Jacob 14cd8c4122 Remove/replace some "C with classes" junk. The C++ core guidelines state
that you must not use ALL_CAPS for enum members. enum class is now used
as well, to further reinforce the idea that this is a C++ library. While
neither of these changes are necessary, it leads to a better and more
intuitive API design.

More operator overloading has also been added for many of the classes,
particularly the [] index operator, which can now be used in place of
the at() method. More methods have also been added, particularly for
Section and Document.

Some methods have also been fixed, or have had their behavior altered
slightly, but this should now be covered under the new tests, which have
also been (for the most part) rewritten, both because they were
previously both primitive and rather ugly and because new functionality
was added.

Examples have also been updated to reflect the changes made in this
commit, so that they build successfully.

Of course, these changes mean that the new API is incompatible with any
applications written with the 0.0.1 version. Hopefully most of these
changes are dealt with before the 1.0 release, because I would prefer
not making API-breaking changes by that point.
2024-05-20 01:32:49 +02:00

1524 lines
65 KiB

* docpp - C++ library for generating HTML, CSS and SGML-like documents.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
* Copyright (c) 2024 speedie <>
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <map>
#include <exception>
#include <utility>
#include <type_traits>
* @brief A inline namespace to represent HTML elements and documents
inline namespace docpp {
* @brief A class to represent an exception when an index is out of range
class out_of_range : public std::exception {
const char* message{"Out of range"};
const char* what() const noexcept override {
return message;
out_of_range() = default;
explicit out_of_range(const char* message) : message(message) {};
* @brief A class to represent an exception when an argument is invalid
class invalid_argument : public std::exception {
const char* message{"Invalid argument"};
const char* what() const noexcept override {
return message;
invalid_argument() = default;
explicit invalid_argument(const char* message) : message(message) {};
* @brief A inline namespace to represent HTML elements and documents
inline namespace HTML {
* @brief Enum for element tags.
enum class Tag {
Empty, /* Empty element */
Empty_No_Formatting, /* Empty element, that ignores any formatting by get() calls. */
Abbreviation, /* <abbr></abbr> */
Abbr, /* <abbr></abbr> */
Acronym, /* <acronym></acronym> */
Address, /* <address></address> */
Anchor, /* <a></a> */
A, /* <a></a> */
Applet, /* <applet></applet> */
Article, /* <article></article> */
Area, /* <area></area> */
Aside, /* <aside></aside> */
Audio, /* <audio></audio> */
Base, /* <base></base> */
Basefont, /* <basefont></basefont> */
Bdi, /* <bdi></bdi> */
Bdo, /* <bdo></bdo> */
Bgsound, /* <bgsound></bgsound> */
Big, /* <big></big> */
Blockquote, /* <blockquote></blockquote> */
Body, /* <body></body> */
Bold, /* <b></b> */
B, /* <b></b> */
Br, /* <br> */
Break, /* <br> */
Button, /* <button></button> */
Caption, /* <caption></caption> */
Canvas, /* <canvas></canvas> */
Center, /* <center></center> */
Cite, /* <cite></cite> */
Code, /* <code></code> */
Colgroup, /* <colgroup></colgroup> */
Col, /* <col></col> */
Column, /* <col></col> */
Data, /* <data></data> */
Datalist, /* <datalist></datalist> */
Dd, /* <dd></dd> */
Dfn, /* <dfn></dfn> */
Define, /* <dfn></dfn> */
Delete, /* <del></del> */
Del, /* <del></del> */
Details, /* <details></details> */
Dialog, /* <dialog></dialog> */
Dir, /* <dir></dir> */
Div, /* <div></div> */
Dl, /* <dl></dl> */
Dt, /* <dt></dt> */
Embed, /* <embed></embed> */
Fieldset, /* <fieldset></fieldset> */
Figcaption, /* <figcaption></figcaption> */
Figure, /* <figure></figure> */
Font, /* <font></font> */
Footer, /* <footer></footer> */
Form, /* <form></form> */
Frame, /* <frame></frame> */
Frameset, /* <frameset></frameset> */
Head, /* <head></head> */
Header, /* <header></header> */
H1, /* <h1></h1> */
H2, /* <h2></h2> */
H3, /* <h3></h3> */
H4, /* <h4></h4> */
H5, /* <h5></h5> */
H6, /* <h6></h6> */
Hgroup, /* <hgroup></hgroup> */
Hr, /* <hr> */
Html, /* <html></html> */
Iframe, /* <iframe></iframe> */
Image, /* <img> */
Img, /* <img> */
Input, /* <input> */
Ins, /* <ins></ins> */
Isindex, /* <isindex></isindex> */
Italic, /* <i></i> */
I, /* <i></i> */
Kbd, /* <kbd></kbd> */
Keygen, /* <keygen></keygen> */
Label, /* <label></label> */
Legend, /* <legend></legend> */
List, /* <li></li> */
Li, /* <li></li> */
Link, /* <link></link> */
Main, /* <main></main> */
Mark, /* <mark></mark> */
Marquee, /* <marquee></marquee> */
Menuitem, /* <menuitem></menuitem> */
Meta, /* <meta></meta> */
Meter, /* <meter></meter> */
Nav, /* <nav></nav> */
Nobreak, /* <nobr></nobr> */
Nobr, /* <nobr></nobr> */
Noembed, /* <noembed></noembed> */
Noscript, /* <noscript></noscript> */
Object, /* <object></object> */
Optgroup, /* <optgroup></optgroup> */
Option, /* <option></option> */
Output, /* <output></output> */
Paragraph, /* <p></p> */
P, /* <p></p> */
Param, /* <param></param> */
Phrase, /* <pharse></pharse> */
Pre, /* <pre></pre> */
Progress, /* <progress></progress> */
Quote, /* <q></q> */
Q, /* <q></q> */
Rp, /* <rp></rp> */
Rt, /* <rt></rt> */
Ruby, /* <ruby></ruby> */
Outdated, /* <s></s> */
S, /* <s></s> */
Sample, /* <samp></samp> */
Samp, /* <samp></samp> */
Script, /* <script></script> */
Section, /* <section></section> */
Small, /* <small></small> */
Source, /* <source></source> */
Spacer, /* <spacer></spacer> */
Span, /* <span></span> */
Strike, /* <strike></strike> */
Strong, /* <strong></strong> */
Style, /* <style></style> */
Sub, /* <sub></sub> */
Subscript, /* <sub></sub> */
Sup, /* <sup></sup> */
Superscript, /* <sup></sup> */
Summary, /* <summary></summary> */
Svg, /* <svg></svg> */
Table, /* <table></table> */
Tbody, /* <tbody></tbody> */
Td, /* <td></td> */
Template, /* <template></template> */
Tfoot, /* <tfoot></tfoot> */
Th, /* <th></th> */
Thead, /* <thead></thead> */
Time, /* <time></time> */
Title, /* <title></title> */
Tr, /* <tr></tr> */
Track, /* <track></track> */
Tt, /* <tt></tt> */
Underline, /* <u></u> */
U, /* <u></u> */
Var, /* <var></var> */
Video, /* <video></video> */
Wbr, /* <wbr></wbr> */
Xmp, /* <xmp></xmp> */
* @brief Enum for element types.
enum class Type {
Self_Closing, /* Self-closing element (<tag></tag>)*/
Non_Self_Closing, /* Non-self-closing element (<tag>) */
Non_Closed, /* Non-closed element (<tag>) */
Text_No_Formatting, /* Text element with no formatting (my text here). */
Text, /* Text element with tab characters appropriately prepended (my text here). Note that this does *not* append a newline character. */
* @brief Enum for formatting options.
enum class Formatting {
None, /* No formatting. Output is in the form of one long string of text, and a single newline character. */
Pretty, /* Pretty formatting. Output is formatted with newlines and tabs as deemed appropriate. */
Newline, /* Newline formatting. Each element has a newline appended. */
* @brief Resolve a tag to a string and type.
* @param tag The tag to resolve
* @return std::pair<std::string, Type> The resolved tag
std::pair<std::string, Type> resolve_tag(const Tag tag);
* @brief A class to represent an HTML property
class Property {
std::pair<std::string, std::string> property{};
using size_type = std::size_t;
* @brief The npos value
static const size_type npos = -1;
* @brief Construct a new Property object
* @param key The key of the property
* @param value The value of the property
Property(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) : property(std::make_pair(key, value)) {};
* @brief Construct a new Property object
* @param property The property to set
explicit Property(const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& property) : property(property) {};
Property() = default;
* @brief Get the key of the property
* @return std::string The key of the property
std::string get_key() const;
* @brief Get the key of the property in a specific type
* @return T The key of the property
template <typename T> T get_key() const {
if (std::is_same<T, std::string>::value) {
return this->property.first;
return T(this->property.first);
* @brief Get the value of the property
* @return std::string The value of the property
std::string get_value() const;
* @brief Get the value of the property in a specific type
* @return T The value of the property
template <typename T> T get_value() const {
if (std::is_same<T, std::string>::value) {
return this->property.second;
return T(this->property.second);
* @brief Get the property.
* @return std::pair<std::string, std::string> The value of the property
std::pair<std::string, std::string> get() const;
* @brief Get the property in a specific type.
* @return std::pair<T, T> The value of the property
template <typename T> std::pair<T, T> get() const {
if (std::is_same<T, std::string>::value) {
return this->property;
return T(this->property);
* @brief Set the key of the property.
* @param key The key.
void set_key(const std::string& key);
* @brief Set the value of the property.
* @param value The value.
void set_value(const std::string& value);
* @brief Set the property
* @param property The property.
void set(const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& property);
* @brief Clear the property
void clear();
* @brief Check if the property is empty
* @return bool True if the property is empty, false otherwise
bool empty() const;
Property& operator=(const Property& property);
Property& operator=(const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& property);
bool operator==(const Property& property) const;
bool operator!=(const Property& property) const;
* @brief A class to represent the properties of an HTML element
class Properties {
std::vector<Property> properties{};
using size_type = std::size_t;
using iterator = std::vector<Property>::iterator;
using const_iterator = std::vector<Property>::const_iterator;
using reverse_iterator = std::vector<Property>::reverse_iterator;
using const_reverse_iterator = std::vector<Property>::const_reverse_iterator;
* @brief Return an iterator to the beginning.
* @return iterator The iterator to the beginning.
iterator begin() { return properties.begin(); }
* @brief Return an iterator to the end.
* @return iterator The iterator to the end.
iterator end() { return properties.end(); }
* @brief Return a const iterator to the beginning.
* @return const_iterator The const iterator to the beginning.
const_iterator cbegin() const { return properties.cbegin(); }
* @brief Return a const iterator to the end.
* @return const_iterator The const iterator to the end.
const_iterator cend() const { return properties.cend(); }
* @brief Return a reverse iterator to the beginning.
* @return reverse_iterator The reverse iterator to the beginning.
reverse_iterator rbegin() { return properties.rbegin(); }
* @brief Return a reverse iterator to the end.
* @return reverse_iterator The reverse iterator to the end.
reverse_iterator rend() { return properties.rend(); }
* @brief Return a const reverse iterator to the beginning.
* @return const_reverse_iterator The const reverse iterator to the beginning.
const_reverse_iterator crbegin() { return properties.crbegin(); }
* @brief Return a const reverse iterator to the end.
* @return const_reverse_iterator The const reverse iterator to the end.
const_reverse_iterator crend() { return properties.crend(); }
* @brief The npos value
static const size_type npos = -1;
* @brief Get the properties of the element
* @return std::vector<Property> The properties of the element
std::vector<Property> get_properties() const;
* @brief Set the properties of the element
* @param properties The properties to set
void set(const std::vector<Property>& properties);
* @brief Get the property at an index
* @param index The index of the property
* @return Property The property at the index
Property at(const size_type index) const;
* @brief Insert a property into the element
* @param index The index to insert the property
* @param property The property to insert
void insert(const size_type index, const Property& property);
* @brief Erase a property from the element
* @param index The index of the property to erase
void erase(const size_type index);
* @brief Find a property in the element
* @param property The property to find
* @return size_type The index of the property
size_type find(const Property& property);
* @brief Find a property in the element
* @param str The property to find
* @return size_type The index of the property
size_type find(const std::string& str);
* @brief Swap two properties in the element
* @param index1 The index of the first property
* @param index2 The index of the second property
void swap(const size_type index1, const size_type index2);
* @brief Swap two properties in the element
* @param property1 The first property
* @param property2 The second property
void swap(const Property& property1, const Property& property2);
* @brief Get the first property of the element
* @return Property The first property of the element
Property front() const;
* @brief Get the last property of the element
* @return Property The last property of the element
Property back() const;
* @brief Get the size of the element
* @return size_type The size of the element
size_type size() const;
* @brief Clear the properties
void clear();
* @brief Check if the properties are empty
* @return bool True if the properties are empty, false otherwise
bool empty() const;
* @brief Prepend a property to the element
* @param property The property to add
void push_front(const Property& property);
* @brief Append a property to the element
* @param property The property to add
void push_back(const Property& property);
* @brief Construct a new Properties object
* @param properties The properties to set
Properties(const std::vector<Property>& properties) : properties(properties) {};
* @brief Construct a new Properties object
* @param property The property to add
Properties(const Property& property) : properties({property}) {};
* @brief Construct a new Properties object
Properties() = default;
Properties& operator=(const Properties& properties);
Properties& operator=(const std::vector<Property>& properties);
Properties& operator=(const Property& property);
bool operator==(const Properties& properties) const;
bool operator==(const Property& property) const;
bool operator!=(const Properties& properties) const;
bool operator!=(const Property& property) const;
Property operator[](const size_type& index) const;
Properties& operator+=(const Property& property);
Properties& operator+=(const Properties& properties);
* @brief A class to represent an HTML element
class Element {
std::string tag{};
std::string data{};
Type type{Type::Non_Self_Closing};
Properties properties{};
using size_type = std::size_t;
* @brief The npos value
static const size_type npos = -1;
* @brief Construct a new Element object
* @param tag The tag of the element
* @param properties The properties of the element
* @param data The data of the element
* @param type The close tag type.
Element(const std::string& tag, const Properties& properties = {}, const std::string& data = {}, const Type type = Type::Non_Self_Closing) : tag(tag), properties(properties), data(data), type(type) {};
* @brief Construct a new Element object
* @param tag The tag of the element
* @param properties The properties of the element
* @param data The data of the element
Element(const Tag tag, const Properties& properties = {}, const std::string& data = {}) : tag(resolve_tag(tag).first), properties(properties), data(data), type(resolve_tag(tag).second) {};
* @brief Construct a new Element object
Element() = default;
* @brief Set the tag, properties, and data of the element
* @param tag The tag of the element
* @param properties The properties of the element
* @param data The data of the element
* @param type The close tag type.
void set(const std::string& tag, const Properties& properties = {}, const std::string& data = {}, const Type type = Type::Non_Self_Closing);
* @brief Set the tag, properties, and data of the element
* @param tag The tag of the element
* @param properties The properties of the element
* @param data The data of the element
void set(const Tag tag, const Properties& properties = {}, const std::string& data = {});
* @brief Set the tag of the element
* @param tag The tag of the element
void set_tag(const std::string& tag);
* @brief Set the tag of the element
* @param tag The tag of the element
void set_tag(const Tag tag);
* @brief Set the data of the element
* @param data The data of the element
void set_data(const std::string& data);
* @brief Set the properties of the element
* @param properties The properties of the element
void set_properties(const Properties& properties);
* @brief Set the type of the element
* @param type The type of the element
void set_type(const Type type);
* @brief Get the element in the form of an HTML tag.
* @return std::string The tag of the element
std::string get(const Formatting formatting = Formatting::None, const int tabc = 0) const;
* @brief Get the element in the form of a specific type.
* @return T The element in the form of a specific type
template <typename T> T get(const Formatting formatting = Formatting::None, const int tabc = 0) const {
if (std::is_same<T, std::string>::value) {
return this->get(formatting, tabc);
return T(this->get(formatting, tabc));
* @brief Get the tag of the element
* @return std::string The data of the element
std::string get_tag() const;
* @brief Get the tag of the element in a specific type
* @return T The tag of the element
template <typename T> T get_tag() const {
if (std::is_same<T, std::string>::value) {
return this->tag;
return T(this->tag);
* @brief Get the data of the element
* @return std::string The data of the element
std::string get_data() const;
* @brief Get the data of the element in a specific type
* @return T The data of the element
template <typename T> T get_data() const {
if (std::is_same<T, std::string>::value) {
return this->data;
return T(this->data);
* @brief Get the properties of the element
* @return Properties The properties of the element
Properties get_properties() const;
* @brief Get the type of the element
* @return Type The type of the element
Type get_type() const;
* @brief Clear the element
void clear();
* @brief Check if the element is empty.
* @return bool True if the element is empty, false otherwise.
bool empty() const;
Element& operator=(const Element& element);
Element& operator+=(const std::string& data);
bool operator==(const Element& element) const;
bool operator!=(const Element& element) const;
* @brief A class to represent an HTML section (head, body, etc.)
class Section {
using size_type = std::size_t;
* @brief A class to represent an iterator for the Section class
template <typename T>
class sect_iterator {
T element{};
sect_iterator(const T& element) : element(element) {}
sect_iterator operator++() { return ++element; }
Element operator*() { return element->second; }
bool operator==(const sect_iterator& other) { return element == other.element; }
bool operator!=(const sect_iterator& other) { return element != other.element; }
using iterator = sect_iterator<std::map<int, Element>::iterator>;
using const_iterator = sect_iterator<std::map<int, Element>::const_iterator>;
using reverse_iterator = sect_iterator<std::map<int, Element>::reverse_iterator>;
using const_reverse_iterator = sect_iterator<std::map<int, Element>::const_reverse_iterator>;
iterator begin() { return iterator(elements.begin()); }
iterator end() { return iterator(elements.end()); }
const_iterator cbegin() const { return const_iterator(elements.cbegin()); }
const_iterator cend() const { return const_iterator(elements.cend()); }
reverse_iterator rbegin() { return reverse_iterator(elements.rbegin()); }
reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator(elements.rend()); }
const_reverse_iterator crbegin() { return const_reverse_iterator(elements.crbegin()); }
const_reverse_iterator crend() { return const_reverse_iterator(elements.crend()); }
* @brief The npos value
static const size_type npos = -1;
* @brief Prepend an element to the section
* @param element The element to add
void push_front(const Element& element);
* @brief Prepend a section to the section
* @param section The section to add
void push_front(const Section& section);
* @brief Append an element to the section
* @param element The element to add
void push_back(const Element& element);
* @brief Append a section to the section
* @param section The section to add
void push_back(const Section& section);
* @brief Get the element at an index. To get a section, use at_section()
* @param index The index of the element
* @return Element The element at the index
Element at(const size_type index) const;
* @brief Get the section at an index. To get an element, use at()
* @param index The index of the section
* @return Section The section at the index
Section at_section(const size_type index) const;
* @brief Erase an element from the section. Note that this will NOT change the size/index.
* @param index The index of the element to erase
void erase(const size_type index);
* @brief Erase a section from the section, by reading from a section. The section will be erased if it's identical to section. Note that this will NOT change the size/index.
* @param section The section to erase
void erase(const Section& section);
* @brief Erase an element from the section, by reading from an element. The element will be erased if it's identical to element. Note that this will NOT change the size/index.
* @param element The element to erase
void erase(const Element& element);
* @brief Find an element in the section
* @param element The element to find
* @return size_type The index of the element
size_type find(const Element& element);
* @brief Find a section in the section
* @param section The section to find
* @return size_type The index of the section
size_type find(const Section& section);
* @brief Find an element or section in the section
* @param str The element or section to find
* @return size_type The index of the element or section
size_type find(const std::string& str);
* @brief Insert an element into the section
* @param index The index to insert the element
* @param element The element to insert
void insert(const size_type index, const Element& element);
* @brief Insert a section into the section
* @param index The index to insert the section
* @param section The section to insert
void insert(const size_type index, const Section& section);
* @brief Get the first element of the section
* @return Element The first element of the section
Element front() const;
* @brief Get the last element of the section
* @return Element The last element of the section
Element back() const;
* @brief Get the first section of the section
* @return Section The first section of the section
Section front_section() const;
* @brief Get the last section of the section
* @return Section The last section of the section
Section back_section() const;
* @brief Get the size of the section
* @return size_type The size of the section
size_type size() const;
* @brief Clear the section
void clear();
* @brief Check if the section is empty
* @return bool True if the section is empty, false otherwise
bool empty() const;
* @brief Construct a new Section object
* @param tag The tag of the section
* @param properties The properties of the section
* @param elements The elements of the section
Section(const std::string& tag, const Properties& properties = {}, const std::vector<Element>& elements = {}) : tag(tag), properties(properties) {
for (const auto& element : elements) this->push_back(element);
* @brief Construct a new Section object
* @param tag The tag of the section
* @param properties The properties of the section
* @param elements The elements of the section
Section(const Tag tag, const Properties& properties = {}, const std::vector<Element>& elements = {}) : tag(resolve_tag(tag).first), properties(properties) {
for (const auto& element : elements) this->push_back(element);
* @brief Construct a new Section object
* @param tag The tag of the section
* @param properties The properties of the section
* @param sections The sections of the section
Section(const std::string& tag, const Properties& properties, const std::vector<Section>& sections) : tag(tag), properties(properties) {
for (const auto& section : sections) this->push_back(section);
* @brief Construct a new Section object
* @param tag The tag of the section
* @param properties The properties of the section
* @param sections The sections of the section
Section(const Tag tag, const Properties& properties, const std::vector<Section>& sections) : tag(resolve_tag(tag).first), properties(properties) {
for (const auto& section : sections) this->push_back(section);
* @brief Construct a new Section object
Section() = default;
* @brief Set the tag, id, and classes of the section
* @param tag The tag of the section
* @param id The id of the section
* @param classes The classes of the section
void set(const std::string& tag, const Properties& properties = {});
* @brief Set the tag, id, and classes of the section
* @param tag The tag of the section
* @param id The id of the section
* @param classes The classes of the section
void set(const Tag tag, const Properties& properties = {});
* @brief Set the tag of the section
* @param tag The tag of the section
void set_tag(const std::string& tag);
* @brief Set the tag of the section
* @param tag The tag of the section
void set_tag(const Tag tag);
* @brief Set the properties of the section
* @param properties The properties of the section
void set_properties(const Properties& properties);
* @brief Swap two elements in the section
* @param index1 The index of the first element
* @param index2 The index of the second element
void swap(const size_type index1, const size_type index2);
* @brief Swap two elements in the section
* @param element1 The first element
* @param element2 The second element
void swap(const Element& element1, const Element& element2);
* @brief Swap two sections in the section
* @param index1 The index of the first section
* @param index2 The index of the second section
void swap(const Section& section1, const Section& section2);
* @brief Get the elements of the section
* @return std::vector<Element> The elements of the section
std::vector<Element> get_elements() const;
* @brief Get the sections of the section
* @return std::vector<Section> The sections of the section
std::vector<Section> get_sections() const;
* @brief Dump the entire section.
* @return std::string The section
std::string get(const Formatting formatting = Formatting::None, const int tabc = 0) const;
* @brief Get the element in the form of a specific type.
* @return T The element in the form of a specific type
template <typename T> T get(const Formatting formatting = Formatting::None, const int tabc = 0) const {
if (std::is_same<T, std::string>::value) {
return this->get(formatting, tabc);
return T(this->get(formatting, tabc));
* @brief Get the tag of the section
* @return std::string The tag of the section
std::string get_tag() const;
* @brief Get the tag of the section in a specific type
* @return T The tag of the section
template <typename T> T get_tag() const {
if (std::is_same<T, std::string>::value) {
return this->tag;
return T(this->tag);
* @brief Get the properties of the section
* @return Properties The properties of the section
Properties get_properties() const;
Section& operator=(const Section& section);
Section& operator+=(const Element& element);
Section& operator+=(const Section& section);
bool operator==(const Element& element) const;
bool operator==(const Section& section) const;
bool operator!=(const Element& element) const;
bool operator!=(const Section& section) const;
Element operator[](const int& index) const;
size_type index{};
std::string tag{};
Properties properties{};
std::map<int, Element> elements{};
std::unordered_map<int, Section> sections{};
* @brief A class to represent an HTML document
class Document {
std::string doctype{"<!DOCTYPE html>"};
Section document{};
using size_type = std::size_t;
* @brief The npos value
static const size_type npos = -1;
* @brief Get the document
* @param std::string The type to return
* @return std::string The document
std::string get(const Formatting formatting = Formatting::None, const int tabc = 0) const;
* @brief Get the document in the form of a specific type.
* @return T The document in the form of a specific type
template <typename T> T get(const Formatting formatting = Formatting::None, const int tabc = 0) const {
if (std::is_same<T, std::string>::value) {
return this->get(formatting, tabc);
return T(this->get(formatting, tabc));
* @brief Get the section
* @return Section The section
Section& get_section();
* @brief Get the doctype of the document
* @return std::string The doctype of the document
std::string get_doctype() const;
* @brief Get the doctype of the document in a specific type
* @return T The doctype of the document
template <typename T> T get_doctype() const {
if (std::is_same<T, std::string>::value) {
return this->doctype;
return T(this->doctype);
* @brief Set the document
* @param document The document to set
void set(const Section& document);
* @brief Set the doctype of the document
* @param doctype The doctype to set
void set_doctype(const std::string& doctype);
* @brief Check if the document is empty
bool empty() const;
* @brief Clear the document
void clear();
* @brief Construct a new Document object
Document() = default;
* @brief Construct a new Document object
* @param document The document to set
Document(const Section& document, const std::string& doctype = "<!DOCTYPE html>") : document(document), doctype(doctype) {};
Document& operator=(const Document& document);
Document& operator=(const Section& section);
bool operator==(const Document& document) const;
bool operator==(const Section& section) const;
bool operator!=(const Document& document) const;
bool operator!=(const Section& section) const;
} // inline namespace HTML
* @brief A inline namespace to represent CSS elements and documents
inline namespace CSS {
* @brief Enum for formatting options.
enum class Formatting {
* @brief A class to represent a CSS property
class Property {
std::pair<std::string, std::string> property{};
using size_type = std::size_t;
* @brief The npos value
static const size_type npos = -1;
* @brief Construct a new Property object
* @param key The key of the property
* @param value The value of the property
Property(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) : property(std::make_pair(key, value)) {};
* @brief Construct a new Property object
* @param property The property to set
explicit Property(const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& property) : property(property) {};
Property() = default;
* @brief Get the key of the property
* @return std::string The key of the property
std::string get_key() const;
* @brief Get the key of the property in a specific type
* @return T The key of the property
template <typename T> T get_key() const {
if (std::is_same<T, std::string>::value) {
return this->property.first;
return T(this->property.first);
* @brief Get the value of the property
* @return std::string The value of the property
std::string get_value() const;
* @brief Get the value of the property in a specific type
* @return T The value of the property
template <typename T> T get_value() const {
if (std::is_same<T, std::string>::value) {
return this->property.second;
return T(this->property.second);
* @brief Get the property.
* @return std::pair<std::string, std::string> The value of the property
std::pair<std::string, std::string> get() const;
* @brief Get the property in a specific type.
* @return std::pair<T, T> The value of the property
template <typename T> std::pair<T, T> get() const {
if (std::is_same<T, std::string>::value) {
return std::make_pair(this->property.first, this->property.second);
return std::pair<T, T>(this->property.first, this->property.second);
* @brief Set the key of the property.
* @param key The key.
void set_key(const std::string& key);
* @brief Set the value of the property.
* @param value The value.
void set_value(const std::string& value);
* @brief Set the property
* @param property The property.
void set(const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& property);
* @brief Set the property
* @param key The key of the property
* @param value The value of the property
void set(const std::string& key, const std::string& value);
Property& operator=(const Property& property);
Property& operator=(const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& property);
* @brief A class to represent the properties of a CSS element
class Element {
std::pair<std::string, std::vector<Property>> element{};
using size_type = std::size_t;
using iterator = std::vector<Property>::iterator;
using const_iterator = std::vector<Property>::const_iterator;
using reverse_iterator = std::vector<Property>::reverse_iterator;
using const_reverse_iterator = std::vector<Property>::const_reverse_iterator;
* @brief Return an iterator to the beginning.
* @return iterator The iterator to the beginning.
iterator begin() { return element.second.begin(); }
* @brief Return an iterator to the end.
* @return iterator The iterator to the end.
iterator end() { return element.second.end(); }
* @brief Return a const iterator to the beginning.
* @return const_iterator The const iterator to the beginning.
const_iterator cbegin() const { return element.second.cbegin(); }
* @brief Return a const iterator to the end.
* @return const_iterator The const iterator to the end.
const_iterator cend() const { return element.second.cend(); }
* @brief Return a reverse iterator to the beginning.
* @return reverse_iterator The reverse iterator to the beginning.
reverse_iterator rbegin() { return element.second.rbegin(); }
* @brief Return a reverse iterator to the end.
* @return reverse_iterator The reverse iterator to the end.
reverse_iterator rend() { return element.second.rend(); }
* @brief Return a const reverse iterator to the beginning.
* @return const_reverse_iterator The const reverse iterator to the beginning.
const_reverse_iterator crbegin() { return element.second.crbegin(); }
* @brief Return a const reverse iterator to the end.
* @return const_reverse_iterator The const reverse iterator to the end.
const_reverse_iterator crend() { return element.second.crend(); }
* @brief The npos value
static const size_type npos = -1;
* @brief Construct a new Element object
* @param tag The tag of the element
* @param properties The properties of the element
Element(const std::string& tag, const std::vector<Property>& properties) : element(std::make_pair(tag, properties)) {};
* @brief Construct a new Element object
* @param element The element to set
explicit Element(const std::pair<std::string, std::vector<Property>>& element) : element(element) {};
Element() = default;
* @brief Prepend a property to the element
* @param property The property to push
void push_front(const Property& property);
* @brief Append a property to the element
* @param property The property to push
void push_back(const Property& property);
* @brief Insert a property into the element
* @param index The index to insert the property
* @param property The property to insert
void insert(const size_type index, const Property& property);
* @brief Erase a property from the element
* @param index The index of the property to erase
void erase(const size_type index);
* @brief Find a property in the element
* @param property The property to find
* @return size_type The index of the property
size_type find(const Property& property);
* @brief Get the property at an index
* @param index The index of the property
* @return Property The property at the index
Property at(const size_type index) const;
* @brief Find a property in the element
* @param str The property to find
* @return size_type The index of the property
size_type find(const std::string& str);
* @brief Swap two properties in the element
* @param index1 The index of the first property
* @param index2 The index of the second property
void swap(const size_type index1, const size_type index2);
* @brief Swap two properties in the element
* @param property1 The first property
* @param property2 The second property
void swap(const Property& property1, const Property& property2);
* @brief Get the first property of the element
* @return Property The first property of the element
Property front() const;
* @brief Get the last property of the element
* @return Property The last property of the element
Property back() const;
* @brief Get the size of the element
* @return size_type The size of the element
size_type size() const;
* @brief Set the properties of the element
* @param properties The properties to set
void set(const std::string& tag, const std::vector<Property>& properties);
* @brief Set the properties of the element
* @param element The element to set
void set(const std::pair<std::string, std::vector<Property>>& element);
* @brief Get the element
* @return std::pair<std::string, std::vector<Property>> The element
std::string get(const Formatting formatting = Formatting::None, const int tabc = 0) const;
* @brief Get the element in the form of a specific type.
* @return T The element in the form of a specific type
template <typename T> T get(const Formatting formatting = Formatting::None, const int tabc = 0) const {
if (std::is_same<T, std::string>::value) {
return this->get(formatting, tabc);
return T(this->get(formatting, tabc));
* @brief Get the tag of the element
* @return std::string The tag of the element
std::string get_tag() const;
* @brief Get the tag of the element in a specific type
* @return T The tag of the element
template <typename T> T get_tag() const {
if (std::is_same<T, std::string>::value) {
return this->element.first;
return T(this->element.first);
* @brief Get the properties of the element
* @return std::vector<Property> The properties of the element
std::vector<Property> get_properties() const;
Element& operator=(const Element& element);
Element& operator=(const std::pair<std::string, std::vector<Property>>& element);
Element& operator+=(const Property& property);
Property operator[](const size_type& index) const;
* @brief A class to represent a CSS stylesheet
class Stylesheet {
std::vector<Element> elements{};
using size_type = std::size_t;
using iterator = std::vector<Element>::iterator;
using const_iterator = std::vector<Element>::const_iterator;
using reverse_iterator = std::vector<Element>::reverse_iterator;
using const_reverse_iterator = std::vector<Element>::const_reverse_iterator;
* @brief Return an iterator to the beginning.
* @return iterator The iterator to the beginning.
iterator begin() { return elements.begin(); }
* @brief Return an iterator to the end.
* @return iterator The iterator to the end.
iterator end() { return elements.end(); }
* @brief Return a const iterator to the beginning.
* @return const_iterator The const iterator to the beginning.
const_iterator cbegin() const { return elements.cbegin(); }
* @brief Return a const iterator to the end.
* @return const_iterator The const iterator to the end.
const_iterator cend() const { return elements.cend(); }
* @brief Return a reverse iterator to the beginning.
* @return reverse_iterator The reverse iterator to the beginning.
reverse_iterator rbegin() { return elements.rbegin(); }
* @brief Return a reverse iterator to the end.
* @return reverse_iterator The reverse iterator to the end.
reverse_iterator rend() { return elements.rend(); }
* @brief Return a const reverse iterator to the beginning.
* @return const_reverse_iterator The const reverse iterator to the beginning.
const_reverse_iterator crbegin() { return elements.crbegin(); }
* @brief Return a const reverse iterator to the end.
* @return const_reverse_iterator The const reverse iterator to the end.
const_reverse_iterator crend() { return elements.crend(); }
* @brief The npos value
static const size_type npos = -1;
* @brief Construct a new Stylesheet object
* @param elements The elements to set
explicit Stylesheet(const std::vector<Element>& elements) : elements(elements) {};
Stylesheet() = default;
* @brief Prepend an element to the stylesheet
* @param element The element to add
void push_front(const Element& element);
* @brief Append an element to the stylesheet
* @param element The element to add
void push_back(const Element& element);
* @brief Insert an element into the stylesheet
* @param index The index to insert the element
* @param element The element to insert
void insert(const size_type index, const Element& element);
* @brief Erase an element from the stylesheet. Note that this will NOT change the size/index.
* @param index The index of the element to erase
void erase(const size_type index);
* @brief Find an element in the stylesheet
* @param element The element to find
* @return size_type The index of the element
size_type find(const Element& element);
* @brief Find an element in the stylesheet
* @param str The element to find, either the tag or the stylesheet itself
* @return size_type The index of the element
size_type find(const std::string& str);
* @brief Get the element at an index
* @param index The index of the element
* @return Element The element at the index
Element at(const size_type index) const;
* @brief Get the size of the stylesheet
* @return size_type The size of the stylesheet
size_type size() const;
* @brief Get the first element of the stylesheet
* @return Element The first element of the stylesheet
Element front() const;
* @brief Get the last element of the stylesheet
* @return Element The last element of the stylesheet
Element back() const;
* @brief Swap two elements in the stylesheet
* @param index1 The index of the first element
* @param index2 The index of the second element
void swap(const size_type index1, const size_type index2);
* @brief Swap two elements in the stylesheet
* @param element1 The first element
* @param element2 The second element
void swap(const Element& element1, const Element& element2);
* @brief Set the elements of the stylesheet
* @param elements The elements to set
void set(const std::vector<Element>& elements);
* @brief Get the elements of the stylesheet
* @return std::vector<Element> The elements of the stylesheet
std::vector<Element> get_elements() const;
* @brief Get the stylesheet
* @return std::string The stylesheet
std::string get(const Formatting formatting = Formatting::None, const int tabc = 0) const;
* @brief Get the stylesheet in the form of a specific type.
* @return T The stylesheet in the form of a specific type
template <typename T> T get(const Formatting formatting = Formatting::None, const int tabc = 0) const {
if (std::is_same<T, std::string>::value) {
return this->get(formatting, tabc);
return T(this->get(formatting, tabc));
Stylesheet& operator=(const Stylesheet& stylesheet);
Stylesheet& operator+=(const Element& element);
Element operator[](const int& index) const;
} // inline namespace CSS
} // inline namespace docpp