/* * docpp - C++ library for generating HTML, CSS and SGML-like documents. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later * Copyright (c) 2024 speedie */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** * @brief A namespace to represent HTML elements and documents */ namespace docpp { /** * @brief A class to represent an exception when an index is out of range */ class out_of_range : public std::exception { private: const char* message{"Out of range"}; public: const char* what() const noexcept override { return message; } out_of_range() = default; explicit out_of_range(const char* message) : message(message) {}; }; /** * @brief A class to represent an exception when an argument is invalid */ class invalid_argument : public std::exception { private: const char* message{"Invalid argument"}; public: const char* what() const noexcept override { return message; } invalid_argument() = default; explicit invalid_argument(const char* message) : message(message) {}; }; /** * @brief A namespace to represent HTML elements and documents */ namespace HTML { /** * @brief Enum for element tags. */ enum class Tag { Empty, /* Empty element */ Empty_No_Formatting, /* Empty element, that ignores any formatting by get() calls. */ Abbreviation, /* */ Abbr, /* */ Acronym, /* */ Address, /*
*/ Anchor, /* */ A, /* */ Applet, /* */ Article, /*
*/ Area, /* */ Aside, /* */ Audio, /* */ Base, /* */ Basefont, /* */ Bdi, /* */ Bdo, /* */ Bgsound, /* */ Big, /* */ Blockquote, /*
*/ Body, /* */ Bold, /* */ B, /* */ Br, /*
*/ Break, /*
*/ Button, /* */ Caption, /* */ Canvas, /* */ Center, /*
*/ Cite, /* */ Code, /* */ Colgroup, /* */ Col, /* */ Column, /* */ Data, /* */ Datalist, /* */ Dd, /*
*/ Dfn, /* */ Define, /* */ Delete, /* */ Del, /* */ Details, /*
*/ Dialog, /* */ Dir, /* */ Div, /*
*/ Dl, /*
*/ Dt, /*
*/ Embed, /* */ Fieldset, /*
*/ Figcaption, /*
*/ Figure, /*
*/ Font, /* */ Footer, /*
*/ Form, /*
*/ Frame, /* */ Frameset, /* */ Head, /* */ Header, /*
*/ H1, /*

*/ H2, /*

*/ H3, /*

*/ H4, /*

*/ H5, /*
*/ H6, /*
*/ Hgroup, /*
*/ Hr, /*
*/ Html, /* */ Iframe, /* */ Image, /* */ Img, /* */ Input, /* */ Ins, /* */ Isindex, /* */ Italic, /* */ I, /* */ Kbd, /* */ Keygen, /* */ Label, /* */ Legend, /* */ List, /*
  • */ Li, /*
  • */ Link, /* */ Main, /*
    */ Mark, /* */ Marquee, /* */ Menuitem, /* */ Meta, /* */ Meter, /* */ Nav, /* */ Nobreak, /* */ Nobr, /* */ Noembed, /* */ Noscript, /* */ Object, /* */ Optgroup, /* */ Option, /* */ Output, /* */ Paragraph, /*

    */ P, /*

    */ Param, /* */ Phrase, /* */ Pre, /*
                Progress, /*  */
                Quote, /*  */
                Q, /*  */
                Rp, /*  */
                Rt, /*  */
                Ruby, /*  */
                Outdated, /*  */
                S, /*  */
                Sample, /*  */
                Samp, /*  */
                Script, /*  */
                Section, /* 
    */ Small, /* */ Source, /* */ Spacer, /* */ Span, /* */ Strike, /* */ Strong, /* */ Style, /* */ Sub, /* */ Subscript, /* */ Sup, /* */ Superscript, /* */ Summary, /* */ Svg, /* */ Table, /*
    */ Tbody, /* */ Td, /* */ Template, /* */ Tfoot, /* */ Th, /* */ Thead, /* */ Time, /* */ Title, /* */ Tr, /* */ Track, /* */ Tt, /* */ Underline, /* */ U, /* */ Var, /* */ Video, /* */ Wbr, /* */ Xmp, /* */ }; /** * @brief Enum for element types. */ enum class Type { Self_Closing, /* Self-closing element ()*/ Non_Self_Closing, /* Non-self-closing element () */ Non_Closed, /* Non-closed element () */ Non_Opened, /* Non-opened element () */ Text_No_Formatting, /* Text element with no formatting (my text here). */ Text, /* Text element with tab characters appropriately prepended (my text here). Note that this does *not* append a newline character. */ }; /** * @brief Enum for formatting options. */ enum class Formatting { None, /* No formatting. Output is in the form of one long string of text, and a single newline character. */ Pretty, /* Pretty formatting. Output is formatted with newlines and tabs as deemed appropriate. */ Newline, /* Newline formatting. Each element has a newline appended. */ }; /** * @brief Get a map of tags to strings and types. * @return std::unordered_map> The map of tags to strings and types. */ std::unordered_map> get_tag_map(); /** * @brief Resolve a tag to a string and type. * @param tag The tag to resolve * @return std::pair The resolved tag */ std::pair resolve_tag(const Tag tag); /** * @brief Resolve a string tag to a Tag enum. * @param tag The tag to resolve * @return Tag The resolved tag */ Tag resolve_tag(const std::string& tag); /** * @brief A class to represent an HTML property */ class Property { private: std::pair property{}; protected: public: using size_type = std::size_t; /** * @brief The npos value */ static const size_type npos = -1; /** * @brief Construct a new Property object * @param key The key of the property * @param value The value of the property */ Property(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) : property(std::make_pair(key, value)) {}; /** * @brief Construct a new Property object * @param property The property to set */ Property(const Property& property) : property(property.property) {}; /** * @brief Construct a new Property object */ Property() = default; /** * @brief Destroy the Property object */ ~Property() = default; /** * @brief Get the key of the property * @return std::string The key of the property */ std::string get_key() const; /** * @brief Get the key of the property in a specific type * @return T The key of the property */ template T get_key() const { if (std::is_same::value) { return this->property.first; } return T(this->property.first); }; /** * @brief Get the value of the property * @return std::string The value of the property */ std::string get_value() const; /** * @brief Get the value of the property in a specific type * @return T The value of the property */ template T get_value() const { if (std::is_same::value) { return this->property.second; } return T(this->property.second); } /** * @brief Get the property. * @return std::pair The value of the property */ std::pair get() const; /** * @brief Get the property in a specific type. * @return std::pair The value of the property */ template std::pair get() const { if (std::is_same::value) { return this->property; } return T(this->property); } /** * @brief Set the key of the property. * @param key The key. */ void set_key(const std::string& key); /** * @brief Set the value of the property. * @param value The value. */ void set_value(const std::string& value); /** * @brief Set the property * @param property The property. */ void set(const std::pair& property); /** * @brief Clear the property */ void clear(); /** * @brief Check if the property is empty * @return bool True if the property is empty, false otherwise */ bool empty() const; Property& operator=(const Property& property); bool operator==(const Property& property) const; bool operator!=(const Property& property) const; }; /** * @brief A class to represent the properties of an HTML element */ class Properties { private: std::vector properties{}; protected: public: using size_type = std::size_t; using iterator = std::vector::iterator; using const_iterator = std::vector::const_iterator; using reverse_iterator = std::vector::reverse_iterator; using const_reverse_iterator = std::vector::const_reverse_iterator; /** * @brief Return an iterator to the beginning. * @return iterator The iterator to the beginning. */ iterator begin() { return properties.begin(); } /** * @brief Return an iterator to the end. * @return iterator The iterator to the end. */ iterator end() { return properties.end(); } /** * @brief Return a const iterator to the beginning. * @return const_iterator The const iterator to the beginning. */ const_iterator cbegin() const { return properties.cbegin(); } /** * @brief Return a const iterator to the end. * @return const_iterator The const iterator to the end. */ const_iterator cend() const { return properties.cend(); } /** * @brief Return a reverse iterator to the beginning. * @return reverse_iterator The reverse iterator to the beginning. */ reverse_iterator rbegin() { return properties.rbegin(); } /** * @brief Return a reverse iterator to the end. * @return reverse_iterator The reverse iterator to the end. */ reverse_iterator rend() { return properties.rend(); } /** * @brief Return a const reverse iterator to the beginning. * @return const_reverse_iterator The const reverse iterator to the beginning. */ const_reverse_iterator crbegin() { return properties.crbegin(); } /** * @brief Return a const reverse iterator to the end. * @return const_reverse_iterator The const reverse iterator to the end. */ const_reverse_iterator crend() { return properties.crend(); } /** * @brief The npos value */ static const size_type npos = -1; /** * @brief Get the properties of the element * @return std::vector The properties of the element */ std::vector get_properties() const; /** * @brief Set the properties of the element * @param properties The properties to set */ void set(const std::vector& properties); /** * @brief Get the property at an index * @param index The index of the property * @return Property The property at the index */ Property at(const size_type index) const; /** * @brief Insert a property into the element * @param index The index to insert the property * @param property The property to insert */ void insert(const size_type index, const Property& property); /** * @brief Erase a property from the element * @param index The index of the property to erase */ void erase(const size_type index); /** * @brief Find a property in the element * @param property The property to find * @return size_type The index of the property */ size_type find(const Property& property); /** * @brief Find a property in the element * @param str The property to find * @return size_type The index of the property */ size_type find(const std::string& str); /** * @brief Swap two properties in the element * @param index1 The index of the first property * @param index2 The index of the second property */ void swap(const size_type index1, const size_type index2); /** * @brief Swap two properties in the element * @param property1 The first property * @param property2 The second property */ void swap(const Property& property1, const Property& property2); /** * @brief Get the first property of the element * @return Property The first property of the element */ Property front() const; /** * @brief Get the last property of the element * @return Property The last property of the element */ Property back() const; /** * @brief Get the size of the element * @return size_type The size of the element */ size_type size() const; /** * @brief Clear the properties */ void clear(); /** * @brief Check if the properties are empty * @return bool True if the properties are empty, false otherwise */ bool empty() const; /** * @brief Prepend a property to the element * @param property The property to add */ void push_front(const Property& property); /** * @brief Append a property to the element * @param property The property to add */ void push_back(const Property& property); /** * @brief Construct a new Properties object * @param properties The properties to set */ Properties(const std::vector& properties) : properties(properties) {}; /** * @brief Construct a new Properties object * @param property The property to add */ Properties(const Property& property) : properties({property}) {}; /** * @brief Construct a new Properties object * @param properties The properties to set */ Properties(const Properties& properties) : properties(properties.properties) {}; /** * @brief Construct a new Properties object */ Properties() = default; /** * @brief Destroy the Properties object */ ~Properties() = default; Properties& operator=(const Properties& properties); Properties& operator=(const std::vector& properties); Properties& operator=(const Property& property); bool operator==(const Properties& properties) const; bool operator==(const Property& property) const; bool operator!=(const Properties& properties) const; bool operator!=(const Property& property) const; Property operator[](const size_type& index) const; Properties& operator+=(const Property& property); Properties& operator+=(const Properties& properties); }; /** * @brief A class to represent an HTML element */ class Element { private: std::string tag{}; std::string data{}; Type type{Type::Non_Self_Closing}; Properties properties{}; protected: public: using size_type = std::size_t; /** * @brief The npos value */ static const size_type npos = -1; /** * @brief Construct a new Element object * @param tag The tag of the element * @param properties The properties of the element * @param data The data of the element * @param type The close tag type. */ Element(const std::string& tag, const Properties& properties = {}, const std::string& data = {}, const Type type = Type::Non_Self_Closing) : tag(tag), properties(properties), data(data), type(type) {}; /** * @brief Construct a new Element object * @param tag The tag of the element * @param properties The properties of the element * @param data The data of the element */ Element(const Tag tag, const Properties& properties = {}, const std::string& data = {}) : tag(resolve_tag(tag).first), properties(properties), data(data), type(resolve_tag(tag).second) {}; /** * @brief Construct a new Element object * @param element The element to set */ Element(const Element& element) : tag(element.tag), properties(element.properties), data(element.data), type(element.type) {}; /** * @brief Construct a new Element object */ Element() = default; /** * @brief Destroy the Element object */ ~Element() = default; /** * @brief Set the tag, properties, and data of the element * @param tag The tag of the element * @param properties The properties of the element * @param data The data of the element * @param type The close tag type. */ void set(const std::string& tag, const Properties& properties = {}, const std::string& data = {}, const Type type = Type::Non_Self_Closing); /** * @brief Set the tag, properties, and data of the element * @param tag The tag of the element * @param properties The properties of the element * @param data The data of the element */ void set(const Tag tag, const Properties& properties = {}, const std::string& data = {}); /** * @brief Set the tag of the element * @param tag The tag of the element */ void set_tag(const std::string& tag); /** * @brief Set the tag of the element * @param tag The tag of the element */ void set_tag(const Tag tag); /** * @brief Set the data of the element * @param data The data of the element */ void set_data(const std::string& data); /** * @brief Set the properties of the element * @param properties The properties of the element */ void set_properties(const Properties& properties); /** * @brief Set the type of the element * @param type The type of the element */ void set_type(const Type type); /** * @brief Get the element in the form of an HTML tag. * @return std::string The tag of the element */ std::string get(const Formatting formatting = Formatting::None, const int tabc = 0) const; /** * @brief Get the element in the form of a specific type. * @return T The element in the form of a specific type */ template T get(const Formatting formatting = Formatting::None, const int tabc = 0) const { if (std::is_same::value) { return this->get(formatting, tabc); } return T(this->get(formatting, tabc)); } /** * @brief Get the tag of the element * @return std::string The data of the element */ std::string get_tag() const; /** * @brief Get the tag of the element in a specific type * @return T The tag of the element */ template T get_tag() const { if (std::is_same::value) { return this->tag; } return T(this->tag); } /** * @brief Get the data of the element * @return std::string The data of the element */ std::string get_data() const; /** * @brief Get the data of the element in a specific type * @return T The data of the element */ template T get_data() const { if (std::is_same::value) { return this->data; } return T(this->data); } /** * @brief Get the properties of the element * @return Properties The properties of the element */ Properties get_properties() const; /** * @brief Get the type of the element * @return Type The type of the element */ Type get_type() const; /** * @brief Clear the element */ void clear(); /** * @brief Check if the element is empty. * @return bool True if the element is empty, false otherwise. */ bool empty() const; Element& operator=(const Element& element); Element& operator+=(const std::string& data); bool operator==(const Element& element) const; bool operator!=(const Element& element) const; }; /** * @brief A class to represent an HTML section (head, body, etc.) */ class Section { protected: public: using size_type = std::size_t; /** * @brief A class to represent an iterator for the Section class */ template class sect_iterator { private: T element{}; public: sect_iterator(const T& element) : element(element) {} sect_iterator operator++() { return ++element; } Element operator*() { return element->second; } bool operator==(const sect_iterator& other) { return element == other.element; } bool operator!=(const sect_iterator& other) { return element != other.element; } }; using iterator = sect_iterator::iterator>; using const_iterator = sect_iterator::const_iterator>; using reverse_iterator = sect_iterator::reverse_iterator>; using const_reverse_iterator = sect_iterator::const_reverse_iterator>; /** * @brief Return an iterator to the beginning. * @return iterator The iterator to the beginning. */ iterator begin() { return iterator(elements.begin()); } /** * @brief Return an iterator to the end. * @return iterator The iterator to the end. */ iterator end() { return iterator(elements.end()); } /** * @brief Return a const iterator to the beginning. * @return const_iterator The const iterator to the beginning. */ const_iterator cbegin() const { return const_iterator(elements.cbegin()); } /** * @brief Return a const iterator to the end. * @return const_iterator The const iterator to the end. */ const_iterator cend() const { return const_iterator(elements.cend()); } /** * @brief Return a reverse iterator to the beginning. * @return reverse_iterator The reverse iterator to the beginning. */ reverse_iterator rbegin() { return reverse_iterator(elements.rbegin()); } /** * @brief Return a reverse iterator to the end. * @return reverse_iterator The reverse iterator to the end. */ reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator(elements.rend()); } /** * @brief Return a const reverse iterator to the beginning. * @return const_reverse_iterator The const reverse iterator to the beginning. */ const_reverse_iterator crbegin() { return const_reverse_iterator(elements.crbegin()); } /** * @brief Return a const reverse iterator to the end. * @return const_reverse_iterator The const reverse iterator to the end. */ const_reverse_iterator crend() { return const_reverse_iterator(elements.crend()); } /** * @brief The npos value */ static const size_type npos = -1; /** * @brief Prepend an element to the section * @param element The element to add */ void push_front(const Element& element); /** * @brief Prepend a section to the section * @param section The section to add */ void push_front(const Section& section); /** * @brief Append an element to the section * @param element The element to add */ void push_back(const Element& element); /** * @brief Append a section to the section * @param section The section to add */ void push_back(const Section& section); /** * @brief Get the element at an index. To get a section, use at_section() * @param index The index of the element * @return Element The element at the index */ Element at(const size_type index) const; /** * @brief Get the section at an index. To get an element, use at() * @param index The index of the section * @return Section The section at the index */ Section at_section(const size_type index) const; /** * @brief Erase an element from the section. Note that this will NOT change the size/index. * @param index The index of the element to erase */ void erase(const size_type index); /** * @brief Erase a section from the section, by reading from a section. The section will be erased if it's identical to section. Note that this will NOT change the size/index. * @param section The section to erase */ void erase(const Section& section); /** * @brief Erase an element from the section, by reading from an element. The element will be erased if it's identical to element. Note that this will NOT change the size/index. * @param element The element to erase */ void erase(const Element& element); /** * @brief Find an element in the section * @param element The element to find * @return size_type The index of the element */ size_type find(const Element& element); /** * @brief Find a section in the section * @param section The section to find * @return size_type The index of the section */ size_type find(const Section& section); /** * @brief Find an element or section in the section * @param str The element or section to find * @return size_type The index of the element or section */ size_type find(const std::string& str); /** * @brief Insert an element into the section * @param index The index to insert the element * @param element The element to insert */ void insert(const size_type index, const Element& element); /** * @brief Insert a section into the section * @param index The index to insert the section * @param section The section to insert */ void insert(const size_type index, const Section& section); /** * @brief Get the first element of the section * @return Element The first element of the section */ Element front() const; /** * @brief Get the last element of the section * @return Element The last element of the section */ Element back() const; /** * @brief Get the first section of the section * @return Section The first section of the section */ Section front_section() const; /** * @brief Get the last section of the section * @return Section The last section of the section */ Section back_section() const; /** * @brief Get the size of the section * @return size_type The size of the section */ size_type size() const; /** * @brief Clear the section */ void clear(); /** * @brief Check if the section is empty * @return bool True if the section is empty, false otherwise */ bool empty() const; /** * @brief Construct a new Section object * @param tag The tag of the section * @param properties The properties of the section * @param elements The elements of the section */ Section(const std::string& tag, const Properties& properties = {}, const std::vector& elements = {}) : tag(tag), properties(properties) { for (const auto& element : elements) this->push_back(element); }; /** * @brief Construct a new Section object * @param tag The tag of the section * @param properties The properties of the section * @param elements The elements of the section */ Section(const Tag tag, const Properties& properties = {}, const std::vector& elements = {}) : tag(resolve_tag(tag).first), properties(properties) { for (const auto& element : elements) this->push_back(element); }; /** * @brief Construct a new Section object * @param tag The tag of the section * @param properties The properties of the section * @param sections The sections of the section */ Section(const std::string& tag, const Properties& properties, const std::vector
    & sections) : tag(tag), properties(properties) { for (const auto& section : sections) this->push_back(section); }; /** * @brief Construct a new Section object * @param tag The tag of the section * @param properties The properties of the section * @param sections The sections of the section */ Section(const Tag tag, const Properties& properties, const std::vector
    & sections) : tag(resolve_tag(tag).first), properties(properties) { for (const auto& section : sections) this->push_back(section); }; /** * @brief Construct a new Section object * @param section The section to set */ Section(const Section& section) { this->tag = section.tag; this->properties = section.properties; this->elements = section.elements; this->sections = section.sections; this->index = section.index; } /** * @brief Construct a new Section object */ Section() = default; /** * @brief Destroy the Section object */ ~Section() = default; /** * @brief Set the tag, id, and classes of the section * @param tag The tag of the section * @param id The id of the section * @param classes The classes of the section */ void set(const std::string& tag, const Properties& properties = {}); /** * @brief Set the tag, id, and classes of the section * @param tag The tag of the section * @param id The id of the section * @param classes The classes of the section */ void set(const Tag tag, const Properties& properties = {}); /** * @brief Set the tag of the section * @param tag The tag of the section */ void set_tag(const std::string& tag); /** * @brief Set the tag of the section * @param tag The tag of the section */ void set_tag(const Tag tag); /** * @brief Set the properties of the section * @param properties The properties of the section */ void set_properties(const Properties& properties); /** * @brief Swap two elements in the section * @param index1 The index of the first element * @param index2 The index of the second element */ void swap(const size_type index1, const size_type index2); /** * @brief Swap two elements in the section * @param element1 The first element * @param element2 The second element */ void swap(const Element& element1, const Element& element2); /** * @brief Swap two sections in the section * @param index1 The index of the first section * @param index2 The index of the second section */ void swap(const Section& section1, const Section& section2); /** * @brief Get the elements of the section * @return std::vector The elements of the section */ std::vector get_elements() const; /** * @brief Get the sections of the section * @return std::vector
    The sections of the section */ std::vector
    get_sections() const; /** * @brief Dump the entire section. * @return std::string The section */ std::string get(const Formatting formatting = Formatting::None, const int tabc = 0) const; /** * @brief Get the element in the form of a specific type. * @return T The element in the form of a specific type */ template T get(const Formatting formatting = Formatting::None, const int tabc = 0) const { if (std::is_same::value) { return this->get(formatting, tabc); } return T(this->get(formatting, tabc)); } /** * @brief Get the tag of the section * @return std::string The tag of the section */ std::string get_tag() const; /** * @brief Get the tag of the section in a specific type * @return T The tag of the section */ template T get_tag() const { if (std::is_same::value) { return this->tag; } return T(this->tag); } /** * @brief Get the properties of the section * @return Properties The properties of the section */ Properties get_properties() const; Section& operator=(const Section& section); Section& operator+=(const Element& element); Section& operator+=(const Section& section); bool operator==(const Element& element) const; bool operator==(const Section& section) const; bool operator!=(const Element& element) const; bool operator!=(const Section& section) const; Element operator[](const int& index) const; std::unordered_map operator[](const std::string& tag) const; std::unordered_map operator[](const Tag tag) const; private: size_type index{}; std::string tag{}; Properties properties{}; std::map elements{}; std::unordered_map sections{}; }; /** * @brief A class to represent an HTML document */ class Document { private: std::string doctype{""}; Section document{}; protected: public: using size_type = std::size_t; /** * @brief The npos value */ static const size_type npos = -1; /** * @brief Get the document * @param std::string The type to return * @return std::string The document */ std::string get(const Formatting formatting = Formatting::None, const int tabc = 0) const; /** * @brief Get the document in the form of a specific type. * @return T The document in the form of a specific type */ template T get(const Formatting formatting = Formatting::None, const int tabc = 0) const { if (std::is_same::value) { return this->get(formatting, tabc); } return T(this->get(formatting, tabc)); } /** * @brief Get the section * @return Section The section */ Section& get_section(); /** * @brief Get the doctype of the document * @return std::string The doctype of the document */ std::string get_doctype() const; /** * @brief Get the doctype of the document in a specific type * @return T The doctype of the document */ template T get_doctype() const { if (std::is_same::value) { return this->doctype; } return T(this->doctype); } /** * @brief Set the document * @param document The document to set */ void set(const Section& document); /** * @brief Set the doctype of the document * @param doctype The doctype to set */ void set_doctype(const std::string& doctype); /** * @brief Get the size of the document * @return size_type The size of the document */ size_type size() const; /** * @brief Check if the document is empty */ bool empty() const; /** * @brief Clear the document */ void clear(); /** * @brief Construct a new Document object */ Document() = default; /** * @brief Destroy the Document object */ ~Document() = default; /** * @brief Construct a new Document object * @param document The document to set */ Document(const Section& document, const std::string& doctype = "") : document(document), doctype(doctype) {}; /** * @brief Construct a new Document object * @param document The document to set */ Document(const Document& document) : document(document.document), doctype(document.doctype) {}; Document& operator=(const Document& document); Document& operator=(const Section& section); bool operator==(const Document& document) const; bool operator==(const Section& section) const; bool operator!=(const Document& document) const; bool operator!=(const Section& section) const; }; } // namespace HTML /** * @brief A namespace to represent CSS elements and documents */ namespace CSS { /** * @brief Enum for formatting options. */ enum class Formatting { None, Pretty, Newline, }; /** * @brief A class to represent a CSS property */ class Property { private: std::pair property{}; protected: public: using size_type = std::size_t; /** * @brief The npos value */ static const size_type npos = -1; /** * @brief Construct a new Property object * @param key The key of the property * @param value The value of the property */ Property(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) : property(std::make_pair(key, value)) {}; /** * @brief Construct a new Property object */ Property(const Property& property) : property(property.property) {}; /** * @brief Construct a new Property object */ Property() = default; /** * @brief Destroy the Property object */ ~Property() = default; /** * @brief Get the key of the property * @return std::string The key of the property */ std::string get_key() const; /** * @brief Get the key of the property in a specific type * @return T The key of the property */ template T get_key() const { if (std::is_same::value) { return this->property.first; } return T(this->property.first); } /** * @brief Get the value of the property * @return std::string The value of the property */ std::string get_value() const; /** * @brief Get the value of the property in a specific type * @return T The value of the property */ template T get_value() const { if (std::is_same::value) { return this->property.second; } return T(this->property.second); } /** * @brief Get the property. * @return std::pair The value of the property */ std::pair get() const; /** * @brief Get the property in a specific type. * @return std::pair The value of the property */ template std::pair get() const { if (std::is_same::value) { return std::make_pair(this->property.first, this->property.second); } return std::pair(this->property.first, this->property.second); } /** * @brief Set the key of the property. * @param key The key. */ void set_key(const std::string& key); /** * @brief Set the value of the property. * @param value The value. */ void set_value(const std::string& value); /** * @brief Set the property * @param key The key of the property * @param value The value of the property */ void set(const std::string& key, const std::string& value); Property& operator=(const Property& property); bool operator==(const Property& property) const; bool operator!=(const Property& property) const; }; /** * @brief A class to represent the properties of a CSS element */ class Element { private: std::pair> element{}; protected: public: using size_type = std::size_t; using iterator = std::vector::iterator; using const_iterator = std::vector::const_iterator; using reverse_iterator = std::vector::reverse_iterator; using const_reverse_iterator = std::vector::const_reverse_iterator; /** * @brief Return an iterator to the beginning. * @return iterator The iterator to the beginning. */ iterator begin() { return element.second.begin(); } /** * @brief Return an iterator to the end. * @return iterator The iterator to the end. */ iterator end() { return element.second.end(); } /** * @brief Return a const iterator to the beginning. * @return const_iterator The const iterator to the beginning. */ const_iterator cbegin() const { return element.second.cbegin(); } /** * @brief Return a const iterator to the end. * @return const_iterator The const iterator to the end. */ const_iterator cend() const { return element.second.cend(); } /** * @brief Return a reverse iterator to the beginning. * @return reverse_iterator The reverse iterator to the beginning. */ reverse_iterator rbegin() { return element.second.rbegin(); } /** * @brief Return a reverse iterator to the end. * @return reverse_iterator The reverse iterator to the end. */ reverse_iterator rend() { return element.second.rend(); } /** * @brief Return a const reverse iterator to the beginning. * @return const_reverse_iterator The const reverse iterator to the beginning. */ const_reverse_iterator crbegin() { return element.second.crbegin(); } /** * @brief Return a const reverse iterator to the end. * @return const_reverse_iterator The const reverse iterator to the end. */ const_reverse_iterator crend() { return element.second.crend(); } /** * @brief The npos value */ static const size_type npos = -1; /** * @brief Construct a new Element object * @param tag The tag of the element * @param properties The properties of the element */ Element(const std::string& tag, const std::vector& properties) : element(std::make_pair(tag, properties)) {}; /** * @brief Construct a new Element object * @param element The element to set */ Element(const Element& element) : element(element.element) {}; /** * @brief Construct a new Element object */ Element() = default; /** * @brief Destroy the Element object */ ~Element() = default; /** * @brief Prepend a property to the element * @param property The property to push */ void push_front(const Property& property); /** * @brief Append a property to the element * @param property The property to push */ void push_back(const Property& property); /** * @brief Insert a property into the element * @param index The index to insert the property * @param property The property to insert */ void insert(const size_type index, const Property& property); /** * @brief Erase a property from the element * @param index The index of the property to erase */ void erase(const size_type index); /** * @brief Find a property in the element * @param property The property to find * @return size_type The index of the property */ size_type find(const Property& property); /** * @brief Get the property at an index * @param index The index of the property * @return Property The property at the index */ Property at(const size_type index) const; /** * @brief Find a property in the element * @param str The property to find * @return size_type The index of the property */ size_type find(const std::string& str); /** * @brief Swap two properties in the element * @param index1 The index of the first property * @param index2 The index of the second property */ void swap(const size_type index1, const size_type index2); /** * @brief Swap two properties in the element * @param property1 The first property * @param property2 The second property */ void swap(const Property& property1, const Property& property2); /** * @brief Get the first property of the element * @return Property The first property of the element */ Property front() const; /** * @brief Get the last property of the element * @return Property The last property of the element */ Property back() const; /** * @brief Get the size of the element * @return size_type The size of the element */ size_type size() const; /** * @brief Clear the element */ void clear(); /** * @brief Check if the element is empty * @return bool True if the element is empty, false otherwise */ bool empty() const; /** * @brief Set the properties of the element * @param tag The tag of the element * @param properties The properties to set */ void set(const std::string& tag, const std::vector& properties); /** * @brief Set the properties of the element * @param tag The tag of the element * @param properties The properties to set */ void set(const HTML::Tag tag, const std::vector& properties); /** * @brief Set the tag of the element * @param tag The tag to set */ void set_tag(const std::string& tag); /** * @brief Set the tag of the element * @param tag The tag to set */ void set_tag(const HTML::Tag tag); /** * @brief Set the properties of the element * @param properties The properties to set */ void set_properties(const std::vector& properties); /** * @brief Get the element * @return std::pair> The element */ std::string get(const Formatting formatting = Formatting::None, const int tabc = 0) const; /** * @brief Get the element in the form of a specific type. * @return T The element in the form of a specific type */ template T get(const Formatting formatting = Formatting::None, const int tabc = 0) const { if (std::is_same::value) { return this->get(formatting, tabc); } return T(this->get(formatting, tabc)); } /** * @brief Get the tag of the element * @return std::string The tag of the element */ std::string get_tag() const; /** * @brief Get the tag of the element in a specific type * @return T The tag of the element */ template T get_tag() const { if (std::is_same::value) { return this->element.first; } return T(this->element.first); } /** * @brief Get the properties of the element * @return std::vector The properties of the element */ std::vector get_properties() const; Element& operator=(const Element& element); Element& operator=(const std::pair>& element); Element& operator+=(const Property& property); Property operator[](const size_type& index) const; bool operator==(const Element& element) const; bool operator!=(const Element& element) const; }; /** * @brief A class to represent a CSS stylesheet */ class Stylesheet { private: std::vector elements{}; protected: public: using size_type = std::size_t; using iterator = std::vector::iterator; using const_iterator = std::vector::const_iterator; using reverse_iterator = std::vector::reverse_iterator; using const_reverse_iterator = std::vector::const_reverse_iterator; /** * @brief Return an iterator to the beginning. * @return iterator The iterator to the beginning. */ iterator begin() { return elements.begin(); } /** * @brief Return an iterator to the end. * @return iterator The iterator to the end. */ iterator end() { return elements.end(); } /** * @brief Return a const iterator to the beginning. * @return const_iterator The const iterator to the beginning. */ const_iterator cbegin() const { return elements.cbegin(); } /** * @brief Return a const iterator to the end. * @return const_iterator The const iterator to the end. */ const_iterator cend() const { return elements.cend(); } /** * @brief Return a reverse iterator to the beginning. * @return reverse_iterator The reverse iterator to the beginning. */ reverse_iterator rbegin() { return elements.rbegin(); } /** * @brief Return a reverse iterator to the end. * @return reverse_iterator The reverse iterator to the end. */ reverse_iterator rend() { return elements.rend(); } /** * @brief Return a const reverse iterator to the beginning. * @return const_reverse_iterator The const reverse iterator to the beginning. */ const_reverse_iterator crbegin() { return elements.crbegin(); } /** * @brief Return a const reverse iterator to the end. * @return const_reverse_iterator The const reverse iterator to the end. */ const_reverse_iterator crend() { return elements.crend(); } /** * @brief The npos value */ static const size_type npos = -1; /** * @brief Construct a new Stylesheet object * @param elements The elements to set */ explicit Stylesheet(const std::vector& elements) : elements(elements) {}; /** * @brief Construct a new Stylesheet object * @param stylesheet The stylesheet to set */ Stylesheet(const Stylesheet& stylesheet) : elements(stylesheet.elements) {}; /** * @brief Construct a new Stylesheet object */ Stylesheet() = default; /** * @brief Destroy the Stylesheet object */ ~Stylesheet() = default; /** * @brief Prepend an element to the stylesheet * @param element The element to add */ void push_front(const Element& element); /** * @brief Append an element to the stylesheet * @param element The element to add */ void push_back(const Element& element); /** * @brief Insert an element into the stylesheet * @param index The index to insert the element * @param element The element to insert */ void insert(const size_type index, const Element& element); /** * @brief Erase an element from the stylesheet. Note that this will NOT change the size/index. * @param index The index of the element to erase */ void erase(const size_type index); /** * @brief Find an element in the stylesheet * @param element The element to find * @return size_type The index of the element */ size_type find(const Element& element); /** * @brief Find an element in the stylesheet * @param str The element to find, either the tag or the stylesheet itself * @return size_type The index of the element */ size_type find(const std::string& str); /** * @brief Get the element at an index * @param index The index of the element * @return Element The element at the index */ Element at(const size_type index) const; /** * @brief Get the size of the stylesheet * @return size_type The size of the stylesheet */ size_type size() const; /** * @brief Clear the stylesheet */ void clear(); /** * @brief Check if the stylesheet is empty * @return bool True if the stylesheet is empty, false otherwise */ bool empty() const; /** * @brief Get the first element of the stylesheet * @return Element The first element of the stylesheet */ Element front() const; /** * @brief Get the last element of the stylesheet * @return Element The last element of the stylesheet */ Element back() const; /** * @brief Swap two elements in the stylesheet * @param index1 The index of the first element * @param index2 The index of the second element */ void swap(const size_type index1, const size_type index2); /** * @brief Swap two elements in the stylesheet * @param element1 The first element * @param element2 The second element */ void swap(const Element& element1, const Element& element2); /** * @brief Set the elements of the stylesheet * @param elements The elements to set */ void set(const std::vector& elements); /** * @brief Get the elements of the stylesheet * @return std::vector The elements of the stylesheet */ std::vector get_elements() const; /** * @brief Get the stylesheet * @return std::string The stylesheet */ std::string get(const Formatting formatting = Formatting::None, const int tabc = 0) const; /** * @brief Get the stylesheet in the form of a specific type. * @return T The stylesheet in the form of a specific type */ template T get(const Formatting formatting = Formatting::None, const int tabc = 0) const { if (std::is_same::value) { return this->get(formatting, tabc); } return T(this->get(formatting, tabc)); } Stylesheet& operator=(const Stylesheet& stylesheet); Stylesheet& operator+=(const Element& element); Element operator[](const int& index) const; bool operator==(const Stylesheet& stylesheet) const; bool operator!=(const Stylesheet& stylesheet) const; }; } // namespace CSS /** * @brief Get the version of the library * @return std::tuple The version of the library */ std::tuple version(); } // namespace docpp