#!/usr/bin/env bash : "${CM_LAUNCHER=dmenu}" : "${CM_DIR="${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR-"${TMPDIR-/tmp}"}"}" : "${CM_HISTLENGTH=8}" major_version=6 shopt -s nullglob cache_dir=$CM_DIR/clipmenu.$major_version.$USER cache_file=$cache_dir/line_cache if [[ $1 == --help ]] || [[ $1 == -h ]]; then cat << 'EOF' clipmenu is a simple clipboard manager using dmenu and xsel. Launch this when you want to select a clip. All arguments are passed through to dmenu itself. Environment variables: - $CM_DIR: specify the base directory to store the cache dir in (default: $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR, $TMPDIR, or /tmp) - $CM_HISTLENGTH: specify the number of lines to show in dmenu/rofi (default: 8) - $CM_LAUNCHER: specify a dmenu-compatible launcher (default: dmenu) - $CM_OUTPUT_CLIP: if set, output clip selection to stdout EOF exit 0 fi # Blacklist of non-dmenu launchers if [[ "$CM_LAUNCHER" != fzf ]]; then set -- -l "${CM_HISTLENGTH}" "$@" fi # rofi supports dmenu-like arguments through the -dmenu flag [[ "$CM_LAUNCHER" == rofi ]] && set -- -dmenu "$@" list_clips() { LC_ALL=C sort -rnk 1 < "$cache_file" | cut -d' ' -f2- | awk '!seen[$0]++' } if [[ "$CM_LAUNCHER" == rofi-script ]]; then if (( $# )); then chosen_line="${!#}" else list_clips exit fi else chosen_line=$(list_clips | "$CM_LAUNCHER" "$@") fi [[ $chosen_line ]] || exit 1 file=$cache_dir/$(cksum <<< "$chosen_line") [[ -f "$file" ]] || exit 2 for selection in clipboard primary; do xsel --logfile /dev/null -i --"$selection" < "$file" done if (( CM_OUTPUT_CLIP )); then cat "$file" fi