2024-05-05 23:31:42 +02:00

117 lines
6.8 KiB

// Compile with: g++ hello-world.cpp -o hello-world -ldocpp
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <docpp/docpp.hpp>
int main() {
/* This is your root document. It can hold *one* HTML section, and that section can hold any number of elements and/or sections.
* By default, the root document will prepend a doctype declaration. If you don't want that (e.g., if you're writing XML), you can
* use docpp::HTML::HTMLDocument::setDocType() to set the doctype to your preferred value.
* To get the document as an std::string object, call doc.get().
docpp::HTML::HTMLDocument doc{};
/* This is an HTML section. It can hold any number of elements and/or sections.
* The first argument is the type of section, and this can either be a predefined value (e.g., docpp::HTML::SECTION_HTML) or a
* custom value in the form of an std::string object.
* The second argument is an HTMLElementProperties object, which is a collection of HTMLProperty objects. Each property is a std::pair of an
* attribute name and an attribute value. If you don't want to specify any attributes, you can pass an empty HTMLElementAttributes object.
* If you need to change the tag and/or attributes later, you can use the set() method.
* Note that it is very important that you do not append a section or element to a section until you have finished its construction,
* because push_back() makes a copy of the object you pass to it. If you need to make changes later, you can use methods such as find() and swap(),
* or construct a new object.
* To get the section as an std::string object, call section.get().
docpp::HTML::HTMLSection htmlSection(docpp::HTML::SECTION_HTML, {}); // <html></html>
docpp::HTML::HTMLSection headSection(docpp::HTML::SECTION_HEAD, {}); // <head></head>
docpp::HTML::HTMLSection bodySection(docpp::HTML::SECTION_BODY, {}); // <body></body>
docpp::HTML::HTMLSection footerSection(docpp::HTML::SECTION_FOOTER, {}); // <footer></footer>
/* This is an HTML element. Unlike a section, an element cannot hold any other elements or sections, rather it holds text and/or attributes.
* The first argument is the type of element, and this should simply be the tag name (e.g., "p", "h1", "a", etc.).
* The second argument is an HTMLElementProperties object, which is a collection of HTMLProperty objects. Each property is a std::pair of an
* attribute name and an attribute value. If you don't want to specify any attributes, you can pass an empty HTMLElementAttributes object.
* If you need to change the element's tag, attributes, type or text later, you can use the set() method.
* The third argument is the text content of the element. If you don't want to specify any text, you can pass an empty std::string object.
* The fourth argument is an integer representing the closing tag type. This can be one of the following:
* - docpp::HTML::TYPE_NON_CLOSED: No closing tag will be appended.
* Example: <img src="example.jpg">
* - docpp::HTML::TYPE_NON_SELF_CLOSING: A closing tag will be appended.
* Example: <p>Hello world</p>
* - docpp::HTML::TYPE_SELF_CLOSING: A self-closing tag will be appended.
* Example: <img src="example.jpg">
* To get the element as an std::string object, call element.get().
docpp::HTML::HTMLElement titleElement("title", {}, "Hello world document"); // <title>Hello world document</title>
/* Add the title and meta elements to the head section. */
headSection.push_back(docpp::HTML::HTMLElement("meta", {{docpp::HTML::HTMLProperty("name", "description"), docpp::HTML::HTMLProperty("content", "Hello world document description!")}}, "", docpp::HTML::TYPE_NON_CLOSED));
/* This is a CSS document. It is essentially the CSS equivalent of an HTML section.
* It is essentially a collection of CSSElement objects, which is a collection of CSSProperty objects.
* In other words, a CSS document is a collection of CSS elements, which are collections of CSS properties.
docpp::CSS::CSSStylesheet stylesheet{};
/* This is a CSS element. It is essentially a collection of CSS properties.
* The first argument is the type of element, and this should simply be the tag name (e.g., "body", "p", "h1", etc.).
* The second argument is a CSSProperties object, which is a collection of CSSProperty objects. Each property is a std::pair of a
* property name and a property value. If you don't want to specify any properties, you can pass an empty CSSProperties object, but... of course, that's not very useful.
* To get the element as an std::string object, call element.get().
docpp::CSS::CSSElement bodyStyling("body", {{docpp::CSS::CSSProperty("background-color", "black"), docpp::CSS::CSSProperty("color", "white")}}); // body { background-color: black; color: white; }
/* Now, let's add the body style to the stylesheet. */
/* To get the stylesheet as an std::string object, call stylesheet.get(). It can then be used in an HTMLElement object. */
const std::string& css = stylesheet.get(); // body { background-color: black; color: white; }
headSection.push_back(docpp::HTML::HTMLElement("style", {}, css)); // <style>body { background-color: black; color: white; }</style>
/* Add a paragraph element to the body section. */
bodySection.push_back(docpp::HTML::HTMLElement("p", {}, "Hello, world!")); // <p>Hello, world!</p>
/* Likewise, add a paragraph element to the footer section. */
footerSection.push_back(docpp::HTML::HTMLElement("p", {}, "This is the footer.")); // <p>This is the footer.</p>
/* Now, let's add the header, body and footer section to the html section.
* The order does matter, because an identifier is used internally. You can get this identifier by e.g. using find().
htmlSection.push_back(headSection); // <html><head>...</head></html>
htmlSection.push_back(bodySection); // <html><head>...</head><body>...</body></html>
htmlSection.push_back(footerSection); // <html><head>...</head><body>...</body><footer>...</footer></html>
/* Now, let's add the html section to the document. */
/* Finally, let's output the document to a file and print it to standard output. */
std::ofstream file("hello-world.html");
/* Optionally, you can use the get() method with the docpp::HTML::FORMATTING_PRETTY argument to get a *slightly* more readable document.
* It still doesn't look hand-made, but it's readable at least. The same goes for the CSS document.
file << doc.get(docpp::HTML::FORMATTING_PRETTY);
std::cout << doc.get() << "\n";
/* And we're done! */
return 0;