Alexis Jhon Gaspar 84c403c9c1 Replacing layoutmenu baackend with jgmenu
- Included jgmenu configs
- Replaced spmenu with jgmenu for the script backend
- SeamlessRestart integrated in dwm
- xmenu backend still available, though it is redundant (due to dwmc)
2023-09-29 22:25:56 +08:00

75 lines
1.6 KiB

# verbosity = 0
# stay_alive = 1
# persistent = 0
# hide_on_startup = 0
# csv_cmd = apps
# tint2_look = 0
# position_mode = fixed
# edge_snap_x = 30
# terminal_exec = x-terminal-emulator
# terminal_args = -e
# monitor = 0
# hover_delay = 100
# hide_back_items = 1
# columns = 1
# tabs = 120
# menu_margin_x = 0
# menu_margin_y = 0
# menu_width = 200
# menu_height_min = 0
# menu_height_max = 0
# menu_height_mode = static
# menu_padding_top = 5
# menu_padding_right = 5
# menu_padding_bottom = 5
# menu_padding_left = 5
# menu_radius = 1
# menu_border = 0
# menu_halign = left
# menu_valign = bottom
# menu_gradient_pos = none
# sub_spacing = 1
# sub_padding_top = auto
# sub_padding_right = auto
# sub_padding_bottom = auto
# sub_padding_left = auto
# sub_hover_action = 1
# item_margin_x = 3
# item_margin_y = 3
# item_height = 25
# item_padding_x = 4
# item_radius = 1
# item_border = 0
# item_halign = left
# sep_height = 5
# sep_halign = left
# sep_markup =
font = HackNerdFont 12
font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 22
# icon_text_spacing = 10
# icon_norm_alpha = 100
# icon_sel_alpha = 100
icon_theme = breeze-dark
icon_theme_fallback = xtg
arrow_string = ▸
arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = {color0} 100
# color_menu_bg_to = #000000 100
color_menu_border = {color5} 100
color_norm_bg = {color0} 100
color_norm_fg = {color15} 100
color_sel_bg = {color5} 100
color_sel_fg = {color0} 100
color_sel_border = {color5} 8
color_sep_fg = {color1} 20
color_scroll_ind = {color2} 100
color_title_fg = {color15} 50
color_title_bg = {color0} 0
color_title_border = {color0} 0
# csv_name_format = %n (%g)
# csv_single_window = 0
# csv_no_dirs = 0
# csv_i18n =
# csv_no_duplicates = 0