .= "

    $num ".postLink($postName, $title).", written ".getDateForPost($postName, $postDate)."

    "; } $html .= "
  • \n"; } $html .= "
\n"; // End the RSS feed $rss .= "
\n"; $rss .= "
\n"; if (file_get_contents('updates.xml') != $rss) { file_put_contents('updates.xml', $rss); } } else { // convert the post and view it $html .= empty($text) ? '' : toHTML($text); } // All blog posts if (($action === 'home')) { $title = isntNull("Update posts"); } else if ($filename != '') { $title = $post; } // print text printHeader($title, $action, $html); print " $html\n"; print "
\n"; printFooter(); print "\n";