$instanceName\n"; $html .= "\t\t\t\t


\n"; // If logged in ... if (isset($_COOKIE[$cookieTypeName]) || ($publicUploading || $publicUploading == "true")) { $html .= printFileUploadForm($html, $Error); } else { $html .= "\t\t\t\t

To upload a file, log in using your key and select a file to upload. After uploading, you will receive a link to the file stored on the servers.

\n"; $html .= "\t\t\t\t

You can also upload a file using curl (or any POST request):

curl -F \"file=@myfile\" -F \"key=mykey\" \"https://dl.speedie.site/upload.php\".

\n"; } // End the content div and print footer $html = printFooter($html); // Finally print it all out at once print "$html"; ?>