#!/usr/bin/env bash : "${CM_ONESHOT=0}" : "${CM_OWN_CLIPBOARD=0}" : "${CM_DEBUG=0}" : "${CM_DIR="${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR-"${TMPDIR-/tmp}"}"}" # Buffer to batch to avoid calling too much. Only used if CM_MAX_CLIPS >0. : "${CM_MAX_CLIPS=1000}" CM_MAX_CLIPS_THRESH=$(( CM_MAX_CLIPS + 100 )) : "${CM_SELECTIONS=clipboard primary}" read -r -a selections <<< "$CM_SELECTIONS" major_version=6 cache_dir=$CM_DIR/clipmenu.$major_version.$USER/ cache_file=$cache_dir/line_cache # lock_file: lock for *one* iteration of clipboard capture/propagation # session_lock_file: lock to prevent multiple clipmenud daemons lock_file=$cache_dir/lock session_lock_file=$cache_dir/session_lock lock_timeout=2 has_xdotool=0 _xsel() { timeout 1 xsel --logfile /dev/null "$@"; } error() { printf 'ERROR: %s\n' "${1?}" >&2; } info() { printf 'INFO: %s\n' "${1?}"; } die() { error "${2?}" exit "${1?}" } make_line_cksums() { while read -r line; do cksum <<< "${line#* }"; done; } get_first_line() { data=${1?} # We look for the first line matching regex /./ here because we want the # first line that can provide reasonable context to the user. awk -v limit=300 ' BEGIN { printed = 0; } printed == 0 && NF { $0 = substr($0, 0, limit); printf("%s", $0); printed = 1; } END { if (NR > 1) printf(" (%d lines)", NR); printf("\n"); }' <<< "$data" } debug() { (( CM_DEBUG )) && printf '%s\n' "$@" >&2; } if [[ $1 == --help ]] || [[ $1 == -h ]]; then cat << 'EOF' clipmenud is the daemon that collects and caches what's on the clipboard. when you want to select a clip. Environment variables: - $CM_DEBUG: turn on debugging output (default: 0) - $CM_DIR: specify the base directory to store the cache dir in (default: $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR, $TMPDIR, or /tmp) - $CM_MAX_CLIPS: soft maximum number of clips to store, 0 for inf. At $CM_MAX_CLIPS + 100, the number of clips is reduced to $CM_MAX_CLIPS (default: 1000) - $CM_ONESHOT: run once immediately, do not loop (default: 0) - $CM_OWN_CLIPBOARD: take ownership of the clipboard. Note: this may cause missed copies if some other application also handles the clipboard directly (default: 0) - $CM_SELECTIONS: space separated list of the selections to manage (default: "clipboard primary") - $CM_IGNORE_WINDOW: disable recording the clipboard in windows where the windowname matches the given regex (e.g. a password manager), do not ignore any windows if unset or empty (default: unset) EOF exit 0 fi # It's ok that this only applies to the final directory. # shellcheck disable=SC2174 mkdir -p -m0700 "$cache_dir" exec {session_lock_fd}> "$session_lock_file" flock -x -n "$session_lock_fd" || die 2 "Can't lock session file -- is another clipmenud running?" declare -A last_data declare -A last_cache_file_output command -v clipnotify >/dev/null 2>&1 || die 2 "clipnotify not in PATH" command -v xdotool >/dev/null 2>&1 && has_xdotool=1 if [[ $CM_IGNORE_WINDOW ]] && ! (( has_xdotool )); then echo "WARN: CM_IGNORE_WINDOW does not work without xdotool, which is not installed" >&2 fi exec {lock_fd}> "$lock_file" while true; do (( CM_ONESHOT )) || clipnotify if [[ $CM_IGNORE_WINDOW ]] && (( has_xdotool )); then windowname="$(xdotool getactivewindow getwindowname)" if [[ "$windowname" =~ $CM_IGNORE_WINDOW ]]; then debug "ignoring clipboard because windowname \"$windowname\" matches \"${CM_IGNORE_WINDOW}\"" continue fi fi if ! flock -x -w "$lock_timeout" "$lock_fd"; then if (( CM_ONESHOT )); then die 1 "Timed out waiting for lock" else error "Timed out waiting for lock, skipping this iteration" continue fi fi for selection in "${selections[@]}"; do data=$(_xsel -o --"$selection"; printf x) data=${data%x} # avoid trailing newlines being stripped [[ $data == *[^[:space:]]* ]] || continue [[ ${last_data[$selection]} == "$data" ]] && continue possible_partial=${last_data[$selection]} if [[ $possible_partial && $data == "$possible_partial"* ]] || [[ $possible_partial && $data == *"$possible_partial" ]]; then # Don't actually remove the file yet, because it might be # referenced by an older entry. These will be dealt with at vacuum. debug "$selection: $possible_partial is a possible partial of $data" previous_size=$(wc -c <<< "${last_cache_file_output[$selection]}") truncate -s -"$previous_size" "$cache_file" fi first_line=$(get_first_line "$data") debug "New clipboard entry on $selection selection: \"$first_line\"" cache_file_output="$(date +%s%N) $first_line" filename="$cache_dir/$(cksum <<< "$first_line")" last_cache_file_output[$selection]=$cache_file_output last_data[$selection]=$data debug "Writing $data to $filename" printf '%s' "$data" > "$filename" debug "Writing $cache_file_output to $cache_file" printf '%s\n' "$cache_file_output" >> "$cache_file" if (( CM_OWN_CLIPBOARD )) && [[ $selection == clipboard ]]; then # Only clipboard, since apps like urxvt will unhilight for PRIMARY _xsel -o --clipboard | _xsel -i --clipboard fi done if (( CM_MAX_CLIPS )) && (( "$(wc -l < "$cache_file")" > CM_MAX_CLIPS_THRESH )); then info "Trimming clip cache to CM_MAX_CLIPS ($CM_MAX_CLIPS)" trunc_tmp=$(mktemp) tail -n "$CM_MAX_CLIPS" "$cache_file" | uniq > "$trunc_tmp" mv -- "$trunc_tmp" "$cache_file" # Vacuum up unreferenced clips. They may either have been # unreferenced by the above CM_MAX_CLIPS code, or they may be old # possible partials. debug "Vacuuming unreferenced clip files" declare -A cksums while IFS= read -r line; do cksum=$(cksum <<< "$line") cksums["$cksum"]="$line" done < <(cut -d' ' -f2- < "$cache_file") num_vacuumed=0 for file in "$cache_dir"/[012346789]*; do cksum=${file##*/} if [[ ${cksums["$cksum"]-_missing_} == _missing_ ]]; then debug "Vacuuming due to lack of reference: $file" (( ++num_vacuumed )) rm -- "$file" fi done unset cksums info "Vacuumed $num_vacuumed clip files." fi flock -u "$lock_fd" (( CM_ONESHOT )) && break done