#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef VERSION #define VERSION "0.1" #endif void help() { std::cout << "mcopy " << VERSION << "\n\n" << "mcopy -f, --format Specify a format to output files using\n" << "mcopy -a, --ask Ask the user if metadata cannot be retrieved from file\n" << "mcopy -na, --no-ask Don't ask if metadata cannot be retrieved from file\n" << "mcopy -h, --help Display help\n" << "mcopy -v, --version Display version\n" << "\n" << "Example: mcopy --format \"/home/anon/Music/Albums/@A/@a/@n. @A - @t.flac\" \"~/Downloads/myflac1.flac\" \"~/Downloads/myflac2.flac\n" << "\n" << "Formats:\n" << "\n" << "@A Artist\n" << "@a Album name\n" << "@t Title\n" << "@n Track number\n"; } TagLib::FileRef get_file(std::string str) { const char *cstr = str.c_str(); TagLib::FileName fn(cstr); TagLib::FileRef file(fn); return file; } void getMetadataFromFile(std::string format, std::string str) { TagLib::FileRef file = get_file(str); TagLib::Tag *tag = file.tag(); if (file.isNull() || !file.audioProperties()) { return; } std::string title = tag->title().to8Bit(true); std::string album = tag->album().to8Bit(true); std::string artist = tag->artist().to8Bit(true); std::string track = std::to_string(tag->track()); std::string filename = format; // TODO: Replace this junk filename = std::regex_replace(format, std::regex("@t"), title); filename = std::regex_replace(filename, std::regex("@a"), album); filename = std::regex_replace(filename, std::regex("@A"), artist); filename = std::regex_replace(filename, std::regex("@n"), track); std::filesystem::path fs; std::string dir = (fs = filename).remove_filename(); std::filesystem::create_directories(dir); if (!std::filesystem::copy_file(str, filename)) { std::cout << "mcopy: Failed to copy file " << str << " to " << filename << "\n"; exit(1); } else { std::cout << "mcopy: Copied file " << str << " to " << filename << "\n"; } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ac = argc; char **av = argv; std::string format = ""; for (int i{1}; i < argc; i++) { std::string arg = argv[i]; if (!arg.compare("-h")) { help(); exit(0); } else if (!arg.compare("-v")) { std::cout << "mcopy " << VERSION << '\n'; exit(0); } else if (!arg.compare("-f") && i < argc) { format = argv[++i]; continue; } } if (!format.compare("")) { std::cout << "You must specify a format.\n"; exit(1); } for (int i{1}; i < ac; i++) { std::ifstream f(av[i]); if (static_cast(f.good())) { getMetadataFromFile(format, av[i]); } } }