# Config files and their problems 2023-08-18 Today I want to talk a bit about configuration files as well as their issues, and believe me, there are many issue with configuration files. ## The suckless approach The suckless approach for those unaware is to never use config files. Instead, with suckless software you modify a `config.h` header which contains variables intentionally exposed to the user. Then you simply rebuild the software with the options chosen built into the binary. Many issues with regular configuration files are not a problem here. We'll get into those problems in a bit, but doing it this way introduces many other potential problems. The most notable issue is having to recompile the program every time you want to change one small thing, such as the colorscheme or a keybind. In any case, most of the problems with regular configuration files do not apply to suckless software, simply because of how it is designed. ## Problems with configuration files - Options get deprecated This is what compelled me to write this blog post. Although not a problem with configuration files directly, developers naturally often feel the need to deprecate options in their configuration files, but this is incredibly poorly handled most of the time leaving the user suffering. Let's take Hyprland for instance. Hyprland wants to be this compositor which always implements the latest and greatest, and as a result they do not at all care if they drop support for options the user has in his or her configuration file. After updating Hyprland I received a warning because I had used a now deprecated option in my configuration file. This option is simply a toggle for blur. A sensible developer would deprecate the feature and in case a replacement exists, simply rewrite the user's config file on runtime to use the new replacement. As a result, the user can use the old configuration file with the new program and everyone is happy. If a replacement option does not exist, you should probably simply ignore the line. In the rare case that a option MUST be removed, the major version should be bumped and users should be warned in advance. A general rule is, if the configuration works right now, it should work in 10 or 20 years with almost no maintainence necessary. This is one area where suckless software rocks. For the record, I can compile dwm 0.1 from July 2006 on my computer and it will work EXACTLY like it did in 2006. No maintainence necessary. - Not very extensible Configuration files are not very extensible most of the time. Some config files are more hackable than others, but usually they simply modify variables in the program itself and nothing more, so writing new code or new functions is usually not at all trivial and config files usually are not designed around being hackable. Some config files kind of support functions or similar, notably Waybar. - Syntax The syntax can vary. Some programs use Windows style `.ini` files which look something like this: ``` [myProgram] Variable = 123 ``` While these aren't extensible at all, they make up for that in simplicity, which is very often desirable, especially if you don't need the program to be that extensible through a config file. But of course, this format isn't good for every single use case, so JSON style formats such as YAML are very popular. That's where the syntax can be a problem. The syntax is usually very unpredictable and unless a "default" configuration is bundled with the program the user is likely to be very lost. To make matters even worse, the default configuration is usually hidden away so the user ends up having to use the internet to figure it out. ## Conclusion Alright, so what do I think about configuration files? Contrary to what you might think, I am not against config files, at least not most of the time. I even use configuration files in a lot of my software. However it's worth noting that config files are not without problems, and while a good developer can work around some of these issues, for example by simply not deprecating features like a madman, at the end of the day a config file is written after the program was initially compiled, and that's a big reason for all of its drawbacks. That's it for today, have a good day!