spmenu 2.2 release. Adds a few features, but more importantly fixes a lot of bugs with mouse clicks and images. - Add powerline for items - Support the Terminal specification in .desktop entries - Add option and argument to not allow setting lines/columns using keybinds - Fix margin-horizontal when lines are used - Fix margin-vertical when full screen images are used - Fix loading from file on Wayland - Change Ctrl+Shift+h keybind to simply Shift+h - Switch to Ctrl modifier from Alt modifier for navhistory keys - Add check for GNOME Wayland, to make the experience a little less bad for the people using Mutter. - Fix far too many bugs to count with mouse clicks - Better screenshots in the README - Set cache size on Wayland too, could fix some issues with very big images - Combine the many make scripts into a single script, spmenu\_make - Remove broken single line clicks - Remove example scripts, those can now be found in a separate repository - Improve documentation a bit You can get the new release through pacman if you're using my Arch repository, or you can simply get the source code and compile it yourself.